The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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^ good night all.

Its now 9.44 in the morning here so i'm fine.

Man you guys are too much. I got up with morning to check up on the posts i've missed and it turns out i've missed alot. DANNY SHOWERING being the main one. Your description was very detailed, and allowed a great image to be conjured up in my mind. Not that there wasn't one before. :devil:

We really do need this shower scene now. *starts writing out petition*

Those pics are amazing, it took all the will i had to scroll down and make them disappear. :lol:
omg im gunna have a heart attack if i see anymore pics of danny! omg he's sooo hot! plus seeing danny in the shower naked is better than seeing david caruso's butt anyday. (saw his butt on the net...lets just say i became temporarily blind for half the day)
stfrench: what fanfic have you wrote. I've probably read it but i'm not sure.
Crazy4Danny, they are all on and I use the same pen name there. I think I wrote about 4 of them now with the 5th under construction ( a smutty one :devil:).
Oh my giddy aunt! The photos... The shower scene descriptions... My brain has just about exploded! :lol: Good thing we are going to remove stickers off books (my job is great!), the sticky stuff remover (real name of the product!) sends me as high as a kite! :lol:And it's a brainless task, which suits me just fine! I can dream about Danny in the shower! SHOWER! :lol:
k what pic of danny's butt i really wanna see. ill probly die cause i nearly stopped breathing when i saw him smile. i dont know what a pic of his butt might do. i need to see!
Damn, we were bad girls last night. I really have to stop getting on the board after I go out. :lol:

So yeah, I guess Bitten and I wrote up some nice directional notes for the shower scene... :lol:

Bitten is no doubt still sleeping (lucky girl!), but when she wakes I'm certain she'll post the infamous butt picture... :D
:lol: I woke up this morning and saw 85 new posts...and somehow, never imagined that it was you two. Are you under the weather today, or just enough to make you punchy last night?
In other news, exboyfriend is seeking haircut advice...I want to tell him to get a Danny-do in the WORST way.:lol: I just have to get up the courage to make him watch tonight to decide if he likes it. It needs to grow a little bit before he can do that though.
ouch! Advising an ex to get a haircut like the guy you are lusting after? Thats got to be a kick in the face just a little.

Unless he is an ex for years ago. If that is the case then I can totally understand it :lol:
It's been almost a year actually. He's looking for a short boyish's not like he's the only one in the world with it. All I have to do is show him a picture. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
:lol: I woke up this morning and saw 85 new posts...and somehow, never imagined that it was you two. Are you under the weather today, or just enough to make you punchy last night?

Heh, more the latter. I do have a migraine, but I suspect that might be weather-related. Or not, who knows. :lol:

And how did you know it was us? Bitten and I are paragons of virtue! Who would ever suspect us of contributing massive amounts of lustful posts... :D (we really need an angel smiley here... :lol: )

In other news, exboyfriend is seeking haircut advice...I want to tell him to get a Danny-do in the WORST way.:lol: I just have to get up the courage to make him watch tonight to decide if he likes it. It needs to grow a little bit before he can do that though.

Keep in mind that might help to reignite old feelings possibly? Or are you guys in the just friends and that's it stage.
I didn't know it was you two! I've never seen you on that late before so I figured that you either couldn't sleep or were drunkl. :lol:

Trust me, it's not going to ignite anything. I'm very much over him and there's not anything that could make me feel the way I used to about him. There was just too many feelings hurt in the last stage of our relationship. We were best friends before all this and we're friends now. The both of us are ready to move on and find new. He's going to college in a few weeks anyway, so it will be kind of like an out of sight, out of mind thing for the both of us.
I just got the internet at home a month or so ago! I use it well. :lol: My drunkl escapades aren't yet legendary, but give me a few more months... :lol:

Well, if there's no chance of bringing back old feelings, go for it! Danny's got a nice haircut. Do you mean the slightly longer early season look or the shorter, darker later season look?
[Bitten and I are paragons of virtue!

I’m sorry, my mind is confused by the phrase paragons of virtue, and the names attached to said phrase. Where are you paragons of virtue, a brothel perhaps, the set of a direct to video how to porn? :confused: :lol:

I'm sure lightening struck somewhere when you typed that phrase.

Are you saying I...lied? :eek: Because you know I don't do that ever!

So maybe it was sarcasm, or that literary device where you say one thing but mean the opposite (my migraine addled brain is blanking on the term, but I know you know it!). :lol:
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