I thought this episode was excellent as always. WOW, never had this kind of issues to deal with. All the team were spectatular, from the beginning till the end. A recap from me~
The chaotic prison scene. I wonder where they filmed this what prison?
Showing Ray, Brass & Nick and Ray running amok

He's run the gamut from happy, sad, mad, friendly, sweet, kind, gentle, caring and in this scene one bad a.. Such a powerful presence like Carol Mendelsohn said "his incredible acting range" [the main reason they choose him] My gal pal who watched it goes 'He's so charismatic". He wore the sunlasses because either he wanted to or the writers thought it was appropriate. NO matter he's just damn good. He takes my breath away

What always comes to mind is his and the teams bonding so comfortable and so together, like he's always been part of the team~
So Vance the corrections officer for killing his ex. wife Anne-Marie. Ray:: "Why is he in the general population"? the warden said because he's was going to get a new trial. Ray "Now listen up, I want you DNA you sneakers etc. this was a cop and there will be consequences, prison will not protect you"? Go Ray:thumbsup:Brass smirking on the side lines, like good job
What a bunch of creeps, bottom of the barrel. Nick collecting DNA samples. anthe Aryan freak after taking off his shirt to Ray. "you like what you see"? Ray: "Take off your pants Adolf , and I'll tell you, want some help ":alienblush:
Doc and Dave Vance had 27 wounds over kill to say the least. Whoa, Dave about prison and Doc saying "I'll put that in my report, life behind bars sucks". Cath enters she goes "I'll have to wait for it to come out on CD" How he used to be a good looking guy, but you wouldn't want to cross him.
Nick finds the "LIST" megas police and det. on it and all of a sudden there's Brass "Find anything interesting" They discuss Anne-Marie and how beautiful she was Brass: "She would make a man do alot of things he's regret" Nick's expresssions awesome, without letting on that Brass is on the list~
Ray and Greg going over video and reinacting it Ray:"This was a hit"~
Brass interogating Thomas Molina, he tells Brass "the hit was a favor for somebody"
Nick comes to Cath's office shuts the door and tell her about the list. Cath knew about Anne-Marie and her bourdoir escapades, and the guys going "atta boy" then he mentions Lou, she blows it off with "ancient history", and tells Nick to make copies.
Brass tells them about him and Anne-Marie, and New Orleans and how sexy she was then Ecklie tells his story EWWW,"dinner and one thing led to another, and they got a room at the Gold Coast":rommie: [I used to hang out there] run-of-the-mill Casino

lots of the native of Vegas go there~
Ray and Nick a the prison Nick finds a joint, and goes to Manuel "Are you on medical marijuana"? and Ray finds a cell phone "Are you on the family plan, cell phones can be expensive":shifty:
Anne-Marie had visited Vance NIck goes to visit her she wants to know where her sister is buried she made up the list and goes "Anne-Marie could make any guy crazy" She was going to leave Vance and had found "the one", but didn't know who it was.
Cath and Lou in coffee shop. I see absoulutely ziltch between them at all it seems to be scripted and forced, and she alwaye talks down to him they don't seem to see eye-to-eye on anything, except maybe in the bedroom. She 3rd degrees him and he does admit the affair with AM, and how he should have recused himself from the case. he goes to Cath "When Warrick was killed, did you recuse yourself"? [good point]. I don't think Cath ever got over Warrick they had chemistry and sizzled

Lou gets annoyed "If this inquistion is over" and splits~
Caht tells Greg to pull her file and he finds the blood was not right it didn't clot~
Lucas Martin's name surfaces Nick "at least now we know where to look"
Brass, Nick, Greg and Cath at an old [what was this place]?

Ecklie shows up with his charming demeanor, he's so snarky. Greg about "The List' and Nick goes "I think your familar with it" Conrad Don't be a smart ass Stokes":lol:
Cath was so cool with all of Ecklie's questions the sniffer dogs find something Lucas shows, tells Cath "Screw you bitch" she goes as smooth as ever, without skipping a beat "I think you mean Screw you CSI Willows" :wtf: Nick kicks in the door and lo-and-behold there's Jody dead.
Doc and Ray Doc enters and goes to Ray "Go ahead and start without me, Mrs. Robbins always does"

Ray ignore his comment and he goes I was talking about dinner"
Lucus and Brass on the gun "I sold it to a guy out of state" Brass "Well now it's in state, maybe it got homesick":guffaw:
Ray with Carlos, he gets in his face on on his case he's so magnetic

but does badger him to get info. from him~
Greg running down the hallway and knocks stuff over Cath 'Running from another stripper"[that's cold] Greg: "A burlesque dancer, that's not funny"
So Anne-Marie is alive and kicking Brass with Lucas, how he loved her yada-yada-yada and they framed Vance. he'd been sending $1,000 a month to Mexico in the name of an orphanage. & claened out Jody's bank account. when he told her he was retiring she ended the calls and he didn't know where she was.~She dumped his butt and how he's given her the gun for protection. Enter Jared Malone a CO he contacts AM the meet but he's called the CSI's so finally someone took her down:wtf:
So we see her, she is stunning, pretty, but had no morals, no conscience a seductive slut. The last scene with Lou and Brass still playing her flirty games and tried to chummy up to both "lets see how many men are on the jury" and snuggles up and gives Brass a slight kiss:evil: Brass you rascal you..
I enjoyed the whole episode the team were all fantastic, again the writers
the best in the business:bolian: