The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Tell you this much boss... you're just lucky I have a good sense of direction or I'd have dropped your drunk sleepy rear end into Lake Michigan. :devil:

Lemme tell ya gang... when she's drunk and sleepy, she'll mumble Danny's name in her sleep. Not that I blame her.
Bitten is no doubt still sleeping (lucky girl!), but when she wakes I'm certain she'll post the infamous butt picture...

Top o' the mornin' to ya! Aside from my eyes feeling a wee bit scratchy when I woke up at the delicious time of 11:45am (God, I'm gonna hate it when summer ends) I suffered no adverse affects from last night's, err, festivities. :D Butt picture you say? But of course!


Lemme tell ya gang... when she's drunk and sleepy, she'll mumble Danny's name in her sleep. Not that I blame her.

That's true! I swear she talked in her sleep when I was there and it sounded a lot like "Danny" followed by a string of words the PG-13-O-Meter would censor.
Another witness! Go Bitten!
All I heard was "Danny", but let me set this record straight:
1. It was 2 am.
2. We were somewhere in Skokie
3. The Jeep radio was on.
4. My ears were STILL ringing from the concert.

I don't doubt that she was thinking smut with Danny-boy.
Sorry boss. Ya did too. I even called you "Danny's girl" as a joke.

When? Lies, I tell you, lies! The good denizens of the Locker Room will never believe this of me. :p

Top o' the mornin' to ya! Aside from my eyes feeling a wee bit scratchy when I woke up at the delicious time of 11:45am (God, I'm gonna hate it when summer ends) I suffered no adverse affects from last night's, err, festivities. :D Butt picture you say? But of course!

Lazy. :p Some of us were up at 6:30, after going to bed at 1:30. :p

That's one fine ass. :devil:

That's true! I swear she talked in her sleep when I was there and it sounded a lot like "Danny" followed by a string of words the PG-13-O-Meter would censor.

More lies! You people are trying to ruin my good name. :p :lol:
Another witness! Go Bitten!
All I heard was "Danny", but let me set this record straight:
1. It was 2 am.
2. We were somewhere in Skokie
3. The Jeep radio was on.
4. My ears were STILL ringing from the concert.

I don't doubt that she was thinking smut with Danny-boy.

Maybe that last bit was true (Danny naked is a pretty picture... ;) ). But I didn't say his name! Maybe Lt. Dan Band? Or maybe it was the ringing in your ears. Or maybe the radio. :p
Lazy. :p Some of us were up at 6:30, after going to bed at 1:30. :p

Pfft. I'm allowed to be lazy. I've still got 19 more days of summer vacation left and I intend to milk them!

That's one fine ass. :devil:

Can't argue with that sentiment.

More lies! You people are trying to ruin my good name. :p :lol:

Nope. You forget, you called me that night you were with Khanada and you murmured "Danny" then too. :lol:
You guys are mean! There are lies being told about me. :( Now I'm all pouty. :(
Yeah, it does! But it would cheer me more if we got a shower scene... ;) (see the subtle?)
Hey, I'm working on it. The mental image of a shower scene anyway. I see they brought in 200 writers for script ideas. I SO needed to be one of those.
^You really, really, really do. For both the action/adventure stuff, and well, the romantic pairing discussions. :devil: :D
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