The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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^Knowing you, I'm sure it is. ;)

And just what are you trying to say? That I have a history of objectifying Danny? That I'd rather watch a two hour CSI special of him showering rather than working a case? That I'd like to...

Erm, the Meter is glaring at me.
Yes, I mean all of those things. ;) :lol:

Danny in the shower...seriously, couldn't it be the holiday special, a gift to the fans. :devil:

The CSI: NY Christmas Special: Danny Takes It All Off.
Yes, I mean all of those things. ;) :lol:

Oh ye of little faith. I'll have you know that I am very concerned about the well-being of Danny. The rest of you may be selfish in your reasons for wanting Danny to be in the shower but I just want to make sure he's clean. Seriously, the man's hygiene can't be all that great considering the amount of time he spends working with trash and I'm merely worried about his health.
*cough*I'm sure. BS!*cough*

Actually, I'm only thinking of the show's ratings. Sticking Danny in the shower would help the ratings, so I'm all for it. I'm thinking nothing of any...pleasure...I might get from seeing Danny naked with water drops making trails down his sexy, taut body... ;)
Not BS! I am concerned! So concerned that I'll even sacrifice myself to the cause and offer to loofah him with my tongue. I mean, scrub his back. Yeah.
So, this holiday show... does there actually have to be a CASE or can it be simply 48 minutes of Danny in the shower?

If that's the case, I volunteer to write the episode.
Loofahing him with your tongue...that sure is hygienic! ;)

The things I'd do cannot be spoken of with the Meter around. :lol:

Danny really should be used as a ratings-increasing tool. I bet he could make the ratings perk up quite nicely. Firm them up. [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER].

DAMN. I got censored talking about ratings! :eek:
So, this holiday show... does there actually have to be a CASE or can it be simply 48 minutes of Danny in the shower?

If that's the case, I volunteer to write the episode.

No case! It's the holidays--who wants to think of murder then? Just Danny naked in the shower, getting oh so clean for the upcoming festivities.

The festivities during which he performs a strip tease. :devil:
I concur, the writers would be daft not to exploit Danny for the ratings. We should be creative consultants.

Agreed. Granted, there might be a plethora of stories that thrust Danny into the shower or say, cases that involve Danny going undercover as a male stripper, but hey, it's all for the ratings!
If Danny ever goes undercover as a stripper I want to be the extra that gets to slip him dollar bills.

I'll be the makeup artist who oils him up before he goes on stage for his striptease. :devil:
Agreed. Granted, there might be a plethora of stories that thrust Danny into the shower or say, cases that involve Danny going undercover as a male stripper, but hey, it's all for the ratings!

Top! You said thrust!! :devil:

I wonder if anyone will ever be bold enough to write the producers about this suggestion of ours... because I agree, it really would boost ratings to have him show the rest of his eye-popping, jaw-dropping, drool-dripping body.

*takes a shower to cool off*
Well, if Bitten is going to loofah Danny's back with her tongue, I volunteer for loofahing his front with my tongue, then. Ladies, I was talking about his chest, of course. :devil:

AHHH, it has been a long time since I talked about that sexy man.

BTW, I saw the picture of his new casual look and well lets just say that the PG 13 O METER almost malfunctioned after what I said!
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