The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I can't actually remember my 100th post :confused:
Neither can I. I was trying to get to that milestone so incredibly fast, I breezed by not even realizing it... at least I don't think I did! :confused: :lol:

Btw Tala, absolutely adore your av. Knew you'd come up with a great one! :)
California Penal Code! The things I miss when I leave the locker room... I'm laughing so hard right now, I look insane!

Turns out that handy desk reference may be useful in more ways than one - some of the things I'd like to do to Danny may actually be illegal. :devil: Note to stfrench: go easy with that printer cable - can you say false imprisonment?
Btw Tala, absolutely adore your av. Knew you'd come up with a great one!
:D You're too kind! I'd actually like your opinions, because I made two. Which should I stick with:

Ooh, didn't realize the sizes were different! Anyway... what do you all think? Smoldering Carmine or Danny Mosaic?
:lol: I meant from being used like the beautiful sexual creature he is. There's no escape for him from that. :lol:

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were implying that there was some type of health risk involved with being under my skirt, because of that thing that happened with Flack that I’m not allowed to talk about. Because, really he had no proof that I was responsible ;)

I would use Danny in an extremely gentle manner, besides everyone knows if you use wet restraints the bruise never surfaces, and nobody is the wiser. :devil:

False imprisonment be damned, Danny needs to be tied up and enjoyed. Otherwise he might try to do work in between romps or something :rolleyes: ...silly boy.

Oh, no indeed, JDonne definitely not implying that. I know you'd be better than Flack. Danny deserves to be treated well--he's a sweet, good creature. But to ignore that smoldering sexiness would be criminal.

Wet restraints...hmmm... :devil:
tala , I think the Danny Mosaic is original and absolutely fantastic. How did you do it? It looks like a painting of Danny, and a very sexy one at that. :devil:
I don't like the other one because it shows Carmine smoking and that's something I'd rather not see.
I don't like the other one because it shows Carmine smoking and that's something I'd rather not see.
Right... know what? I'm anti-smoke as well! He just makes it look so damn sexy.

But that's the only objection I'll need... switching to Danny Mosaic now... ;)

The mosaic was easy: I just got the one main picture, then shrunk a bunch of others, tiled them on top of the main one, and reduced their opacity to about 30%. :)
Tala, I love your avvy...Well done!
And c'mon guys, a little tying up never hurt anyone...Carmine's a tough enough guy, I'm sure he can not only take it, but ENJOY it, too.
OMG!!!! What Grrrreat pics!! Thanks guys - I've had a cr@p day at work and these pics have brought a HUGE smile to my face. Loving that tongue action too!!!
you guys crack me up!!!

i have had a bad day while i was archiving some old invoices i hurt my back while moving the box they were in!!

but then i came in here and you guys were awesome!

Danny is hot! (there thats my deep thought for the day! :lol:)
tala , I don't like the other one because it shows Carmine smoking and that's something I'd rather not see.

Gotta second that opinion. Stick with your beautiful mosaic Tala. Smoking is nasty as hell and not anything I wanna see Carmine doing ... not that a reminder he may have some kind of oral fixation is all bad. :devil:
As much as I kinda have to agree with how the others feel about the smoking banner, Tala, it doesn't change the fact that it is very skilfully done and... well... it's a beautiful thing! I think the pic is hot-lookin', because of the smoking!

Sorry girls, just my opinion!
I think the pic is hot-lookin', because of the smoking!

Fine, Udjat, let the man enjoys his smoke, but isn't smoking after ... um, "doing stuff" supposed to indicate a lack of satisfaction or fulfillment? As such, you may continue to enjoy seeing him with that cigarette, but in my presence, he would never need to light up. :D ... Wow, I've apparently just made the bold claim that I can cure a nicotine addiction. Who knew? *pats self on back*
Fine, Udjat, let the man enjoys his smoke, but isn't smoking after ... um, "doing stuff" supposed to indicate a lack of satisfaction or fulfillment?

It's been my experience that most people actually joke about needing a post-coital cigarette when they have been quite fulfilled. ;)
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