The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Yes indeed, happy birthday Thumpy! :D

Another reason Danny should be a stripper: he can be hired out for birthdays. ;) :devil:
That shower scene is just around the corner. I can feel it! Start chillin the champagne, folks. Any day now... :D
We are totally all toasting that scene together if (WHEN!) we get it. :devil:
I can picture it now. Across the world, all of us with champagne toasting to a very, very beautiful, long-awaited shower scene.

You'd think with the hype we're creating, Carmine would have the decency to make the announcement himself for, and I quote:
"...that wonderful television moment..."

Another reason Danny should be a stripper: he can be hired out for birthdays. ;) :devil:

Or for bridal showers! Woohoo!

... of course, he'd also be our groom. hehe. :p
I'd go broke. Danny, taking off that lab coat and those glasses (or maybe he can leave the glasses on :devil: )...yeah, I'd be spending lots and lots of $$. ;) :devil:
I can picture it now. Across the world, all of us with champagne toasting to a very, very beautiful, long-awaited shower scene.

I am sure CNN would cover the event. With reporters dispatched to various locations around the world, to get our reactions to that long-awaited event. :devil:
^and i imagine fireworks and several huge screens in a park, where we can all camp out and watch the scene together! *drool!*

wait-- why just a scene?! must make it a whole episode! how do we make that into a story, then, that he'd have to repeatedly shower throughout the entire 45mins? ;)
erm like danny could be kidnapped and put in a locked shower naked by the crazy person who captured him, and it's a race against time for the team to rescue him because he might die somehow of showering to much, this would also include danny being in danger which i love and possibly danny illness and recusitation which i would very much like to see (or take part in) sorry weirdness
Now there's a thought. A bad guy or gal kidnaps Danny and puts him in the shower naked for the entire episode. :lol: I like it. It's the cure for the common sweeps episode, and you've got suspense, because of course, the team has to rescue Danny from the clutches of the villain.

But really, all we care about is that he's naked and in the shower. :lol:
Well, it's not like he's going to get left in there forever. Someone will rescue him eventually, I'm sure. After all, I suppose after this wonderful shower episode, we'll have to get back to normal cases again, and that means *SIGH* Danny will have to be wearing clothes. :( I know, I know, don't start crying. We'll always have the shower. ;) :devil:
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