The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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If you were a drop of water in Danny's shower, where would you "drip"?

Right on the back of his neck. That way, I could slide all the way down his back, right along the spine, as far as I could go. And I did it without getting censored.
If you were a drop of water in Danny's shower, where would you "drip"?
Hmmm, I think I'd grow myself little feet and leave no spot untouched! :devil: :devil: :devil:

What can I say, I don't wanna have to choose, I want it all, baby! :D
It's all about the gravity. :devil: Not about where the drop starts but where it ends up... :devil: :devil: :devil:
It's all about the gravity. :devil: Not about where the drop starts but where it ends up... :devil: :devil: :devil:
Then a drop in space perhaps? The possibilities are infinite! :devil:
It's all about the gravity. :devil: Not about where the drop starts but where it ends up... :devil: :devil: :devil:

Excellent answer, Top . I know exactly where I'd like to end up. :devil: In an odd twist, however, I'm gonna need his hand to be covering my end destination in order to get from point A to point B. You see, if I were a drop of water, I definitely could not let those amazing arms go untouched so I would have to initially fall on his tatoo where I would linger for a moment before running the entire length of his arm down to his ... [CENSORED] and that is where I would stay. :D
Ok, I'm jumping totally to different subject, don't know will anyone answer sicne we all are here to dream about shower scene.

CG hurted his back right? That's why had to quit baseball (the game what is probably the most boring gme I've ever seen, I'm sorry but it was very tiring to sit on Yankee stadium - even I knew the rules) Anyway, my point...

Has anyone noticed how he walks? He walks just like a person who has some day hurted back really bad and leart to walk in a certain way.
Believe me, I've been doing sports probably every since I learnt to walk and I've injured my back while lifting weights/throwing javelin and it's exactly the way people with sore back walk.

So, everytime I see him walking...I keep wondering, does his back still hurt?

^That's a good question...I don't know, DaWacko. If you've noticed he walks sometimes like his back hurts him then maybe. I know back problems can be very painful, and I don't think they go away without surgery, either. Does anyone know if he had surgery for the injury? If not, then that's possible.
So, everytime I see him walking...I keep wondering, does his back still hurt?
you just want to give him a good long massage don´t ya? :devil: ...the rest of my thoughts were censored by the lovely meter...sorry :D
There was one ep where I noticed he was walking kinda funny and I wondered if that was why. I hurt mine a few years ago and it still bugs me. set off the PG13 o meter..And if I were a drop of water I land on those sheeeexay arms of his
*tentatively enters thread trying not to slip on drool*

wow. And more wow. and - yeah.

Oddly, I've never noticed anything unusual about the way he walks and, believe me, if there's a shot of his rear-view I am definitely watching. As for the surgery question, that's a good one. I believe a herniated disc often requires surgery, however, his back appears to be scar free. Of course, any scars could certainly be covered with makeup for movies or re-touched, so who knows. Either way, my warm hands and a bottle of massage oil should be able to provide temporary relief.
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