The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I am the Queen of Subtle! You can be my student, but it will take many years to perfect the technique. :cool:
Teach me, Master.

Someone make me go be productive. Or, you know, someone could post pics of Danny and make me sit around here a little longer. I'm not picky.
^You could post pics of Danny. ;) It's not like I know how to do any of that fancy stuff. :p
^You could post pics of Danny. ;) It's not like I know how to do any of that fancy stuff. :p

Here, drool quietly.

Me? Drool quietly? As if! Not when those lips are parted and that beautiful head of his is tilted just so. It's like he's asking to be kissed. :devil:

Except for that pesky evidence in his hand. :lol:
Did he look that good in your dream/hallucination last night while you were moaning his name? Drunkl. :lol:

:p :p :p :lol:

Am I ever gonna live down this ficticious moaning of his name? :lol:

And even better. ;) :devil:
Are you saying I...lied? :eek: Because you know I don't do that ever!

No, I would never say you lied, because you never lie! Perhaps you spoke an untruth, willfully mislead, a misrepresentation of the facts? :p

So maybe it was sarcasm, or that literary device where you say one thing but mean the opposite (my migraine addled brain is blanking on the term, but I know you know it!). :lol:

Please do not hide your sham, again not a lie though, behind the noble tradition of literary devices, for that alone you should be ashamed.

Is it Danny's name you moan, and he who fills your dreams? Hmmmmm . . . I had a different idea. ;)

^You wicked woman. :p :devil:

Ah, but I see beautiful Danny looking coyly over his shoulder! And again, those lips are parted. The man is so inviting... :lol:
<claping hands> Congrats ladies...You two are the first to, ever in the history of me having the internet, officially start a small fire in my panties, after reading your shower description, I think I am the one who needs the shower. ;) :lol:

By the way...Obsession...That Caruso ass comment was right on, and I share your pain...My retnas were a bit scared...Unfortunately they showed it a bit too much in the first season of 'NYPD Ass'...Oh, I'm sorry, that's 'NYPD Blue'...I think Captian Morgan needs to keep it in his pants...Some things are just better remaining undercover, you know? ;)
*faints after seeing danny's parted lips again* Oh the images those pics conjure but are unbareable. :devil:

btw, you guys are hilarious. :lol:
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