The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe my boss just told me to leave work coz there is no place for me anymore. The new girl has my computer now....MAN I'm pissed off! Stupid work experience!
defiantDittohead said:
Steve_Jobs said:
defiantDittohead said:
Steve_Jobs said:
I can't believe I've watched 12 episodes of 24 in the last 24 hours :eek:
i cant beleieve you didnt watch all 24 episodes!! ;)

My record is season 2 in 36 hours...

thats terrible :p the DVD's only 18hr long. :lol:

i cant believe how many times ive been warned for this or that on talkCSI :D

the only boy..and im a rebel! :p

^Yeah, and next time it won't be so light :p
saras_girlfriend said:
I can't believe my boss just told me to leave work coz there is no place for me anymore. The new girl has my computer now....MAN I'm pissed off! Stupid work experience!

you got fired?! :eek: :(

i cant believe i hopped to the phone...and JUST missed it :(
I can't believe my neighbours were cooking naked in their kitchen where I could see them!!! I was trying to wash up :eek:
saras_girlfriend said:
I can't believe my boss just told me to leave work coz there is no place for me anymore. The new girl has my computer now....MAN I'm pissed off! Stupid work experience!
Hope you find another job soon. ;)

I can't believe we (Portugal) lost and we're still celebrating. Cheers! ;)
i also hope you have luck on your job search :D

i cant believe how long i have been watching conan o brian, im 13 and i have been a late night talk show since i was 7, cheers to conan :)
Footyliz said:
I can't believe my neighbours were cooking naked in their kitchen where I could see them!!! I was trying to wash up :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh man, that sounds SO HILARIOUS! :lol: Sorry :p

I cannot believe how GOOD at diving Ronaldo is. :rolleyes:
I can't believe how often I've listened to this song today...
((White Houses - Vanessa Carlton))

I can't believe how tired I am
I can't believe that I still can't sleep...
I can't believe I'm sill up.
I can't believe I missed CSI on TV.
I can't believe how cold it is.
I can't believe my notebook's battery still hasn't run out...
I can't believe how hot it is here, thanks for keeping me cool fan!
I can't believe I'll see my friend again tomorrow after not having seen her for almost a whole year.. yay.. she's taking me out to lunch :p

I can't believe how blessed I feel :)
Footyliz said:
I can't believe my neighbours were cooking naked in their kitchen where I could see them!!! I was trying to wash up :eek:
Whoa! :eek: :lol:

I can't believe how cute my neighbor is! He lives opposite my house and I've only just noticed him! :eek:
I was randomly looking out of the window yesterday and he was walking down the street with no top on! :devil: :eek: :lol:
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