The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe I wrote 6500 words within two days and got 80% on it :lol: Highest of the class.. heh.. ahum.. *blush* I feel awkward :p

I can't believe I'm going to respond to three appartments in about an hour.. I so want one of them.. I don't really care which one.. well ok, I do, but honestly, I just need a place to live :rolleyes:
I can't beleive I'm typing whilst painting my nails. How can I be so stupid?
Yeah, I cant believe Ive had only baout 5 hours of sleep two nights in a row. Cos it's too frigging hot to be sleeping.
I can't believe the man in the photography shop didn't charge me the £15 I owed for getting 120 digital pics developed :eek:
i cant believe your talking to "casper" .... :rolleyes:

i cant believe kazzy loves "casper" :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what's going on here, but I don't think we should be talking about other members of the board like this behind their back.

If there's a personal issue with a poster, please leave it off the board, okay?
I cant believe Dave is jealous of our little Casper! Aww Dave, he's a sweetie, lay off. :p I still love you, dont worry. ;)
I can't beleive it is the last day of being together as a year group at prom tonight but some people cannot forget five-year old greviances and simply be nice, polite and leave the sarcasm alone.
i can't believe i spend all day near water, but didn't go swim.. :p

i can't believe i stick everywhere CSI and CSI miami pic's in my room :lol: my parents will be mad :d
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