The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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^ lol! that´s like that joke "what´s cyber-sex" with the math student; "cyber-...what?" :lol:

exactly, i agree with the above posters; just give us our little peace of heaven (ok, it looks more like hell from all the ":devil:" but you know what i mean).

now, where were we...the cheeks right?

lol yes, we were at the cheeks.
I love coming here. It really makes me laugh. I agree with everyone that its harmless fun. So lets get get back to the reason we come here. Lets all say it together.
ah yes the Shower Scene it hadn't been mentioned for a while had it?

This seems to mostly have passed, but obsession_360, technically your post was trolling, with the 'grow up' and 'thick skulls' comments. If you don't like a thread, please don't post in it. Thanks. :)

Guys, when someone comes a trollin', try to ignore it. You guys did handle it well, but no sense in getting upset for no good reason.

Now, somebody said something about Danny in the shower, I believe... :devil:
Well, I'm thinking Danny's had a rough day at the lab, and he needs to go into the lab locker room (brand new with the new sets, shiny!) and just peel off all those confining clothes and step naked into the shower stall. And then he'll turn on the steaming water and let it run down his body...

Yeah, look people, it only took us 10 days to get our little flame back for the Locker Room! It's needed to heat the water ready for the SHOWER SCENE. :lol: We wouldn't want Danny to have to shower in cold water now, would we? ;)
Pray for us, midnight! I fear there's no hope for me. :(

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