The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Those lips. Danny's asking for it every time he licks them. The look on his face just says, 'C'mon and [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER] me..." :devil:

DAMN the Meter! :mad: :mad: : mad:
The Meter sucks.

Take this, Meter!

Danny is shooting the Meter! And he's so blond! Who can resist blond Danny? Not even the Meter, I think even the Meter is smitten...
The Meter sucks.

Take this, Meter!


One of my very favorite pictures...can you hear the keyboard shorting out from all the drool?
The Meter is SOOOOOOOOOO smitten. It wants to [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER] as much as we do. *Sigh* But why does it keep censoring our posts? Bastard!

See? Danny doesn't like it either!

He wants to hear all about the things we'd like to do to him...shall we tell him? :devil:
The Meter is SOOOOOOOOOO smitten. It wants to [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER] as much as we do. *Sigh* But why does it keep censoring our posts? Bastard!

See? Danny doesn't like it either!


Aw, pensive Danny. The Meter made him all sulky! That's no good!

Again, his lips are parted just slightly... :devil: Hey, I can't help it! I notice these things! :devil:
Show me your gun, baby.


Good boy.

Yeah! THat's hot! Danny's gonna take care of that Meter. He wants us to be able to discuss him naked to our hearts' content.

Danny should really [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]... :devil:

What the hell? He missed? Eh, he is a terrible shot... :lol: ;)
I am mean. Cruel, even. But terribly, horribly accurate. :devil:
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