The Naughty Looks Thread

Aww, Season 2! How I miss thee. :( Anyway, here's my contribution:

Since when was the crime scene down Calleigh's top?
Ass staring
Cal reminds Eric of where her eyes actually are. She really should know better than to wear low-cut tops around him by now.
More ass staring

This one is my favourite. Pretty self-explantory:

Note the look on Tyler's face :)lol: Probably watching through the reflection on his computer screen), and just how hard Eric seems to be concentrating on the, uh, 'view'. :D
Great pics everyone. I especially love the Calleigh and Horatio one. :lol:

And poor Eric. Always supplying the dirty looks. :lol:

Also, Hunter you may have a banner OR text in your signature, but not both. ;)
Major ass staring by Horatio!

ROFLMAO! On the Ellen Degeneres show, one time Emily Procter was on there in a halloween costume and called herself the 'Beast master'

Well I guess Horatios the 'Ass Master'? :lol: