The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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I have two questions that's bothering me.

One of CSI:LV - in what ep does Greg says to Sara that he is a good listener?Sara has trouble and she doesn't want to say anything, but in the end she does and says thanks to Greg.

The other is from CSY:NY - In Tanglewood we find out that Danny knows the Tanglewood Boys, and one is saying before he leaves the questionary room that Danny Messer is working here?Ect..ect, does it ever comes out what Danny's connection is to the Tanglewood Boys, besides that he probably lived there...

I think the answer to your first question is 'Unbearable' from Season 5 when Greg says that to Sara. Hope that's helpful :) As for your other question, I'm afraid I don't know because I don't watch NY.
At least thanks for the first answer...It was haunting me like...ages...well, you know what I mean and for the second, I hope that they will let us know what the ties are between Danny and the Tanglewood day.

As for which one I watch...LV and NY... :cool:
The other is from CSY:NY - In Tanglewood we find out that Danny knows the Tanglewood Boys, and one is saying before he leaves the questionary room that Danny Messer is working here?Ect..ect, does it ever comes out what Danny's connection is to the Tanglewood Boys, besides that he probably lived there...
At the moment the 'Tanglewood' episode is all we have to go on, which implies that there is a connection between Danny and the Tanglewood boy's but weather he was a Tanglewood boy or it's a connection from another source is still to be told! :D

I have read that there will be a 'Tanglewood 2' story coming up - Well hearsay really, although I can't confirm when that would be or wether it will definitely happen. :)
I thought it was Shooting Stars from season 6, but then...I haven't seen any of season 6 yet (stupid channel 5 in the UK! :mad: ), so don't be surprised if I'm wrong - this is just what I think from having read posts in LV forum :)
Um, I have no idea on that one I'm afraid - I'm trying to avoid spoilers if possible until I've seen season 6 :) But I have just dug out this thread for you, where the 'attack of the hat' was discussed when the Shooting Stars promo came out. If you haven't seen season 6 yet, please be aware that the thread I have just posted a link to above MAY CONTAIN SPOILER INFORMATION. Hope that helps :)
Aww, you're soo nice! Lol, thanx. Love that quote by the way. That used to be one of my fave movies as I was formerly obssed with Russle Crowe.
Does anyone know which episode nick got thrown out of a window? I heard that and was like...Woah.
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