The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Well, we should have some build up to the shower. Danny should walk into the Locker Room (or his own shower, we're not picky ;) ) and slowly begin to peel off his clothes until he's stepping out of his boxers, or briefs, or well, nothing ;) and then he should walk into the shower and soap himself down..

I'm envisioning a 20 minute scene at least, if not the entire episode. Who needs to solve crime when you've got that visual??? :devil:
As I've said before, it needs to be a special two hour episode. With no commercial interruption.

But, you know, so long as you're describing the shower scene, why don't you continue, eh?
Two hour movie of the week, I say. With an immediate DVD release, cause i can't wait for that one. :devil:

The shower scene? Well the water would run down his hot, sexy body while he arches his back and throws his head back, opening his mouth and letting the water flow in, licking his lips every so often. His eyes would be closed...
Holy crap, woman. You're killing me. You're killing me by describing just exactly how the water would trickle over his pecs, maybe his hands coming up to lather soap, the water sluicing over every hard inch of his chest and stomach, trailing lower...

Yeah, and if I type any more I'm gonna get censored by the Meter so fast my head will spin! :lol:

But isn't it a delightful image...? :devil:
Very delightful. God, I just keep picturing the man, soaking wet. You all have corrupted me! I was an innocent before I came in here, innocent I say!
Innocent and the Locker Room don't quite go together. It's kind of like mixing peanut butter and marinara sauce. You could, but why?

My analogies suck at 12:30am.
The shower scene? Well the water would run down his hot, sexy body while he arches his back and throws his head back, opening his mouth and letting the water flow in, licking his lips every so often. His eyes would be closed...

Hey, I'm to the point in my fic where he's filthy. You wanna write this next section FOR me?
The shower scene? Well the water would run down his hot, sexy body while he arches his back and throws his head back, opening his mouth and letting the water flow in, licking his lips every so often. His eyes would be closed...

Hey, I'm to the point in my fic where he's filthy. You wanna write this next section FOR me?

:lol: Oooh, he got dirty. Dirty Danny. I know who's gonna rub him down... :devil:

Feel free to steal from my post, but I think what you'll come up with will be even better. :D

If Bitten can pretend to be innocent, I can too!


Yeah, okay, whatever, so maybe not. :lol:
HAHA! I don't think any of us are innocent.

Ooh, this is my 2000th post. It just...snuck up on me. :lol:

On that note, I'm snockered. Thank you and goodnight.
2000 posts? :confused: You don't say! :lol:

OK, to bed with me too cause I'm tired as hell. Until tomorrow, folks! :D
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