The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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To that military question. At least here it doesn't matter where you are and what you do, if you are in military, they are ALWAYS involved. Always. When my ex was in the army, he got weekend free and came home (450km) and had bad ear infection and went to emergency. When he returned, he got a note that he should have gone to nearest military hospital/healthcare centre (which was 200km away) instead of going to civilian health care centre.

So I assume it's like that everywhere. They don't like that civilians poke their things. :p
Hmm, I feel a bit strange asking a question myself :lol: But anyways, hopefully someone can tell me this...which episode of NY does Danny pick Lindsey up? Please, I don't want to know details about why he picks her up, etc. because I don't want to be spoiled. Just the name of the epi is fine :). I'm thinking about starting to watch CSI NY and am just curious which epi this scene happens (I've seen it used a lot in icons/banners/wallpapers).

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks Fay :D I'm gonna have a look round and see if I can get NY season 1 cheap somewhere so I can start watching it :)
Ah yes, I really loved season 1 of NY. :D I watched a few episodes today and it was quite enjoyable. ;) I'd definitely recommend watching it. The first half of the season had the blue hue that some people weren't too fond of, but starting halfway through it lightened up. :) Season 2 was a bit different from 1, but they both have their merits. ;)

So, uh, yeah, I'm not rambling or anything. :eek: Definitely check out S1 if you can get it cheap. ;)
Ok, I have a couple of question's about New York.
Whats the name of the episode where there's been, I believe, 7 murders in one building, and Danny picks Lindsey up and tries to get dinner and she says 'Make Tracks Cowboy'?
Whats the name of the ep where Danny and Mac have a bet on whether Lindsey would eat the fried spider and things?
And whats the name of the episode where Lindsey takes Danny to the bar where Mac plays?
Thank you for any help guys!!!

The episode with "make tracks cowboy" is "Cool Hunter," the episode with the fried spider is "Fare Game," and the episode with Mac playing guitar at the bar at the end is "Stuck on You." :)
What epi (I think it's S6) does Greg look for a bullet in a car and when he pulls it out, s@¡t-looking stuff goes in his mouth and Sara, who is standing beside him, says "Technically that makes you a cannibal. Grissom would be proud," and hands him a wad of paper towels, only to hear Greg reply, "Grissom would have tasted it on purpose!"? (I LOVED that epi. Greg's actions made me jump up from my bed, run into the living room, and finish watching it there. :D :lol: I watch CSI: in a lot of places.)

I think it's "Shooting Stars", but I can't be too sure.
No it's not "Shooting Stars", but "Bodies in Motion". I almost missed that episode but I was home when that scene has been shown. It's so funny. :lol:
Yes it is.
I just edited my siggy, and I was thinking, "Where is that quote from?"
I think it's "Coming of Rage"; am I right? I know it's from where Greg was still in the field.
The quote with the bottles is from that epi where the boys where in that garage and were "playing" with that gun and the bamboo shot. I'm not sure how it's called but I know that CHarlie Hofheimer is the older brother from that guy who got killed. *runs up to to search that epi*

I'm sure it's "A night at the movies". Greg is still in his lab and I'm sure it's there where he tells Nick that two of the gang are brothers.
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