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GGgirl1 said:
But if he lost some weight during the summer, that might work. Might...
Yeah. Heavy in the might *sigh*

To paraphrase someone: the beard, the whole beard, and nothing but the beard.
:lol: I would like him to have at least a little 'something' ... couldn't agree more with you though. Unfortunately, it's gone for good

Adzix said:
hey GF, young generation here too, yo :lol:
Yo sister! :D

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
I want my Jackpot Grissom back.
*SIGH* I do too.

But well, about this whole beard thing. First time I watched CSI -Pilot, I fell in love with the show, and with Griss too. I think that first I liked him for his mind, you know, but when The Beard appeared BAM! *thud* Struck by Hottness ;)
So with The Beard gone ... all that's left is the mind right? :D Nah, kiddin'. I'll just wait and see. We might be agreeably surprised *crosses fingers*. You never know. This said, I'll pbbly NEVER get over my beard addiction ;)
GrissomFREAK said:
First time I watched CSI -Pilot, I fell in love with the show, and with Griss too. I think that first I liked him for his mind, you know, but when The Beard appeared BAM! *thud* Struck by Hottness ;)
That happened to me too!!! Are we like-minded or what! :lol:

[So with The Beard gone ... all that's left is the mind right? :D Nah, kiddin'.
All that's left is the mind??? I don't think so! Remember the eyes, the nose, the lips, the dimple, the neck, the VOICE :eek: :devil:... I could go on and on and on... :devil: btw, I know you're kiddin' ;)

I'll just wait and see. We might be agreeably surprised *crosses fingers*. You never know. This said, I'll pbbly NEVER get over my beard addiction ;)
XX (crossing my fingers too...) And I think I'll always stay a BAA also...
Hey all you Grissom addicts - have you seen the pics of him on the S/7 pic. spoiler thread-? he looks great :p very trim and its only a profile but he look's good- how could he look bad right- I was concerned cause of another horrible pic I'd seen- but now my spirits soar with these new photos- :pcan't wait--
Destiny said:
As to why he shaved and who was to blame, I am sorry but saying his wife or anyone else made him doesn't sound reasonable IMO, its his life, he is his own person and if he decided its time for a change, or did it for a job, either way its his decision.
Ah, Voice of Reason. I thought I had slipped into the Twilight Zone for a minute there. ;)
OOOOO Thanks desertwind, I'll check it out right now!
One can hope he looked as cute as he did in the first season and even into the second

Although the beard is SOOOOO HHHHHHOOOOOTTT :devil:
In the bilboard pic, WP isn't wearing shoes...
I'm so confused. But hey, beard or no beard, the man is still dead sexy gorgeous.
I just looked at the picture too, I said it was off and it made Billy look really tall. And YELLOW? I'm not sure about that, but hey we are only seeing the side of him
His eyes can still make me **melt** and the lips too
**drool city :devil: **
I wonder if we can get a full face shot? Just to see the clean-shaven Billy :D
It seems like he's got a whole "new look" and it look's pretty damn good- :p so trim and thin, and a bit ot grey- and a bit older, but still look's so handsome---he keeps evolving and changing- every season- can't wait-till Sept. 21st-- and don't forget he'll be a presenter at the EMMYS' this Sun. then we can see him up close and personal- :pwhy is he walkng in his socks- or are those really strange shoes?? :lol:
oh sorry girls, i exploded after seeing this promo pic and i thought we weren't discussing it yet, so you can see my freak out on the Billy Pic Thread :lol:

one thing, that i'm gonna repeat from there, well maybe two things: he is freakin' thinner which makes me happy like never, and second - those ain't strange socks, yo! he's BAREFOOT. i'm not gonna repeat my reaction on that again though. read it on pic thread, i was, umm ..very emotional about it, yeah :lol:

newflame!!!! how GREAT to see you girl! you're finally back ;)

can't wait for the Emmy's too. it's gonna be the first real glimpse of him beardless i think. i won't be able to watch it but there it still my beloved WPAP to give me pics and videos :D
Adzix said:
WPRMW, i love Godsmack too!! it's one of my favorite bands! got their 2 albums, Sully Erna's voice is great!! :D :D

OT: Another fan who loves Sully and the boys!! Yay!!!

Adzix, I just love the song "Voodoo" I'm always listening to that one. :p

Still haven't seen the new pics. :rolleyes:

Can you believe next Friday is September? :eek:
And FOX already showed the season opener to Prison Break which was soo good. Vanished was ok.

I saw the promo picture. I have to get used to the "new look"
Maybe it's the "ever-changing" Grissom?
TRUE fans will still watch, RIGHT LADIES?
And as Destiny has pointed out.. we won't REALLY know what he looks like until Sept. 21st
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