The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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LOL, they're called crushes, and eventually they pass. ;)

As for the question of how becoming a CSI works, I think it's different in each show because it's different in each city. In Las Vegas, they're not cops or detectives. In Miami and NY, I think they are.
jerry bruckheimer seems to always get the hottest guys for his films/shows. i mean, look at black hawk down! can there be anymore hot men in that movie??
so of course, it's only normal to "change em up" every now and then. no harm in that. ;>
yeah jonathan togo is pretty cute as well. but am i the only one who thinks that george eads is hot???

i have my favorites per show... rory cochrane (speed) was mine for miami. *sob!*
yeh i liked nick first then greg then it was danny from csi ny and it was ryan i liked speed in 1 eppy and that was the one were he was in one of the vegas ones in season 2 i thought he looked really cute
It's fine to not be crushing on Carmine, I was simply referring to the fact that the conversation was veering off onto Jonathan Togo and George Eads (both of whom have their own threads in their respective forums.)
sorry, Bitten! okay, there was a point to me veering off the topic... it was so that i could go back to it (haha... that did not make sense, I know!)

But here's my point: i have my favorites per show, but my MOST favorite out of all of them, of course, is Carmine. i promise! i can't miss an episode of csi:ny cos of him... even if they're just reruns ;)
For me, it's not so much a matter of a crush. It's that I just adore the character of Danny. He's endlessly fascinating to me. The kind of person who's just interesting to watch. It seems like in each new episode we gain new insight into his character and his personality. And he is a complicated, troubled, challenging character. He's full of contradictions and not always perfect, and therefore very interesting and very real.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't hurt that Danny is gorgeous, but there are plenty of other gorgeous men on TV (and in the world), and the interest can only go so far. With Danny, there's a lot to the character and it makes him interesting as well as sexy.
I agree. The character is very complex, and multi-faceted. And I always feel like I have learned something new about Danny after each episode. Yeah, he's sexy. You would have to be blind not to notice that. But the character is much more than a hot body. He can be the bad boy one minute, and the vulnerable little boy the next. His range is pretty impressive. And I love that.

That being said, I would not be at all oppossed to seeing more of the hot body. Preferrably in less clothing. :devil:
I always thought that CSI's are primarily scientists who undergo training as a secondary requirement -- so that they know what to do in case the perpetrator/suspect is still in the crime scene and they get attacked... think about the season ender of CSI... Nick got abducted because the accompanying police officer had his back turned.
Some of them, though, start out as cops and eventually get into forensics. I'm guessing that's why some of them have "detective" for titles.

The CSI franchise certainly has people becoming CSI’s from various different angles. Grissom and Sheldon came up through the morgue, Greg from the lab, Catherine used to be a dancer, others from the police force…I wonder if it’s anything like that in real life?

Is Grissom called a detective? (this is not rhetorical, i'm really wondering!)

Grissom isn’t a detective, he has the title of Doctor but he doesn’t even use that all that often.
I’ve noticed at the cbs site they only have Mac, Stella and Flack up as detectives and not Danny, yet I’m sure he’s introduced himself as Detective Messer before.

I think Danny's more of a scientist. Otherwise, he wouldn't have screwed up so much in "On the Job." :)

Although Danny might have a science degree he did actually graduate from the Police Academy. I think his reactions in ‘On The Job’ was more to do with him being a stressed human and Danny being Danny, rather than him being more scientist than cop.
I’ve noticed at the cbs site they only have Mac, Stella and Flack up as detectives and not Danny, yet I’m sure he’s introduced himself as Detective Messer before.

I have noticed that too. And yes, he has introduced himself as 'Detective Messer' before. I know he did it in 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears'.
^I remember that! :lol: Danny in a kilt... *mind churns with manip idea* Aw, where's Udjat been all this while? Somehow working on manips isn't possible without her. :D
Oh I'm here! So... hmmm, kilt you say? Now that I'd like to see. However which pics did you have in mind of manipulating. There's no pics around of Danny and his knobbly knees? :p
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