The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Not to get off topic or anything, but I have neglected to tell all of you about the Carmine lookalike that came to my work the other night. For my summer job, I work at a small family owned restaurant and a guy came in and I took his order and the whole time, I thought he reminded me of someone, then it finally clicked. I almost asked if he was of relation because a lot of similarities were there. I mean, I do live in NY, he could have family up in my neck of the never know.
A man that beautiful, that sensual was made for sex.:devil:
agreed! :devil: proof God is a woman and a locker room grupie as well :D

so, lookaboomerang, did you jump him? :devil:
Nah, don't worry 'bout it! I can be Queen of Smut if the situation calls for it. And judging from this forum, often that situation also seems to involve MrsG. ::shakes head:: I don't know why? :p

Actually I do know why, she brings out the best smut in me! :D As does Dylan, btw!
I can be Queen of Smut if the situation calls for it. And judging from this forum, often that situation also seems to involve MrsG. ::shakes head:: I don't know why? :p Actually I do know why, she brings out the best smut in me! :D

Shame on you, Udjat for disparaging my good name when I'm not even online to defend myself (oh, forget it, who am I kdding?). Actually, even as your fellow Smut Queen, I found the keys remark adorable. :) Though I really should have been here earlier for the conversation regarding Danny and seemingly innocent desk items. I've got a doosey for you ... how about a copy of the California Penal Code and Danny? Make of that what you will. :devil:
A man that beautiful, that sensual was made for sex. :devil:
Wow it`s gotten saucy in here! What do I care the saucier the better :lol: Top41 I totally agree with that comment! I mean I`ve never seen a guy as sexy as him walking down the street! come on the guy`s just too perfect.
mints and Danny...(I read Cosmo. Trust me, he'd love it!) :evil
lab bench and Danny (plays off of desk and table)

I agree with the comment that he was made for true! Damn that man is sexy!
Actually, even as your fellow Smut Queen, I found the keys remark adorable.
::blushes:: awww, thanx! See, we can be nice!
how about a copy of the California Penal Code and Danny? Make of that what you will. :devil:
Ooooh, you've got my attention... but erm... being foreign and all, not knowing your justice system ::snicker::... do enlighten me! :devil: Or are you afraid the Meter will haunt you? :lol:
mrsgiovinazzo :lol: :lol: I had to laugh at your California penal Code and Danny. That was the most profound statement of the day. period. and yes, I took the very innocent comment that was made and, well, my dirty mind as usual took over. *shakes head* my mind has free will and the thoughts are usually not clean. especially pertaining to Danny... :D
:lol: I meant from being used like the beautiful sexual creature he is. There's no escape for him from that. :lol:
See, we can be nice!
Of course we can be nice. We only think dirty thoughts about Danny because we love him, but we can talk about the loving him part too, not just the, "loving him". Hee hee.

How about a copy of the California Penal Code and Danny? Make of that what you will. :devil:
Ooooh, you've got my attention... but erm... being foreign and all, not knowing your justice system ::snicker::... do enlighten me! :devil: Or are you afraid the Meter will haunt you? :lol:
That, my friend, was a double entendre, the Penal Code establishes various degrees of crimes and their resulting punishments. Hence, the "penal" I was referring to is derived from "penalty" and has no other legal meaning. :) So take that, darn Meter.

Glad you liked that too, ThumpyG. We miss you!

JDonne - your remarks of the past couple days have been cracking me up. Love the doctor comment. Too funny. :lol:
Nah, but if you had said a nurses outfit you might have freaked me out a little, hehe.

LOL!! More than one of us...

I am really sorry to say this, but I am having the craziest obsession over Gary Sinise. I don't know why, but I am.

Think about Carmine. Think about Carmine. THINK ABOUT CARMINE, GODDAMMIT.

Popcorn... $5
1 movie ticket... $10
Carmine Giovinazzo in a nurse's outfit... priceless

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