The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Well, that woke everyone up, eh? :lol:

JDonne, you know I love you, but I have to keep this PG-13 or the Meter's gonna kill me! ;) I'm already pushing it, a bit, read on...

Now completely naked, Danny pulls the see-through (of course it's see-through, I love you all!) shower curtain back and steps in.

And realizes he still has his glasses on. :lol: (cause I really did forget that last time around... :eek: )

Danny takes off his glasses and sets them in the soap dish before turning on the water and twisting it to the hot end of the spectrum. He closes his eyes and moans softly as the hot, cascading water hits him...

JDonne, you know I love you, but I have to keep this PG-13 or the Meter's gonna kill me! ;) I'm already pushing it, a bit, read on...

That's fine. :( As long as everyone knows I'm there, but can't be mentioned because of the stupid, puritanical meter.

That's okay Top I'm not hurt, really I'm not, after all I still have Danny. :p

Stop? Did someone say stop? If you really want me to...

Danny takes off his glasses and sets them in the soap dish before turning on the water and twisting it to the hot end of the spectrum. He closes his eyes and moans softly as the hot, cascading water hits him...

Pleeeease continue, Top! Where exactly is this hot, cascading water hitting him?
Of course, it has been like 3 hours since Top left us with the image of the hot, cascading water ... and naked Danny left in the shower for 3 hours really isn't a bad thing in my book. Hell, leave him there all night. I don't care if he's still dirty. As long as he's naked, I'm happy. :devil:
Standing back to with his hands spread out on the walls for support...I'd personally like the hot cascading water to trickle down the back of him, so I can see his hot wet ass, but that's just me. :D
It's making me think of another Barry White song 'Baby, What am I Gonna do with You' Infact I'm listening to it right now...I'm on a Barry White kick now. :D :lol:
Ok, ok, twist my arm! ;) I'll continue...

So the water is cascading down Danny's perfect body, finding its way into every hidden place, easing every sore muscle and tendon. Danny stands still for a moment, eyes closed, letting the water caress his skin. He opens his mouth slightly, letting a few of the warm droplets bathe his tongue.

Finally he opens his eyes and reaches for the bar of soap next to his glasses. He rubs it between his palms absently, creating a soft green lather. He takes his right hand and rubs it slowly up and down his left arm, wincing a little as his hand passes over the tight muscle. Danny moans slightly as the ache in his arm intensifies.

He reaches for the soap again...

Yeah, YOU! You're just hacked cause I left you beta'ing my fic right at the hot spot in a cliffhanger. ;)
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