The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Yep, singing in the shower, in Italian. With his glasses on.

Welcome to all the new ones here. Danny has fans of all ages indeed, enough for him to choose one depending on the mood he's in...older, same age, or younger (better wait until the jail bait gets a little older).

Finally saw Black Hawk Down tonight. The movie itself was thought-provoking. I recognized Carmine from his voice first.
Yep, carmine will be soo hot in it. *Carmine hotness level goes way up*

Welcome and hello to anyone new in will be rude if i don't say hello to everyone who is new in here.....
Thanks for the welcome everyone!
Saw Black Hawk Down for William Fichtner, didn't know who Carmine was then and didn't really notice him. Mind you, when watching CSI:NY, I didn't actually fall for His Hotness until the Tanglewood episode... What was wrong with me?! My contacts are ok... I don't get it. :confused: I have most of his movies now (my movie collection is built around my celebrity crushes!).
The Learning curve sucked but there was plenty of smooching and plenty of bare chest on display.
Fallen Arches was ok, he was cute in it and yet again, plenty of bare chest.
I actually really enjoyed In Enemy Hand and not only for Carmine but also because it is quite a good movie.
Saw The Big Brass Ring and I fell off my chair à la Karen Walker when I saw his first scene nekkid but there was a glare on my television! Spoiled it all! :mad:
I have actually realised that the last episode of CSI:NY is showing on Saturday here in the UK. Gah... No... Can't take it... Help! :(
ugh, i should probably rent "Black hawk down" again. it is one of my fav movies; despite Legolas...although he was pretty good in that movie!

I have actually realise that the last episode of CSI:NY is showing on Saturday here in the UK. Gah... No... Can't take it... Help! :(
i sympathize with you there; they canceled CSI:NY here last week. :(
So what are we supposed to do? Oh man, the withdrawal symptoms are going to be baaaaad! :(
I only started taping the episodes after Tanglewood so that's not many!
Does anybody know when we can expect the first season on DVD in the UK?
I don't know when the DVD comes out but i hope it's soon. I haven't got many taped either.

stfrench, i didn't know you could get In enemy hands on dvd in the UK. I tried on amazon and you can only get it to be compatible for region 1 DVD players. :(

Welcome all new peeps. Glad you've decided to join us. :)
that´s why we have this forum and the Locker room-> so we can pretend it never really stopped! :D

the DVDs? dunno, maybe september, october...
btw-i think S2 premiers on my birthday! yey!
like that matters anyways, since i don´t live in the States...:rolleyes:

btw-i would like to say i *love* Udjat! no reason, i just felt like it. :D
So what are we supposed to do? Oh man, the withdrawal symptoms are going to be baaaaad! :(
I only started taping the episodes after Tanglewood so that's not many!
Does anybody know when we can expect the first season on DVD in the UK?

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Channel 5 are known for repeating CSI alot. Last year they put the season 4 of CSI on the Tuesday and Miami on the Saturday. When both seasons were over they switched the days and repeated the whole lot.

This is just a theory but I think maybe when NY finshes this week and CSI Season 5 is over with, they will put Season 3 Miami on Saturdays and repeat NY on the Tuesday, with Vegas repeats after.

Don't hurt me if this is wrong but I'll look for more information over the next few weeks ;)
stfrench Season one comes out 24th October in the UK. I can't wait :D

Crazy4Danny I couldn't find In Enemy Hands in the UK either, ended up gettin a Region 1 cos I have a lovely multi-region DVD player.

ps Welcome to any new peeps I haven't welcomed already, sorry don't have time to look for names am at work and about to get yelled at so I gotta go
Don't forget that its only Part 1 thats coming out on 24th of October.

I'm hoping for at least one audio commentary. I doubt it will happen though :(
btw-i would like to say i *love* Udjat! no reason, i just felt like it. :D
Hmmm, I wonder why ::looks all innocently:: :D

Does anybody know when we can expect the first season on DVD in the UK?
If the UK is anything like the Dutch Mountains, 2010 if we're lucky! :rolleyes: DVD release here takes forever!
Meh, I just wish we didn't have to wait until October for the DVDs. I'm impatient, what can I say? :lol:

I've heard there will be writer commentaries, but I don't know about actor ones. I wouldn't bet on it, unfortunately, given that none of the other CSI shows have done them. I actually prefer writer commentaries anyways, because generally the writers have deeper and more insightful things to say about the episodes.

Welcome to the newbies! It makes me happy when I see people registering saying that they've read the Locker Room for a while and we make them laugh. That's what we're here for. :lol: :D

That, and a damn shower scene! :lol: :devil:
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