The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Not to get off topic or anything, but I have neglected to tell all of you about the Carmine lookalike that came to my work the other night. For my summer job, I work at a small family owned restaurant and a guy came in and I took his order and the whole time, I thought he reminded me of someone, then it finally clicked. I almost asked if he was of relation because a lot of similarities were there. I mean, I do live in NY, he could have family up in my neck of the never know.

It might be Carmine!!!!! :eek:
No more with the nurse's outfit! That's so unsexy. :lol:

Doctor scrubs maybe. My personal favorite is a stripper, post show, when he's wearing nothing.

Well, after Danny that is. Damn is Danny hot.

Anyone else watching NY right now and posting? Cause I am. :) And Danny's hair looks perfect. Highlighted, just the right length.

Damn fine. :devil:
I just watched it. Darn right he looked good! Looks like the kind of guy you want to throw onto the hood of a car and have your way with!

OK, change that. In the lab coat, he looks like the kind of guy you want to throw onto the lab table and have your way with. In casual clothes (such as a wife beater and khakis...I can pretend that's Danny when he's not at work) he looks like the kind you want to throw onto the hood of a car and have your way with.
As long as you can throw him somewhere and have your way with him right?
I just watched it. Darn right he looked good! Looks like the kind of guy you want to throw onto the hood of a car and have your way with!

OK, change that. In the lab coat, he looks like the kind of guy you want to throw onto the lab table and have your way with. In casual clothes (such as a wife beater and khakis...I can pretend that's Danny when he's not at work) he looks like the kind you want to throw onto the hood of a car and have your way with.

Amen to the lab coat part! That is one of my big time sexual (can I say that here? PG13 - o - meter?) fantasies. He did look perfect tonight. Perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect clothes (well, you know) and perfect coat. *sigh* I want him bad!
Of course we can be nice. We only think dirty thoughts about Danny because we love him, but we can talk about the loving him part too, not just the, "loving him". Hee hee.
:lol: Got that right!
That, my friend, was a double entendre, the Penal Code establishes various degrees of crimes and their resulting punishments. Hence, the "penal" I was referring to is derived from "penalty" and has no other legal meaning. :) So take that, darn Meter.
Oh I hear ya! I think the meter must have been confused. There's no double entendre in its thesaurus! :D

Anyhoo, the possibilities are infinite! :devil: Off for some daydreaming now... my boss is gonna hate me today! :p Not good since I'm having a promotion talk with him in a few hours! Got-to-keep-it-together! :p

Oh well, I can always blame the California Penal Code, eh? :lol:
California Penal Code! The things I miss when I leave the locker room... I'm laughing so hard right now, I look insane!
California Penal Code! The things I miss when I leave the locker room... I'm laughing so hard right now, I look insane!
Whch is why we love ya! Yes, leave it to MrsG. to crack us all up! :D

Btw, congrats on your 100th post! Make it a good avvie! :)
*looking around desk for props*
:( Awww that sucks! I've nothing there! Whoa, hold on a second... Computer and printer cables will do! :devil: Desk a bit small, but hey, I have a nice, sturdy chair. No, it's all good! It'd work! :devil: Danny sat on the chair, hands tied behind the back of the chair with the printer cable and me sat on Danny's lap (I say lap because the Meter won't let me say what I am really thinking about! :devil:). Oh yeah, it works! :lol:
Awwww... I love you guys, too!

And yes! 100 posts! Shame on me, though... my milestone was marked by a post about Gary Sinise and not Carmine! :eek:

Ooh! Gotta think of an avvie... :D
And yes! 100 posts! Shame on me, though... my milestone was marked by a post about Gary Sinise and not Carmine! :eek:

:eek: .... As punishment...


Well deserved... well deserved. It's such a crushing blow, I can't believe I did that! Waah! I'll make up for it with a brill avvie... :D
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