The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I love his smirk, I think sometimes more than his smile. The picture I wanted to use was too big and I didn't want to make the margins any bigger, but here's a link.


I actually posted the other half of this scene in the Speed thread earlier tonight. Danny and Speed in the same episode. ;)
Shit, I'm checking out that ass in the first pic. Baby got back! :D
Exactly what I was thinking. Sure, the smirk is nice and all, but his assets...whoaa! :D

Btw Dream, not sure what kind of avvie you're gonna use... but erm... I can make you a nice one! :devil: :devil:

Oh and another thing, welcome all newbies! As Dylan said somewhere already, leave your innocence at the door and you'll have a blast! :D
Don't trust udjat with making avatars. You're just asking for trouble.
:lol: gotta agree there!
well, actually, it depends; do you WANNA get smacked by the PG13-o-meter? :D

aaaa, a whole new thread! so clean and shiny!
did i say "clean and shiny"? lapsus linguae, i ment; dirty and steamed up. ah, just the way i like it...

and the obligatory "shower scene! shower sceeeeeneeeeee!!!" to conclude my post. :D
Morning all! Well here I am hapilly drinking my tea and eating my marmite toast, scrolling down and there is Danny's ass *chokes on toast* nice! Gotta love Danny's assets as a wake up call :)
Don't trust udjat with making avatars. You're just asking for trouble. :D
Awww, but I'm such a good girl! :D

Hmph! :( won't anyone ever trust me again? Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn't trust me either! :lol:

Btw, trouble is my middle name, just read my fanfic! ;)

Shame on you Dylan ganging up on me together with csi007, you're supposed to be on my side. Gah, you so both loved my avvie! Double :p!
Awww, Udjat, you know we love ya! :) You gave us 15 minutes of entertainment to say the least! :D
ah Udjat, you so know you´re avvie was too PG13 rated for this board! i´m just trying to build a somewhat good relationship with the lovely Meter; my head hurts really bad from all the hitting...:( :p
Yeah I guess, very very deep down, I kinda knew, I gave myself false hope, but it was too much fun not to try! :p

As for building a good relationship with the meter? There's no such thing! :D... ask anyone around here! :)

And thank you Tala, you're a sweety!
i wouldn't mind an avvie being made for me. Mine is crap. :)

That arse is gorgeous, it took all my will to scroll down. What episode was that other pic from? That smirk is to die for. :D
I could make one for you? :devil:

::inner voice talking:: Now stop it! Stop killing innocence in this thread!

Nah, seriously, I could make one for ya. Just PM me with a pic of your choice and I'll see what I can do, k?
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