One of my favourite episodes of the series and definitly the season, i always enjoy the episodes where we have a good mix of csi's and cop's.
So the opening scene in the prison was a bit blah, Nick's awkwardness when Brass entered the cell was great, one of those moments when you're thinking *please stop talking and leave*. As Ray was dealing with Aryan Brotherhood i could understand to a point the way he was written in these scenes, still felt a bit cheesey at times though.
Really enjoyed the banter between Doc and David, moments like this must be born of spending your time surrounded by dead bodies

I like that they had Cath know Vance and Anne-marie, as well as adding some nice backstory to Cath/Brass/Ecklie/Vartann. It was a neat way of bringing up past detectives. I was a bit confused timeline wise as i seem to remember Cavaliere was a late entry to Las Vegas, maybe they all overlapped at the Academy.
The scene with Nick and Cath was good, i like the way he broke it to her that Vartann was on list and how Cath shrugged it off as 'Ancient History'.
I did wonder though, if Brass and Vartann were meant to have recused themselves previously, shouldn't they of had to for the cop/sister/anne-marie cases as well? I suppose with the number of cops involved with Anne-marie those who could run the case would fit on a post-it note.
A little aside but could someone explain the Gold Coast reference that Ecklie made (or do i not want to know

Despite being a cath/vartann fan i really enjoyed the Diner scene, they both have strong personalities so it's not like either would back down from defending themselves. Some nice continuity as well with the Warrick mention. I agreed with Vartann's comment about Nick but didn't take it as a necessarily spiteful remark, it's just the way Nick deals with emotional situations. Over the years Nick has certainly become less CSI scientist and more Cop with a gun in one hand and a swab in the other.
The fact that Anne-marie was still alive was pretty obvious early on but there was nice science with the planted evidence and the numerous possible suspects.
The end scenes to this ep were great, although when Ray said 'should i stay' i was screaming NO at the TV so we could have one more private Cath/Lou scene :lol: (Lou's 'you only need one' comment will have to suffice).
I took Vartann's working on finding the link as a round about way of apoligising to Cath for the moment in the diner.
Really wish Dina had had more screen time, she played the sultry character perfectly, it's a shame she can't come back to the show as a cop.
I'd seen Dina and Alex work together on a different show before so it was great to see them have that scene together, her face when he frisked her cracked me up. What would of made it perfect was if Catherine had been there as well. It was nice to see an episode end on Brass and Vartann, the look they shared at the end was great (reminded me of Meat Jekyll and the stripper).
Best line of the night:
'i think you mean screw you CSI Willows'