The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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Hey I got a question in grave danger Catherine say's it's been a tough year for Nick and say's something about him being fired then rehired, does this have something to do with Nick nearly being fired in season one over the death of Kirsty Hopkins??

Nick has never been fired..George Eads was fired then re-hired before the start of Season 5..

In Boom - the episode where Kristy dies - had he been arrested for her murder then he would've been fired from CSI but he was never arrested so that never happened..
ok thankies i must have misheard her away to watch it again lol my excuse i knew George and Jorja were both fired etc
i was just wondering, in the episode where the brother with lukemia kills his sister he says to grissom 'ill be dead before theres even a trial' but if he admitted to killing his sister wouldnt he go straight to jail? no need for a trial?
i was just wondering, in the episode where the brother with lukemia kills his sister he says to grissom 'ill be dead before theres even a trial' but if he admitted to killing his sister wouldnt he go straight to jail? no need for a trial?

Hmm, that's a good question. I'm not sure how the US system works, but I think they'd arrest him for Alicia's murder than he would have a hearing where he would plead guilty or innoncent but Im not sure what would happen if he admitted to killing her..Or, he simply could've been wrong, he was only, I think, 26 yrs old, maybe he doesn't know how the system works..
hmmmm, did i stump the almighty allstar? just joking around, i think thats probably the closest to an answer anyone can give. might have even just been a slip up by the writers, we know theyre not perfect. thanks for your point of view though!
'Harvest' episode, good question allmaple, I’m also not sure how it works in the US, but my thoughts would be that he would maybe plead not guilty thus dragging out the trial. Mind you he didn't seem that kind of guy to drag it all out, he really thought his sister would be better off once she died.
I think the point he was making was more about how with his sister gone, he'd be dead pretty soon, so in the long run it didn't matter.
sorta a opion question but for Grave Danger, were people dissapointed with the lack of sara emotion for nick? just wondering
What was the name of the episode in which Grissom was investigating the death of a little person who who found hanging in a theatre or w/e. The reason why I'm asking is because I think one of the actors in the episode played the role of "Mickey" on Seinfeld. Thanks!
Ooh thanks for the quick response! That was the episode that I was looking for. I was correct when I said that the actor who played Mickey on Seinfeld was in this episode. The actors name was Danny Woodburn and he portrayed Max. Thanks once again!
You're very welcome! :) I knew the guy who played Max looked familiar, now I realize I'd seen him on Seinfeld.
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