The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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That's the only ep of the original I haven't completely seen..and of course I missed Carmine in it lol
Just a heads up on those who have Spike TV. CSI will be playing Revenge Best Served Cold on Tuesday August 2 7:00 eastern time. And as we all know our lil darling Carmine has a bit in it.

Thanks for the heads up. I just can get enough of CSI NY. Once a week is not enough for me.
Hey everyone. I've been away for a week as i was forcefully made to go on holiday with my folks.

I don't really want to spend the next week trying to catch up so can anyone give me some idea what's been going on around here please?

I'm guessing a shower scene hasn't been made possible yet!
Man, what's going on, i've just seen the Anti Danny thread. I mean i know he has his bad points, but doesn't everyone else, there's no need to rip him to peices. :eek:

Am i being a bit harsh?
Eh, don't worry about it. Everyone's entitled to an opinion and Danny's just a character. Not everyone's gonna like him. There's enough active threads here for those of us that do so let them vent over there and we'll chat in here about 'his hotness'.
I mean is it OUR fault that the man is such a yummy piece of eye candy?? I think not!
^ true.

I'm not that bothered. I think it was just the shock of seeing the thread. I can get very protective. :)

Turning back to Danny/ Carmine hotness. What's been happening around here in the last week then?
I was looking at that thread when it first popped up and I didn't have a problem with it (some of the stuff had me laughing too) because it was about the character and people are not going to like Danny. What I didn't like, was people bashing Carmine. I've seen the same thing on the LV boards with Marg Helgenberger. I don't think it's right to be trashing actors on here.

[/end rant] lol..i shouldn't drink coffee anymore

So anyway back to Danny...and the SHOWER SCENE :D :D :lol:
yeah i hate it when they bash carmine because you cant hate someone if you dont know them, and carmine isnt danny, hes carmine, so in the future, if they try to attack the actors, they had better go through me first because i dont tolerate that crap.
^ and me. I hate that, people like that are a pain in the arse. It's judging people before you know them, (the book analogue comes to mind) which is something i hate. :mad:
First off I checked and rechecked the thread, no one was bashing Carmine. Secondly, everyone on this board is allowed to have opinions and that thread is stating one of them. If you don't like it, don't let it bother you, just ignore it.

Naked Danny.
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