The Naughty Picture Thread-Ny Style!

LOL, that last one looks like Adam might have walked in while Danny was having a little visit from Flack. He's like "what are you...oh."
Faylinn said:
LOL, that last one looks like Adam might have walked in while Danny was having a little visit from Flack. He's like "what are you...oh."


Mac: I saw nothing! Don't mind me! *shuts eyes*

:lol: :lol: LOLZ Danny is in all the pics!

Danny: You better tell us the whole truth, just the truth and nothing but the truth or he'll ( turns and proudly looks at Flack) kick u'r @ss and I won't stop him!


^I love how there are so many screencaps that capture the look of love--and lust ;) --in Flack's eyes when he looks at Danny. :devil: :devil: :devil: In that one above, he really does look like he's thinking about how sexy Danny looks.

Love all these! :lol: :lol: :lol: :D Looks like Flack might be using that "weapon" on Danny in the one a few pics up. ;) :devil:
Lorelai said:
Adam: So you and Flack...
Danny: Yes! And I'm telling you. This big!
Adam: :eek:


:lol: :lol: :lol: What makes the picture and the caption even better?

Danny's grimacing big time! Damn, Flack, just how rough were you with Danny last night? :devil:

fastfoodjunkie said:

Wow Flack, that's one hell of a weapon you have there! :devil:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Danny's face says it all! So that's what he looks like when Flack ... *ahem* :devil:
Brokeback Lab Part :confused: whose counting?!

Flack caught out once again thinking about all the things he wants to do to Danny :devil: :devil:
^Flack's expression is so suggestive in that pic. The man is not thinking clean thoughts. :lol: :devil:

And Kimmy, I noticed Danny's grimace, too! :lol: Clearly Flack's size is an a source of pride for his Danny...and perhaps a source of slight discomfort, too. :lol: :devil:
nattybatty55 said:
I will not take responsibility for the images you are getting!! We all know whos responsible! (Not mentioning names :lol:)

It's Fay's fault. My comments were completely innocent until she made me have teh evul mentul imigiz. :p

Oh wait. She has my name and adress for the card exchange so she can hunt me down and spork my eyes out.:eek: :p

I take back everything I said. Fay is my hero. :D
^^:lol: :lol: :lol:
natty, did i tell you i wub you? :lol:
you just made my day! XD *although it is kinda disturbing...*
donnie was alotta guts doing that up and personal eh? :p