The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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well i found a picture of carmine but i think it will set off the meter....i just wander if anyone want to see it??
^ does it feature a certain very annoying blue dot? :D

anyways, been away for a couple of days and just noticed we have some new people on board; so, welcome to all and have fun! (or dirty thoughts in this specific case) ;)
sorry guys the website has close down and i can't link it to you guys..i am really sorry...i should have save the picture...
i am sorry guys... don't kill me
BOOOHOOO!!!!!! And I was so looking forward to that pic. You made us curious, can you describe the pic? Maybe someone here has the same pic saved somewhere and can post it. :D
I didn't mean to imply that he wasn't or that his photos weren't sexy...not at all!
He's gorgeous!
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