The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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You know, the after-shock is what's entertaining me!!!!!

I would have died in the end IF Grissom had on a wife-beater. :p Can you imagine his arms and chest?
Oh mercy me!! :D
If only? :devil:

I'm with Ya WPRMW that would have just kept me even longer. Because I'd just be drooling over Him. OMG!! I'm having thoughts. (Must remember this for a future Fic. Hehehe:devil: )
newflame13 said:
I'm with Ya WPRMW that would have just kept me even longer. Because I'd just be drooling over Him. OMG!! I'm having thoughts. (Must remember this for a future Fic. Hehehe:devil: )

:mad: OT: Damn CBS! :mad: :mad: :mad: They moved WAT to Sunday nights! :mad: :mad: :mad:

If only the wife-beater was there! :devil: :p
Now that would have change my mind easily about the finale. :lol: :lol:

Hey good-luck with the fanfic newflame :D

Hmmm I wonder if Billy went to the Cubby/Sox game? :)
Yay, Rocks won! :D

Too bad the Cubs aren't having a great year. :( I am happy for my Rockies!!!! :D

Damn, we NEED a Grissom wife-beater ep.

Rumour has it, the ending of WTG was supposed to be in a different ep, right? :rolleyes:

If that's the case, would it have caused a hugh after-shock had it aired earlier in the year?? :eek:


Yeah I believe the ep "Daddy's little girl" or "Gum Drops" one of the two was suppost to have the ship part in it, but because of WP's Nephews death they didn't do it.
Thanks guys! :D

As much as I try to avoid spoilers, it comes out accidently and god I hate that. That is why I wasn't surprise or shock. :( Damn those spoilers! :mad: :mad: :mad:

It's strange how CBS promoted this as a Brass ep and then all hell broke loose. :lol: :lol:
Had it aired originally during G Drops, there wouldn't have been that much of a fuss. :rolleyes:

I didn't know that it was originally supposed to be part of an earlier episode ... wonder what the finale would have looked like :D
It would have probably been about more of brass with the B plot to keep people busy off and on.

I agree that fuss would have been less, but only for the finale more then likely it would strong for that ep, so either way it would have happened. I would have thought they would have saved revealing anything until the end of the overall show, but then no one ever really said they liked to stay on the beaten path. :lol:
GrissomFREAK said:
I didn't know that it was originally supposed to be part of an earlier episode ... wonder what the finale would have looked like :D

Yep! That was the plan.
Was that the right call? :rolleyes: Only time will tell.

Sorry Destiny and WPRMW, did i get it right?
The final scene was supposed to be the '(in)famous' Gum Drops scene?? :rolleyes:
Talking about 'much ado about nothing'!! :lol: :lol:

BTW George Eads' quote from the interview (tnx desertwind :)), regarding Grissom pretty much sums up what we all think about our fav CSI:
"I mean, doesn't everyone just love Grissom? There's just something eccentric and weird and kooky and cool and awesome about Grissom, man!"
(he forgot to say SEXY AND HOT!! Now, we have a complete account of his virtues!! :lol: :lol: :D)
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