The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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You really think I'm that mean, that I'd leave Danny, handcuffed and naked in the shower forever? :confused:

Yeah, when I put it that way, you are absolutely 100% right. ;) :devil:
we'll have to get back to normal cases again, and that means *SIGH* Danny will have to be wearing clothes. :(

But....but...Danny doesn't need to wear clothes. Well, okay, it would make it hard for him to do his job; if he was naked all the time. But still, what about us? We have needs. :devil:
You really think I'm that mean, that I'd leave Danny, handcuffed and naked in the shower forever? :confused:

Well, I'm sure you wouldn't be as mean as you could be. I mean, you intend to leave him a bowl of water and some kibble before you leave for work, right?
Wait a minute--how did I get to be responsible for Danny's imprisonment in the shower? :lol:

GLW, I think a special dispensation should be granted for Danny when it comes to wearing clothes. He just doesn't really need them. Although, naked Danny sure would be distracting at a crime scene... :devil:
Wait a minute--how did I get to be responsible for Danny's imprisonment in the shower? :lol:

Oh, I dunno. Maybe cause I know you? :lol:

Although, naked Danny sure would be distracting at a crime scene... :devil:

Whoa, what's all this about Danny having a job? Can't he just sit around naked for the whole episode? I mean, they're adding like, 39845763409857 new CSIs anyways, Danny can take a break, right?
Yeah, it would be a big distraction to everyone else. Still, there should be some sort of dispensation. How about....he can only wear tight jeans and t-shirts. No jackets. That way, when he squats; we can see that cute little ass. :devil:
Oh, I dunno. Maybe cause I know you? :lol:

Are you implying I'm not an angel? :eek: :confused: Because with the curls, I'm really able to fool everyone for about 3.7 seconds. :devil: ;)

Whoa, what's all this about Danny having a job? Can't he just sit around naked for the whole episode? I mean, they're adding like, 39845763409857 new CSIs anyways, Danny can take a break, right?

Good point. Again, we come back to what Danny's real job should be: lab slut. ;) And naked all of the time. :devil:
Good point. Again, we come back to what Danny's real job should be: lab slut. ;) And naked all of the time. :devil:

I'm saddened by the recent turn of events; I thought we had all agreed to respect and love Danny for his mind. His taut and toned body with its round firm ass and bulging biceps don't even register with me. I never even noticed the way his tongue flicks from his warm and moist mouth to lick his slightly pouty bottom lip, and I certainly never wanted to suck on said lip. I've never wanted to see Danny naked in the shower with warm water and fluffy suds dripping down his hard body and caressing his no doubt powerful thighs. I’ve never wanted to push Danny down and. . . . So, like I said, everyone of you should follow my example and love Danny for his mind. ;)

Me too. I shall continue to proudly love Danny for his ass, his biceps, his tongue (which is no doubt talented), and various other parts of that hard body. :devil:
Is it just me or does he look like he lost some weight over hiatus? The new pic of him... he looks considerably thinner. Maybe it's just me.
Um. Right. You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile I'll continue being out and proud about my objectification of Danny.

Are you suggesting I might be less than truthful in my declaration of loving Danny for his mind and not his body?

Well, maybe, that might be a bit true. About the size of, well I won't even try to get that by the Meter

Is it just me or does he look like he lost some weight over hiatus? The new pic of him... he looks considerably thinner. Maybe it's just me.

I noticed it too, after I stopped staring at the arms. :devil: He is looking a lot thinner. Almost too thin.
the other day i was watching tv and they showed one of those preview things for the season and his hair looks different. It kind of looked blonde-ish but i couldn't really tell since he was only up their for like 2 seconds. Was I the only one who noticed that?
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