The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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see, those are MY flipflops... he just accidentally got them from my side of the bed before he left this morning.

haha! this from someone who didn't know what everyone was talking about earlier!
thanks, udjat! you're the best! ;)

notice how he has the BEST bod among all of them! Girls, we have a winner!
*runs to take a quick, cold shower!
see, those are MY flipflops... he just accidentally got them from my side of the bed before he left this morning.
I wondered where he was all night, he told me he went out for drinks :lol:
Hmhm.... :devil:

Hey, Horatio59, posts like this, with no real words/sentences in them are considered spam, so if you're going to post, just make sure there's some content, okay? Thanks. :)


I love that ass shot. That's a nice, round, fine looking ass that man has. It reinforces the notion that Danny must have a shower scene! After all, if we had to see Dennis Franz's naked ass in NYPD Blue, we should at least get to see Danny's hot sexy one is CSI: NY.
^ I second that motion, Top! All those in favor, say aye!

*marvels at the number of hands that just shot up in the room*

That's it then folks. The people have spoken!

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