The lies we tell (Hurricane)

Oooh niice and i could help you with chapters if you like and you could read my new one which is a chapter just on Ryan
Ahh I'm still over-taken by the other fic but it should pass today.
Ditto, and liked. Will head over to try post my opinion on that thread (had bad internet connection yesterday, darn mobile net).
Ahh I'm still over-taken by the other fic but it should pass today.
Ditto, and liked. Will head over to try post my opinion on that thread (had bad internet connection yesterday, darn mobile net).

Know the feeling as mine's crap too due to frickin updats and it limits my internet time and wish it would be sorted
[CHAPTER 13- All of the lights]

His mind was clouded. Somewhere beyond his conscious mind floated a weak memory of something he couldn't point at. It was pretty confusing and mostly disturbing experience. Had he ever been in situation like this? Suddenly something flicked and he remembered. It was the day he lost someone. Someone he loved. But it was years ago. Doesn't matter now anyways. Now all that mattered was sort out all these confusing flashes and find at least one coherent thought. Yeah, but the problem was that he couldn't reach any. They were all blended into each other in a very weird pile.
For a moment there was only black emptiness. Then suddenly something flashed. A memory of something. A girl. Young, very young. She was not more than mid-twenties. She seemed so familiar. Deep green eyes and black hair that actually looked bluish with pink and violet strands, that jumped out of order. It was nice view, he thought, catching warmth in his chest. Then the picture changed.
Now it was late afternoon, sunset, beach. Bunch me people at fire place. Most of them drunk but few frightened, stood aside.
And there she was, that same beautiful girl. She looked scared. Suddenly few more people jumped out of bushes starting to mess up the crowd.
It happened so fast. Few punches here and there, and they were all in a huge mess. Black haired girl hid behind the rocks with two other girls. Suddenly he saw himself jumping onto the crowd, trying to part them but it was useless. Then he rushed over to the frightened girls but few others saw him and they tried to stop him on the way. He had to fight back. But he was alone in this fight, and powerless. The girl jumped over the rocks and tried to help but was hit with a baseball bat, just like he.
She fell on the ground bleeding. He threw himself towards her trying to protect her but a gunshot rang out in the night.
He felt it pierce through his chest with a terrifying force. And then there was another one, piercing through his body.
After the third one he couldn't see or feel anything else aside the girl he tried to save, that was bleeding out in the light of setting sun. Her blood left crimson stains in the sand like a flaming trails of rain. But then he noticed scarlet trails underneath his body. He looked at the pooling liquid stunned but then finally crawled over to the girl. He reached her side but she didn't move. He saw her eyes, full of fear, and looked deep into them. She did same. And at the moment the sun disappeared behind horizon, silver trails ran down her cheeks, shining in the night. The last thing in his ears was the whisper that trembled in his mind for a moment longer before his own tears started to roll down, sparkling to the fading sunlight. He looked up at the sky and saw a lone star falling down. And then it faded into darkness...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm finally back! :)
[CHAPTER 14- Fading daylight shadows]
The darkness changed into a foggy meadow. He was running through the fog early in the morning. A barking of a dog signaled that it wasn't far anymore. He was already tired fro the running when he suddenly tripped over something and fell hard, rolling down the slope. Finally the roll ended and he could open his eyes. Everything was spinning out of control. But after a while he was able to get up and keep running. Finally he reached his dog who was now running back to him. They where standing at the side of a hill, just where the rocks stood.
Something caught his eye...
He looked closer, a dark shade of red glittered in the grass. The dog looked at him sorrowful. He followed his friend down the rocky hillside when all of a sudden his eyes fell onto a figure on the rocks few feet lower. His legs started to move themselves. His mind went empty and all he could see was the body of a young man, that looked so much like himself, lying lifelessly on the cold stone.
Few more images flashed through his foggy mind but he had no recollection of what they were.
Suddenly the blackness didn't seem so black anymore. There was something else. Like dim clouds floating past his eyes. For his own surprise a far, far sound echoed through the emptiness.
What was the sound? Was it a voice? Did someone called a name?
It seemed like an eternity but it almost felt like a movement.
What was that?
Now he was really confused.
Suddenly a bright circle of light shone into his eye. Moment later same happened again to the other eye.
What the hell?
He couldn't get any coherent thought of what might be happening but it felt so unreal.
But what was real? He didn't know. And he had no idea of what was going on at all.
Was he dead?
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Sorry bout the last chapter. But I needed to put the missing part like I originally planned so sorry:)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[CHAPTER 15- Lone Wolfe in the rain]
"He can't die. He can't die." she was holding onto her mantra for almost two hours. He was still in surgery. Alexx wasn't telling anything much but that's probably because she didn't know.
She nearly threw the the nurse, who wanted to check her, out of room through the wall. But eventually with Alexx's help she got checked out and released.
They decided to keep Sam overnight, which meant they could still keep an eye on her. She didn't mind.
Michelle was circling the hallways deep in her own world of thoughts. She was double. At hand hardest fight was for Ryan. He was one of her best friends and she really hoped he'll be ok.
But there was someone else she was worried little bit more. It was Jesse. He was the saviour of their lifes. Jesse has been like a big brother to her during LA times and someone she could trust her own life knowing he felt same. And to her biggest joy he moved to Miami at the same time she returned home. She was so happy for that.
Jesse was taken first since they got him an hour before Ryan, but he was out just an hour ago. He was still unconscious and connected to various machines keeping him alive. It was hard to watch how fragile their later addition to the team looked but he was the one who saw her sister's note attached to the traffic sign.
And now she prayed all the gods she could remember.
Lucy has started to circling around waiting area. She was tired but couldn't stop. Her mind was too busy to process all what happened just couple hours ago. Ryan was like a brother to her. They've spent so much time together. It was by pure accident those years ago when they met. And now she was praying for Ryan. He was still in surgery.
Alexx told them that Ryan's having concussion and some broken comes that will heal within couple of months. But what else she told let a questions arise.
Ooooookay ;)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[CHAPTER 16- The lies we tell]
All the years she'd spent with the H's team she hadn't even thought that someone of them could be able of hiding something this big. She knew the people like her own family. And loved them nonetheless. Even their youngest addition back then, after loosing one of her family. But she'd heard before of the young cop's bravado attitude and lion's heart. He was an excellent cop and even better criminalist. And still he managed to hid so much of his emotions let alone all what happened to young man. Only few times he'd let a bit of emotions out. But it was way too far from what she wanted to hear.
But now even more questions shot through her mind leaving her puzzled. How he was able to hid it so well for so many years? It was just too freaking weird and frightening.
Finally Alexx walked in the waiting area and everyone there nearly leapt towards her.
"How is he?" asked Michelle.
"Well, we lost him couple of times during surgery but now he's ok. We put him to sleep so he'll be sleeping for a while."
They all let a sigh to escape. It was relief.

"Girls I know it's gonna be hard to hear that but I must tell you about this." Alexx looked in the eye of each girl. She could see confusion and fear that made her feel even worse.
"What Alexx?" Lucy asked with a look that left weird sensation in the pit of her stomach.
"I fear about Ryan's condition."
Their eyes grew wider.
"Alexx? What's with Ryan?" Lucy asked fearful look into her eyes.
Alexx knew she adored young man and it was understandable that she felt scared for him.
Alexx sighed, "His lungs are not functioning well."

"Are you trying to tell...?" she couldn't finish the sentence because her voice lost the willpower to finish it.
"I'm afraid so, dear." Alexx simply stated breaking her gaze.
"So... How much time?" Michelle finally having the strenght to ask the dreaded question.
"At this state I can only guess. But as far as I can guess it'd be about several months to few years at least. And only if the treatment works."
"That serious?" Michelle asked knowing the answer won't be anything promising.
"And not only that, Michelle. His condition is far more worse than I could've imagined. I will talk to his doctor asap to find out more. But so far there's nothing too promising." Alexx explained again fearing to look at the girls.
There was a complete silence dreading to break the gaze that threatened to take their minds into places they didn't want to get.
Unfortunately there're few underlying issues...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yeah well I had to redone the chapter few more times due to lost and found parts of sms I'm using to write chapters. I hope it's not too fishy written since I had to scroll back and forth to fill up on missing parts as few returned
Um... Well... Hmm... I dunno yet what's gonna happen to him. Just managed to get some more lost parts of next chapter. But the last chapter's still unknown fate...
So... Who knows, who knows.....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[CHAPTER 17- The darkest side of misery]
He was angry, frightened, confused, anxious, lost.
Only if these words could truly describe how he felt. He know this was about to come but still he hoped for some kind of sudden, hopeful gesture from always shifty fate.
Unfortunately there wasn't really anything that could help either. He was doomed. Totally screwed. And big time.
And now probably he could loose everything, his life including.
That wasn't giving enough options at all. But what he was left to do?
Probably nothing.
But nothing wasn't easing his mind. And his mind was so clouded. But only thing he could do was to run. Run as far and as fast as he could.
Yeah, he'll run and hide away. He won't let the others to see him like this.
He made up his mind and silently slipped out of the room. Like a shadow he escaped the daylight and blended into the darkness outside, hiding behind the shadows of the night, leaving the only place he'd called home for so many years.
This time he knew how to avoid and it helped. He didn't worry anymore. He wasn't scared now. A pure determination took over his doubtful senses leading his way further into unknown fate of life.
It was his own way of fighting down the feeling of helplessness. And he needed to gain some confidence.
And before the first morning birds started their day, he was far enough to hide away. Without a trace, without a trail, without a tiny hope. He had only one wish. To get away....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So now there's only one chapter left. And now I have to start typing it all way from the start because it'd lost again. Darn phones. I want to get a proper pc finally why I can't get. I'd be happy even with iPad let alone any "normal" phone. Ok enough with the rant.
[CHAPTER 18- Somewhere]
It was another day on the beach after a long, long ride. Another journey to the place he didn't know.
Somewhere far, far away, long, long hours ahead. It was his last sanctuary. For the countless time, as he assumed, he was sitting somewhere. Sometimes it was beach, sometimes park. Another time it was a meadow or corn field. It didn't matter as long as he felt good.
He found it better not to dwell on the past but kept going. It was better for himself.
Now when he had a car he could go wherever he wanted or the road took him. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore.
He just needed this freedom. At first it was just a runaway but now he'd decided it's something else. Just like everything in his life that was just something else.
Today had been a good day. He felt better.
Better than ever in all this time. And not only physically. Emotionally too.
Was it a sign? Was that meant something?
It felt weird. Weird but calming. And that was really confusing.
He sat down on the ground and breathed in the fresh air. It was so refreshing. So he kept sitting there until it started to turn darker.
His favorite time of the day. The moment of magic the nature brought. It just felt so fantastic. And somehow he didn't even noticed himself slipping even further into darkness. His mind was so wrapped up that he didn't notice anything.
This was still the day on the beach. Why there would be something else about it?
She was just walking down the beach. It was twilight. A moment of magic as she kept calling it. She loved this time of the day when everything was just slightly wrapped up into light darkness. The light seemed putting everything into surreal colours and shadows that made the imagination rose. It was perfect time to go for a walk.
But she didn't know whom she's going to walk on...
It wasn't like she was exactly paying attention to where she was going as the old memories consumed her. The day months ago when her closest friend decided to give up and disappeared from the surface of the planet. Literally.
But it was also the day they all came to realisation that maybe this was better for him. And she trusted his decision. If that was easier for him to let go.
Not that she was happy for that. She really missed him. All this time spent wondering where her dear friend was.
And all of a sudden her attention fell on the ground finally seeing that there was something on the ground. A shadow. A figure of a body.
What's that?
She wondered walking closer. And, just when she walked close enough, she finally saw the figure that was lying down on the ground...
Her breath stucked into her chest much as her thoughts into her brain.
Any thought just flew out of her mind as the image of the person lying there filled her vision.
She slid down on her knees and let her tears roll down...
A silver sparkles filled the darkness like a diamonds falling down...
The moment faded as the sun disappeared leaving everything in the darkness....


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well this is the end of this story.
It was a joy to write it and I want to say huge thanks to Kaunis Mies for encouragement :)
Now my job starts on other fics I'm left aside and of course I'll post these stories to
I'm so glad you liked :)
Oh yeah but only first thing tomorrow morn. I'm off to sleep and what I'd do without sound of my tv anyways.
But I'm sure it's gonna be interesting chapter :)
It was really good and i've started the abuse in mine but it's gets deadly and freaky...

Ryan's on soon and the ep is season 5 ep 1 Rio woo

My mind's so in the gutter with :censored::censored::censored: thoughts
Oh niceeey:)
Thank you for reading it:)

Aww you're sooo lucky that you can watch right now :rolleyes:
Ah I hope the day I'd do that will come sooner than later...