The Longset Month of Sarah Sidle Life

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by sarahSidle1981, May 6, 2007.

  1. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Disclaimer: I do not owner CSI or any of the character, this is just a fan-fiction.
    Part one
    Sarah is in a middle of a case when Ecklie come up to her and see that she was fell asleep and tell her to head the case she work on off to Greg Sanders, and go home. She went up to Grissom and tell him that Ecklie tell her to pass the case off to Greg, but she did not want to she want to finish it. Grissom talk to Ecklie for Sarah, but he would not let her stay and work anymore hours. Sarah hand the case off to Greg, who promised to keep her update on the case. Sarah walk through the door of her apartment and throw her purse on the couch and throw her empty fast food bag into the trash. She then goes into the bathroom to take a long hot shower. She has not been home in a week, because she been fill in for the day shift, plus work her night shift. The reason she been work the day shift is , because they are short staff. The reason for this is a flu bug go around the day shift. When she get out of the shower she check her answering machine, but there is no miss call, she then check the voice mail on her cellphone. She see there no new voice mail and is happy, because she just want to go to bed and get some sleep. The truth is she glad Ecklie made her hand the case off to Sanders and go home, but she will never let her co-work know that. Sarah is just get comfortable when her phone ring, she get out off bed and pick the phone up.
    Grissom: Hi Sarah
    Sarah: What up Grissom
    Grissom: I just call to check on you, because you seem out of short, you would of normal put up more of a fight to stay and finish the case you start. It just weird that you would give the fight up after me only talk to Ecklie one. Is everything ok?
    Sarah: yeah, everything fine. I’m just tire is all and that I have not been home in a whole week. It nice to be able to come home and relaxes.
    Grissom: Ok, see you, your next shift.
    Sarah: ok, bye.
    She hang up the phone and goes back to her bed and lays back down and fell asleep right away.

    Part two
    The next morning Sarah wake up when the sunray comes through her bedroom window. She Look at the time on her cellphone and see that it eight Am on the First of February 2007 and that she forget to set her alarm clock before lay down last night. She jump out of bed and get dress really fast realize she had to be in court to testify on a sexual assault and Murder case of a 16 year girl, she work on, in two hours. She goes into the bathroom and does her hair, and brush her tooth. Then look into the mirror and see she look really pale. She put on some make up and then grab her purse and cellphone. She Make it to the court house just in time, as soon as she get there the Judge calls her to take the stand. She answer all the question the lawyers ask her, then the Judge tell her she could go take a sit with the people watch the case. As she sit down next to the girls family. The Judge called a thirty minute break and when he come back he will have his finally decide in the case. Doing the break Sarah stay sit in the court room and close her eyes to she hear the judge come back into the room, and tell the court the person on tail is get life in jail for rape and murder the 16 year girl Jane Catson. After she finish with Court she swing by the lab to pick up her pay cheek and to get a update on the case she hand off to Grey. But Grey was out off the lab, interview and Suspected. So she leave him a message to call her and give her a update. She also leave a note on Grissom Desk tell him she was going to take a sick day, because she had a sore throat and was really tire , and Felt awful. Only call her in if it a emergency, and the whole night shift need to be on hand. When she get home she take her temperature and finds she has a fever of 103.865. She thought to herself no wonder she felt so tire and just want to sleep. Sarah make herself some hot tea then goes into her bedroom and slow drink the tea as she read gone with the wind. After she finish the tea she lays down to take a nap, with a feeling that she was going to end being call into work that night.

    Part Three
    Gil Grissom walk through the hallway of the crime lab towards his office to grab up the case assignment that need to be hand out and he know his group will be wait for him at his office door. See that he was run late. He Get to his office and see Grey, Catherine, Warrick and Nick stand around his desk, he quiet walk up behind Grey and tap him on the Shoulder.
    Grissom: Grey mind tell me what y’ all look at on my desk?
    Grey: Oh Sarah left you a note.
    Grissom: Is it address to everyone or just me Grey?
    Grey: just you
    Grissom: then why are y’ all read it?
    Everyone: because it say she take a sick day.
    Grissom: Let me see that note.
    Catherine hand Grissom the note and he take a moment to read it .Then look at his co-work with a puzzle look on his face. Just then the phone in Grissom office start ring and he pick it up.
    Grissom: Gil Grissom speak
    Ecklie: I need the whole night shift to go to a crime scene at Camp Splash, Jim Brass is wait for you guys to get there..
    Grissom: What happen?
    Ecklie: A whole cabin of 23 three grades on a school camp trip, along with the two high school student that was act as camp counselor was find die in they beds .
    Grissom: Ok, I sent Catherine, Grey, Nick and Warrick out there right now.
    Ecklie: I Said the whole night shift Grissom that in could you and Miss Sidle too.
    Grissom: I know that Ecklie, I’ll had out to the scene after I call Sarah and tell her she has to meet Catherine, Nick, Grey, Warrick, Jim Brass and me at camp Splash.
    Ecklie: Ok
    Ecklie and Grissom hang up the phone and Grissom look at Sarah note for a few more minutes debate on if he should even call her. She never take a sick day much less a personal day or her vacation days, so if she take a sick day she must be really ill. But he know he need all the night shift to work this case. So he dial her phone number. After eight rings and the answering machine come on he hangs up the phone and dial her cellphone number. After five rings Sarah answer her cellphone.
    Sarah: (clear her throat) Sarah Sidle speak
    Grissom: It Grissom
    Sarah: coughs, Grissom what is it that you need?
    Grissom: I hate to even call you after read the note you left me say you need to take a sick day, but Ecklie say all night shift has to be on this case out at camp splash.
    Sara: Cough, what happen?
    Grissom: 23 three grade on school camp trip, plus the two high school student who was act as camp counselor was find die in they beds in there cabin.
    Sarah: that not good, but I really should, coughs, not come into work.
    Grissom: when you work at the scene or handle the evidence in the lab just wear a mask. So if you cough you do not cough on the evidence.
    Sarah: fine, can you swing by and pick me up, I do not feel up to driver.
    Grissom: sure I’ll be there in ten minute to get you.
    Sarah: see you then.
    After they hang up Sarah get out of bed and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirts then grab her crime lab vest and put some cough drops in her jean pockets and grab her evidence collect kit and head outside just as Grissom pull up into her apartment build park lot and into the open space by the doors. Sarah put her kit on the back seat of the SUV and get into the passage seat.

    Part Four
    As Grissom Driver to the scene he let Sarah close her eyes and just listen to the music play on the radio. Just then Sarah cellphone ring and She pick it up and see that It Sofia Curtis , So she flip her phone open and take the call.
    Sarah: Miss. Sidle Speck
    Sofia: Hi, Sarah Just check in to see if you and Grissom are on the way to Camp Splash.
    Sarah: Coughs, will are just pull into the enters now.
    Sofia: Ok, Jim and I will see you both outside Cabin number 3 then.
    Sarah: ok, see you, cough, in a few.
    Sarah and Sofia hang up and Sarah pull a cough drop out of her jean pocket and put into her mouth. Grissom parks the Suv. Then him and Sarah get out and get they kit out from the backseat, and walk up to where Jim Brass and Sofia Curtis are wait for them. Jim and Sofia walk up to Sara and Grissom.
    Jim: Sarah how are you feeling, we all hear you actual take a sick day today.
    Sofia: and that surprise all of us, but you do sound like you feel awful.
    Sarah: I do feel awful, and really do not want to be here.
    Jim: I’m sorry Ecklie made you come to work, you should be at home in bed resting, not work a crime scene.
    Grissom: Is the rest of the team in the cabin?
    Sofia: yeah, all but Grey who is take the outside of the cabin
    Sarah: cough, where do they need are help.
    Jim: you and Grissom help is need inside the cabin, see that they is 25 body inside.
    Sarah and Grissom head into the cabin and Grissom start help collection the evidence and Warrick hand Sarah the camera and she start taking Photos of the scene and Warrick switch to collection evidence so Sarah does not have too. Just then DR. Robbins and David come into the cabin. And start take the body temperature to find out the time of death for Sarah, Warrick, Grissom, Nick, Catherine, Grey.
  2. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Part Five
    Sarah: The girls all look so young, even the one in high school look really young and they look like eachother too.
    Warrick: The high school girls just Start they freshman year, plus they are twin sister.
    Sarah: they do, coughs, not look old enough to be freshman in high school.
    Nick: both of them skip the six grade, so they are a year a head.
    Sarah finish up take the pictures and start dust for finger paints, Greg walk in to the cabin and stops die in his tracks when he see Sarah and just stare at her. Like he just see a ghost, Sarah look up at him and give him a evil look.
    Sarah: Greg, it rude to stare.
    Greg: Sorry, but I did not think I’ll would see you tonight, and by the way you look awful.
    Sarah: Yeah, nice to see you too.
    Just then Brass and Sofia come into the cabin and look at the CSI, with a look that say something else is wrong, beside there been 25 die girls.
    Sarah: Brass what up, you have that, coughs, look like you just find something out that not good.
    Brass: Sofia and I just finish talk to the teachers of the girls stay in this cabin and they was suppose to be 24 girls, plus the two high school girls.
    Catherine: that tell us way there is a empty bed that is still made up.
    Nick: did a office clear the whole cabin in could the bathroom.
    Sofia: Yeah I clear the bathroom they was no one in there.
    Just then one of the teacher walk up to the door.
    Miss. Day: The empty bed is Sara Tom, and here a picture of what she look like.
    Grissom: Sara, Nick, Greg, Brass and Sofia the six of us are going to take a walk around camp and see if she still here anywhere on camp grounds. Warrick and Catherine you two are going to Finish work the Cabin.
    Warrick and Catherine: ok
    Brass: Nick come with me.
    Sofia: Greg you come with me. And Sarah and Grissom we be together.
    Grissom: me and Sarah will take the east half of the camp.
    Sofia: Greg and I will take the North half.
    Nick: Brass and I will take the west.
    Sarah: who going to search the south end of camp?
    Brass: Lockwood is take the South end of camp.
    The CSI plus Sofia, Brass and Lockwood set off and start search the area they said they was going to cover. As Grissom and Sarah was search the east half of camp, Grissom keep look at Sarah out of the edge of his eye to make sure she was doing ok. He notice that about a half hour into the search that Sara start to have a cough fit and fall behind him, so he turn around and walk over to her.
    Grissom: Sarah do you need to stop and take a break for a few minutes?
    Sarah: yeah, that be great.
    Grissom: (he walk Sarah over to a bench) Take a sit and rest for a few minute. I’m going go into the Dinner hall that right across from us a get you a glass of water to drink.
    Sarah: coughs, that sounds good, thanks.
    A minute later Grissom walk back over to Sarah with two bottle of water and hands one to Sarah. She take a few drink of the water then look at Grissom. Just then Sarah cellphone start ring. She pick up and flip it open and put it on speck phone.
    Sarah: Miss. Sidle Speck.
    Catherine: Sarah you and Grissom can stop look for her she not on camp ground I find a note she write, and then hide under her pillow. This is what it said.
    Dear who every find this note,
    My father and a group of his bad friends is come to steal me when I’m here at camp, someone need to help us all because none of us safe, But I know by the time help get here in the morning I will be gone, and I feel it will be to late for everyone else to. Please come find me.
    P.S. I do not tell my mom about run into my father the other day on my where home from school and him tell me about come to camp to steal me and that he was bring some of his friends to help him, because my mom need to have surgery and the only time she could do it is the week I’m at camp.
    Your Sara Tom
    I just talk to her teacher and the teacher said the mom had sole custody of her, because here husband was abusive and use drugs.
    Grissom: so you want me and Sarah to come help you and Warrick finish the cabin up.
    Catherine: yeah we can get it done fast with your and Sarah help us.
  3. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Interesting...can't wait to see where it goes.
  4. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Part six
    Back at the cabin Grissom and Sarah has just finish dust for finger paints in the bathroom when Sofia walk into the bathroom, and give them a look that let the two of them know she need a word with them.
    Grissom: what is it Sofia?
    Sofia: We find Sara Tom mom, she at St. V. hospital recover for the open heart surgery she had yesterday morning. The three of us need to go there and fill her in on her daughter.
    Grissom: Ok me and Sarah will meet you there after we give Catharine the finger paints we find and pack are kits up.
    Sofia: ok see the two of when you get to the hospital.
    On the way to the Hospital Sara close her eye on listen to same music on the radio as Grissom driver. Grissom look over at Sarah when he stop for a red light and see that she look really flushed. He reach his right hand over and feel her forehand.
    Grissom: Sarah have you take any cold medicine?
    Sarah: no
    Grissom take off because the light turn green and turn into Welgreen.
    Sarah: why are we stop for?
    Grissom: I’m going to run into the store and pick you up some Tylenol cold and flu and a bottle of water.
    Sarah: Ok Gil
    Grissom: I’m also going to grab you something to eat with it, so anything you want.
    Sarah: I don’t care, but make it something soft my throat really hurts.
    Grissom: Ok
    As Grissom pick up the three items Sarah need he run into Ecklie. The two of them look at eachother.
    Ecklie: you and Sarah are suppose to be going to St. V. To tell Mrs Tom about her daughter.
    Grissom: we are I just had to pick up some Item up for Sarah. I was just going up to pay for the item now. Then we will be on are way.
    Ecklie: ok see the two back at the lab.
    When Sarah and Grissom get to the hospital room Mrs. Tom is in Sofia let them into the room, and Sarah can tell that Mrs. Tom is worry even through the mask she has over her face, that she is wear to proved catch any germ.
    Sofia: Mrs. Tom This is Gil Grissom and Sarah Sidle for the crime lab. They need to talk about you daughter to help them out in they search for her.
    Sarah: you tell her?
    Sofia: yeah
    Mrs. Tom: I know something happen when Mrs. Curtis come into my room.
    Sarah: Is they anything about you Sara, like health problem we nee to know about.
    Mrs. Tom: Yeah she has QT Syndrome, when she on her medicine she fine but with out it her heartbeat could speed up cause her to faint and even death. It all my fault she get from me.
    Sofia: Her teacher know and tell me. I forget to tell you two, I tell Warrick and Catharine, when they call me to say they find Sara note.
    Grissom: that ok, You and Brass know so you put the word out about it on the Amber alert right.
    Sofia: yeah
    Sarah: is they anything we should know about your ex-husband.
    Mrs. Tom: when you find Sara check for sexual abusive along with physical abuse. That way I divorce him because he was sexual abuse Sara.
    Mrs. Tom: you need to find her soon the later, Please hurry Miss. Sidle and Mr. Grissom.
    Grissom: We have the scent dog out, and another one of are CSI Nick Stokes went with the police office and Dog.
    Sarah: that all we need for now if, we need any more info, we will call you and ask it over the phone.
    Mrs. Tom: Call me as soon as you find out anything.
    Sarah: I will.
    Sarah and Grissom walk out of the hospital and head toward the Suv, but Sarah has to stop walk because she start to have a cough fit, she pull a cough drop out of her jean pocket and put into her mouth.
    Grissom: Stay here Sarah and I will go get the Suv and bring up to the doors and pick you up.
    Sarah: thanks.
    When they get back to the lab, they go to the break room and Catharine fill then in on what new which is nothing at that point.
    Sarah: I’m going lay down on the couch for a while and close my eyes if any of you need me just call my cellphone.
    Grissom: that Fine Sarah I let everyone know.
    Sarah: thanks.
    Grissom and Catherine leave the break room and lets Sarah get some sleep. :rolleyes:
  5. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    awwww :) I hope she's okay.
  6. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Part Seven
    Sarah is sleep on the couch in the break room and is have a nightmare about her childhood, right after her Mom went to Jail for kill her Dad. She also talk in her sleep. This what happens in the nightmare.
    It late at night and Sarah is read a head in her school science textbook, because she can’t sleep. When her foster dad come into the room and throw her textbook on to the floor and get into Sarah bed and pull her PJ bottom off her and make her have sex with him.
    Sarah: no not again, I Said get off me Chad
    Chad: be quiet, you do not want to wake up the whole house up do you?
    Sarah: Yes, I said get off me.
    Just then Greg walk into the break room and hear Sarah scream get of me.
    Greg: ( shake Sarah lightly) Sarah wake up you are have a nightmare
    Sarah rolls over and look at Greg. Who see that Sarah has also been cry in her sleep.
    Greg: are you ok Sarah?
    Sarah: Yes I’m fine, thank for waken me from that nightmare, now go so I can go back to sleep.
    Greg: I’ll love to Sarah but Hodges sent me in here to get you he need you trace, he been try you cellphone and Pager, but you did not answer him.
    Sarah: Oh, thank for let me know Greg.
    Sarah get up from the couch and walk over to trace lab, she walk into the lab and steal Hodges Chair and sit down.
    Sarah: what do you need, coughs, me for Hodges?
    Hodges: (Sarah start cough again) The white powder you find at the enters to the cabin bathroom was the powder from inside of a Zolft capsule.
    Sarah: The pill bottle, coughs, did it have trace of Zolft in it?
    Hodges: yes, and so did all 25 of the die girl.
    Sarah: was it a high dose to kill them?
    Catherine walk into the trace lab as Sarah ask this.
    Hodges: No just enough to relaxes them.
    Catherine: I just come from talk with the Sara Teacher, It was her 9th birthday and her father sent her a card and Cupcake to share with the rest of the cabin.
    Sarah: coughs her dad is not a able to be anywhere near her.
    Catherine: I talk to Mrs. Tom she allow him to sent her birthday card and cupcakes for her birthday but after this year, she will no long allow it.
    Hodges: I run a trace on the cupcakes that was left, they had trace of Zolft in them.
    Sarah: how did the girls die.
    Catherine: David find a injection mark on all 25 of the girls arms.
    Hodges: they die of a cocaine over does
    Sara: coughs, that girl dad and his friends feed them zolft, coughs, cupcake and shot them up with cocaine.
    Just then Sarah cellphone went off and she answers.
    Sarah: Sidle speck
    Grissom: Sarah we find Sara Tom, you and Catherine need to go to St. V. and get the Sexual assert kit. And Sara I want you to talk to the girl and see if she can tell you what happen in the cabin. So you and Catherine need to take two Suv.
    Sarah: ok.
    They get to the Hospital and a nurse hand Catherine the Sexual Arrest kit.
    Nurse: she was rape and beat up, but she did try to fight back.
    Catherine: Sarah are you up to doing the interview with her?
    Sarah: I will be fine.
    Catherine head back to the Lab and Sarah put a cough drop in her mouth then goes in to the girl room. The nine year old Sara look up at the women that come into her hospital room and take a sit in the chair between her and her mom bed.
    Mrs. Tom: nice to see you again Miss. Sidle.
    Sarah: Hi, Sara. My name Is Sarah Sidle I’m with the Las Vegas crime lab, can you tell me what happen to you and the other girls in your cabin early last night, I gonna tape recorded what you say ok?
    Sara: yeah
    Sarah: Ok you can start now..
    Sara: I get my birthday card from my father, and the normal cupcakes his sent, my birthday the only day, I get to eat them because of the QT Syndrome, I have to watch what I eat. I total forget about run into my father a couple days before because I had a really fun day with my classmate celebrate my birthday. So when the card and Cup come I did not think about they could been any drug in them, till I taste my, but I had to take my medicine first, but I let the rest of the girl go head and eat their cupcakes because it was only gonna take me a few minutes. They had them almost gone, by the time I notice my tasted funny and stop eat it. After we get done eat the cupcake we take Showers then get ready for bed. Then my father come with his bed friends. The bed friends drug the rest of the girls some more to they was no long breather as my Father rap me and beat me up, I try fight back but he was to strong, after his friends finish he pick me up and throw in the back of his van and driver out of camp and back to his place. That is all I remember I pass out when we pull into the driver way.
    Sarah: ( turn the tape recorded off) That fine you did a great job. That all I need from her for now.
  7. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    At least they should be able to get him for it. More soon!
  8. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Part Eight
    Sarah end up going right to the Police Station form the Hospital to interview Dan Tom. Sara Tom Father. But before going to the Police Stations she make a stop at Tim Horton and get a extra large coffee. Nick, Warrick, Catherine, Grissom, Greg are interview the other bad guys. That was with Mr. Tom and Sara Tom when they find them. Sofia Is wait outside the interrogate room for her when she walk into the Police Stations. Sofia Look at Sarah as she walk over to her and is very worry about how she look.
    Sofia: Hi Sarah, are you feel any better?
    Sarah: Coughs, No I feel worse, Is there anyway that Nick or one of the CSI can do the interview with Mr. Tom when they finish who they are Interview?
    Just then Grissom walk out of the room across from them and see Sarah lean against the wall and also Notice how pale she look. He walk over to her.
    Grissom: I will do the interview with you it not gonna take to long, then I will driver you home.
    Sarah: but I have one the Lab SUV
    Grissom I use that one to take you home, the rest us ride over here in one SUV and Nick Driver.
    Sarah: Ok
    Sarah, Grissom and Sofia walk into the room and take a sit across from Mr. Tom.
    Sarah: Mr. Tom we have evidence that you Rap you daughter and help kill 25 other girls that was in her cabin. Do you have anything to tell yes.
    Mr. Tom: Yes, I did it and love every minute of it.
    Sofia: (stand up and walk over to him) You are under arrest for sexual arrest you nine year old daughter and put her health at risk, and also help to kill 25 other girl between 8, 9, and 14 year old..
    A police Office take Mr. Tom out of the room and Sarah and Grissom head out of the Police Station and to the SUV and Sarah hands Grissom the keys.
    Grissom we have to swing by the Lab and clock out Sarah.
    Sarah: ok
    They get to the Lab and head into the Locker room and clock out then start walk back out to get in Grissom SUV. When Ecklie walk up to them.
    Ecklie:( Sarah lean up against the wall.) where do you thing you two are going the Night Shift for February 2 is about to start any minute and both of you are work tonight.
    Sarah: I need, coughs, to go home, I’m sick
    Ecklie: Yeah right you never get sick, you the healthiest person that works here Sarah.
    Grissom: Ecklie can you not see today?
    Ecklie: Yes Grissom I can see.
    Grissom: then you can see how Pale Sarah is.
    Ecklie: she just need to put some make-up on is all.
    Sarah: Ah-coo
    Grissom:bless you
    Sarah: thanks Grissom, and Ecklie can you stop spin you make me dizzy.
    Ecklie: Sarah I’m stand still.
    Sarah: Ok then make the room stop spin.
    At the moment her legs give out on her and Grissom catch her before she hit the floor and pick her up.
    Grissom: I do not care what you say Ecklie, I’m take Sarah home and she take a Sick Day, and I’m take a personal day, because I do not feel she should be left alone.
    Catherine walk up next to them as Grissom say this.
    Catherine: Grissom Do you want me to be in charge tonight?
    Grissom: yes, thanks.
    With that Grissom take Sarah out to his SUV and driver her make to her apartment and take her into her bedroom and sit down in the window seat and hand her a pair Of PJ and leave the room so she can change.
    Sarah: I’m dress now.
    Grissom goes back into her bedroom and help her get into bed and pull the Blankets up for her.
    Sarah: Thank Gil
    Grissom: I be in the living room read a book if you need anything.
    Sarah: Ok
    Grissom: walk out of the room and Sarah fall right to sleep.
  9. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    awww it's cute when he can take care of her :)
  10. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Part Nine
    Three hours later Grissom is still read a book and listen to Sarah making a wheeze sounds as she sleep. When there is a knock on the apartment door He get up and walk over to the door and open it up to find Lindsey Willows stand there with note fold in half.
    Grissom: what are you doing here Lindsey?
    Lindsey: My mom ask me to give you this, and you suppose to read it right away. Can I come in?
    Grissom: (read it) oh yeah sure come in.
    Lindsey walk in and sit down on the couch.
    Grissom: So Ecklie work a case again, I hope he does not loss this body. And she tap out and need me come in.
    Lindsey: Hint the reason I’m here so someone here with Sarah.
    Grissom: Ok, I take off often I tell Sarah, I’m need at work and that you are here if she need anything.
    Grissom walk into Sarah bedroom and close the door behind him, he then sit down on her bed next to her and lightly shake her.
    Grissom: (Sarah have a coughs fit) Sarah, I have to go into work, Catherine tap out, even Ecklie work a hit and one where the victim dead.
    Sarah: coughs, I hope he does not lose this body
    Grissom: me to, and Nick on a 419, Greg on another 419, Warrick on a 417, Catherine work a rape case, and the victim is in ICU in really bad shape, I have to go meet her at the Scene so she can go to the hospital and get the Sexual Assert kit and took photo of all the bruise.
    Sarah: I do not want to be left alone Gil, coughs.
    Grissom: Lindsey is here, and she gonna to stay with you.
    Sarah: ok, please do not let them call me into night Gil.
    Grissom: I hope it slow down so they do not need to, I think you need take some dayquil Sarah
    Sarah: no I can’t Grissom, just hand me two more Tylenol cold and flu and the bottle of water you give me last time you check on me.
    Grissom: Ok here you go, baby.
    He kiss her forehead and then say goodbye and leave to meet Catherine at the crime scene. Lindsey open Sarah door and look in on her.
    Lindsey: do you need anything Sarah?
    Sarah: no I’m fine. What up Lindsey you have the some face you mom get when see need to ask me something.
    Lindsey: Can I get one of you science textbook off you bookcase that in you room.
    Sarah: coughs, sure what for?
    Lindsey: I have to a write and give a Oral Science report, I have to choice a topic that not in our textbook, because the teacher want us to use a higher level of textbook for the report.
    Sarah: and my bookcase save you for going to the library.
    Lindsey: yep
    Sarah: go on head Lindsey, I do not mind, coughs, you can keep the one you choose for as long as you need it.
    Lindsey: (at bookcase across from Sarah bed) You know Grissom right you should take something that strong the Tylenol cold and flu, it sound like you cold move into you lungs.
    Sarah: I can’t
    Lindsey: sure you can Sarah
    Sarah: No I really can’t Lindsey, just trust me on this one ok, Y’all will know the reason way I can’t take anything strong then Tylenol soon enough.
    Lindsey: Do you have a secret Sarah!
    Sarah: can of Lindsey, coughs, but you just have to wait and see.
    Just then the phone rings and Lindsey pick it up.
    Lindsey: Sarah Sidle house.
    Ecklie: Is this Lindsey Willows that I’m talk to.
    Lindsey: who is this?
    Ecklie: It the head of the CSI lab Ecklie
    Lindsey: Yeah It Lindsey Willows
    Ecklie: I need to speck to Sarah please
    Lindsey: just a sec (put hand over the phone) Sarah it Ecklie he say he need to talk to you.
    Sarah: (take the phone) Sidle here, what do you want?
    Ecklie: I know you sick Sarah, but we are tap and we just get another rape case and this was find dead. Sofia gonna to be out you place in five minutes to pick you up and take to the scene.
    Sarah: Ok, Ecklie.
    Sarah get up and change and meet Sofia in the park lot and throw her kit into the back seat of her car, then get into the passenger seat and Sofia put the car back in driver and they head off to the crime scene.
  11. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Grissom won't be happy :( I hope Ecklie doesn't regret it.
  12. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    I write more tomorrow, I have to get up early . So I have to go to bed now.
  13. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
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    Part Ten
    When they get to the crime scene Sarah put on a mask over her mouth and get to work take picture of the scene to the coroner get there, to confirm the time of death of the victim. A hour later David get to the scene and walk over to Sarah and Sofia.
    Sarah: it about time, coughs, David.
    David: (as he take the body temperature) sorry Sarah it been a busy night. She been die for five hours now.
    Sarah: Make sure you do Sexual assert kit on her, you can take her now I finish work the scene around her so I been there a few minutes after you to take pictures of the body.
    David: Ok, see you back at the lab.
    After David leave Sarah pack up her kit and put the evidence into Sofia car, then they head back to the lab. Once they get back to the lab Sarah check in the evidence then goes to the coroner lab. Dr. Robbins: Hi, Sarah just wait to start to after you get the Pictures and any evidence off the body, here the Sexual assert kit.
    Sarah:( as she take the pictures) thanks
    After she finish take the Pictures she collect what little evidence that on the on the body; which was not much only a few hairs with tags still on them and a tear piece of a shirt.
    Dr. Robbins: Sarah, before you leave take a sit in that chair over there I want to take a look at you, because you sound like the cold move into you lungs.
    Sarah: ( Take a sit) ok , can you look at my throat it really hurts.
    Dr. Robbins look into Sarah throat and then listens to her lungs.
    Dr. Robbins: your tonsil are swell and I can hear some fluids in you lungs I would go see your doctor as soon as you can, and get on some medicine.
    Sarah: If I tell you something you won't tell anyone right because I’m ask you this a patient ask her doctor.
    Dr. Robbins: no I can't tell anyone, what we talk about in this case. What is it that you need to tell me Sarah.
    Sarah: I’m Pregnant, is it safe for me to go on prescribe medicine.
    Dr. Robbins: how many weeks are you?
    Sarah: twelve weeks
    Dr. Robbins: Yeah there is lots of prescribe medicine that are safe for pregnant women. Does the baby father know yet?
    Sarah: no
    Dr. Robbins: you need to let the baby father know, and try to work less hours and you need to not be on you feet as much so when you are look at evidence in the lab do it sit down.
    Sarah: ok
    Dr. Robbins: have you seen you ob/gyn yet?
    Sarah: Yeah, I went when I was three day late for my period , coughs, and had her run the pregnancy test because I never run late. So I know I was pregnant since I was only four days into the pregnancy.
    Dr. Robbins: We both should get back to work now.
    Sarah: yeah you right I need to get this stuff to the DNA lab.
    Sarah walk into the DNA lab and heads the Sexual assert kit and the tear piece of shirt to Wendy.
    Wendy: Sarah you do know this is a piece of shirt
    Sarah: it a piece of the victim shirt. I want you to see if the rapist left any DNA on it.
    Wendy: can do that, you want me to run the Sexual assert kit first.
    Sarah: run them at the sometime (cover her mouth and coughs).
    Wendy: Sarah go rest in the break room and I will pager you when I get the results.
    Sarah: that sounds good, I think I might do that.
    Sarah walk out if the DNA lab and see Grissom walk into his office, she walk up to him.
    Grissom: Sarah what are you doing here you should be at home in bed.
    Sarah: coughs, Ecklie call me in there was another rape case and I was the only one not on a case.
    Grissom: he just can’t let you take a sick day can he.
    Sarah: no, but Grissom we need to talk in private can we go into you office?
    Grissom: Sure
    The head into his office and Sarah close the door and Lock it,
    Grissom: (as Sarah seat down in a chair) Sarah why did you lock the door?
    Sarah: Because I do not want anyone walk in on us, and you might want to sit down before I tell you want I have to say.
    Grissom: Baby what is it
    Sarah: please sit down first.
    Grissom: Ok, I’m Sit now Sarah
    Sarah: Gil I’m twelve weeks pregnant.
    Grissom: we have a baby Sarah, oh dear and you sick you need to see a doctor and get check out and put on some medicine.
    Sarah: I know, I’m going call the doctor and make an appointment right now, will you come with me I do not want to go alone.
    Grissom: sure Sarah I will go with you.
    Grissom hands Sarah the phone and she get a doctor appointment for eight Am on February 3.
  14. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Yay for Geekbabies :D Hope she gets well soon.
  15. sarahSidle1981

    sarahSidle1981 Lab Technician

    May 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Part Eleven
    Just then there is a knock at Grissom office door, Sarah and Grissom look up and see that it is Wendy. Grissom stand up and unlock his office door and let her in.
    Grissom: what do you need Wendy?
    Wendy: The DNA For Sarah rape case and Catherine and your Rape case match, the some person rape both women.
    Grissom: have you let Catherine know yet?
    Wendy: yeah
    Grissom: where is Catherine right now?
    Wendy: Ecklie sent her home.
    Sarah: he what!
    Wendy: She throw up on Ecklie so he made go home.
    Grissom: That not like Catherine at all.
    Wendy: She was on her way to the restroom when I walk up to her and let her know about the two rape case DNA match, and I notice she was look a little green. So I ask if she was ok, and she said her stomach was really upset. When just get to the restroom door When Ecklie step in front and would not let her go in.
    Sarah: do she try to tell that she really need to use the restroom?
    Wendy: yeah but he keep going on about the case he was work and how much fun he was have, he did not even move when she put her hand over her mouth and try to push out of the way with her free hand he just tell her that she could use the restroom when he finish talk. The next thing we all see was Catherine loss her dinner on Ecklie.
    Sarah: good maybe Ecklie will catch what ever she has.
    Grissom: Sarah
    Sarah: sorry I’m a little grumpy and still feel awful. Wendy: Did you have any idea who the DNA match?
    Wendy: Yeah, a Thomas Kent. He has been in trouble with the law before from Rape his 9 years sister when he was 15 years old.
    Sarah: how old is he now?
    Wendy: ( Brass walk into Grissom office) 19 years old.
    Brass: Sofia and a couple uniform office on they way to pick him up now and bring to police station. I just want to see who want to do the interview with Sofia.
    Warrick walk into Grissom office and hand him the finale report for his 417.\
    Grissom: Warrick can
    Warrick: I can do what Grissom?
    Grissom: Interview Thomas Kent the rapist for the rape case Sara, Catherine, and I work on.
    Warrick: way can one of you do it
    Grissom: Ecklie sent Catherine home after she throw up on him and I need to take Sarah home so she can get some Sleep before her Doctor appointment in the morning.
    Warrick.: sure Yeah I’ll do it Grissom go head and take Sarah home.
    Grissom: thanks here the Cases folders.
    Warrick head out to his SUV and Driver to the Police sation. Sara and Grissom go back to her place to find Lindsey a Sleep on Sarah couch with the Sarah textbook she was read lay on her chest.
    Sarah: I call Catherine and let her know Lindsey a sleep on my couch.
    Grissom: Ok
    Sarah pick the book of Lindsey chest and set in on the coffee table open to where she left off and cover her up with the blanket she keep on the couch. Then her and Grissom go into her bedroom and close the door. And Sarah call Catherine.
    Catherine: Hello, Sarah
    Sarah: Hi Catherine, how are you feel?
    Catherine: not to good, what do you need Sarah
    Sarah: Just call to let you know Lindsey fall asleep read a Science textbook on my couch and I just do not have the heart to waken her up, she look so pace. I just sent home in the morning, early enough so she can change for school.
    Catherine: Thank Sarah.
    Sarah: Ok talk to you when you feel better
    Catherine: you to Sarah.
    They hang up and all go to bed for the night.

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