The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe my uncle married a Phillipino woman named Cherry -- and I can't believe that my dad called her Eggroll while playing a drinking game.

She won. XD
I can't believe my week off work is almost over already, 2 more days and I have to go back. :( A whole week off and I did nothing but sleep and get on the computer! :lol:
I can't believe that I just saw my BEST BEST friends today.... after 2 weeks without them even calling me. When I was them, I wanted to hug and kill them at the same time. Some friends.
defiantDittohead said:
i cant believe i can hear my broken bone rattling when i shake my leg :D :lol:
Heh, get used to it Dave, that rattling probably lasts forever :p My elbow does that, broke it when I was 9 and it makes pretty rattling and creaking sounds when I move it haha.. when I put my hand onto it and move it you can even feel the bones shifting along side each other :D

I can't believe my Florida friend desperately wants a Wuppie and she's so sad that they don't have them at the AH anymore, so now I promised her to give her mine.

I can't believe my Florida friend apologised for the mess in her appartment.. when I entered :eek: What friggin' mess?? There was noooo mess at all. She was like: "look at my desk!" Me: "Uhm, Sharon, there are papers on it.. that's not a mess, they're even neatly piled!" :rolleyes:
I can't believe how loose my jeans feel today! My diet appears to be working. :eek:

I also can't believe how excited I am that the CSI NY finale is on tonight here in the UK! *does happy dance* :D
I can't believe we didn't win any of the games today :( It wasn't that serious for us but that one game was just...wrong :(
I can't believe I'm going to see an appartment this afternoon :D It has 2 bedrooms YAY! I so want it!

I can't believe my colleague sent me my new French books that I need for teaching.. I already love the guy :)
I can't believe how completely knackered I am - in Scotland staying with my brother and his family, 3 kids and his wife are definitely enough to get you stressed out easily.

I can't believe I go home on Monday. I am both excited and sad...
i can't believe today was +37C, so close to 40C :eek:
i can't believe i am red now :p
i can't believe i slept just 4 hours..
I can't believe that although I've lost weight (just a little bit), I still can't fit in the trousers that I bought last year... :(
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