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:lol: :lol: You sounded slightly confused in that last post, egg -surely His Hottness was doing this to you.

Hope you had a good night sleep ;)
Is that the 11th of the 11th at 11 o'clock thing? So not a holiday in England. When's the next bank holiday? I'm confused.

This coming Monday is next bank holiday. And yup, Novemeber 11th is Rememberance Day. Something tells me Egger might have been drunk when she posted?! LOL, naughty naughty Eggster.

And to clear up le confusion, Egger, they replay an episode of CSI at 12 most nights on Five US. They coulda picked better ones for the Bizarre. Fur & Lothing, King Baby (which was on last night WOO!) and I can't think of anymore now. Typical!

GrissomFREAK your location is Grissom's head?!

I had a Grissom dream last night. He was on my driveway investigating kids scratching our cars. At one point he was topless but I can't remember why. Like he needs a reason. Ahhh, I loved having Grissom so close to home LOL.

So, S8, who'd like to see another Grissom centric episode (stupid question?!) i'd like to see him take a vacation to the UK (preferablly Blackburn LOL) and have him stumbling on a case and not being able to help himself but to solve it. I got the idea from a fanfic lol.
Uff! You are asking me so many questions! :lol: I apologise if I miss any out. Just let me know if you asked me something on here and I have so rudely ignored you!


just done it btw - and there was controversy in the Britfan household! poppylvsgriss and I hard numerous heart attacks!!


I bet the bleach causes hysteria?! Mwahaha.

NEVER mention the bleach. I know where you live. I have a large Domestos with your name on it... and it's not for your u bend. ;) *starts to rock in chair*

'I got a pain in my sawdust...'

I am still annoyed about this story line, so leave it! :lol:

The Prom! Yes, we had it. It was fantastic! Strangely, Billy didn't turn up to escort me, he may have been washing his hair at the time (or poppylvsgriss had him locked up in her house at the other side of town... I wouldn't put it past her, expecially if he was in his tux :p)

I got a leaving book with loads of Griss pics in, and I will take a pic and put it on the pics thread. I think you get told off for putting pics on here, don't you?

Oooh! Ams! The Dream! I had a belter when off on spoiler duty! It was dead weird and so vivid and I can really remember it. Did it actually happen?? :eek: I was in Vegas in the Bellagio, when I bumped into his wife. I recognised her pic and started talking to her about teaching (I really must do something about my social techniques!) and we were having a good chat about it, and then she invited me to lunch. I had a mate with me and I asked what about him, and she said she would deal with it. So off we toddled to this gorgeous Italian restaurant in the Venetian - had visited that last summer. And Billy was there!

He sat me down, while his wife took my mate off to the Stratosphere! No idea why!

So Billy bought us that really thin crust pizza and then took me on the roller coaster at New York New York! Repeatedly! But before I could find out where this was leading, I had to get up for school. And I was GUTTED!

Gina pimped Billy out to me and ran off with my friend! What goes on in my head??!!

Ams - being in the pub all night and having to get up for school the next morning is part of the teaching standards laid down by the Government in the Post Graduate teaching course. I passed with flying colours! every teacher in the UK is excellent in this skill! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ooh! Such a long post!
surely His Hottness was doing this to you.
Something like that. :rolleyes:
Something tells me Egger might have been drunk when she posted?! LOL, naughty naughty Eggster
:lol: No? :rolleyes:

And to clear up le confusion, Egger, they replay an episode of CSI at 12 most nights on Five US.
Yeah, but they were replaying an ep that had been shown 5 hours before, which is just silly. :lol:

Never guess what Eggy's eating? :lol: An egg. :lol: <<That was off topic. I keep using '<<', how odd.

So, S8, who'd like to see another Grissom centric episode (stupid question?!) i'd like to see him take a vacation to the UK (preferablly Blackburn LOL) and have him stumbling on a case and not being able to help himself but to solve it. I got the idea from a fanfic lol.
Yeah G centric. :D If he was gonna come to England he soo should come to Stratford. David Tennant did, they used the churchyard to film. :D Bad things always happen in Stratford, ooh, they could have a 'found in the River Avon' ep, it wouldn't be so out there either. :lol: That was horribly morbid, apologies.
No wait, what they need is a 'going to a conference' ep, when you actually follow him at the conference, there has been so many conference fanfics, how about seeing him race his cockroaches. That would be awesome. :D

At one point he was topless but I can't remember why. Like he needs a reason.
He never does. He's mostly naked in my dreams too. It's terrible. :rolleyes: I think I had a dream about you guys last night, but I can't remember what happened. :lol:

*starts to rock in chair*

'I got a pain in my sawdust...'
:eek: God that is scary! *runs away screaming*

That dream is so cool BF, who knows what could have happened if you hadn't woken up. :eek: I never have half normal dreams, mine involve shooting people with hairdryers, well apart from that certain dream that I had. *cough*

every teacher in the UK is excellent in this skill!
You reckon? I once walked into a form room a few years ago, and my biology teacher had made himself a bed using the desks, he was out like a light. Too be fair he was a bit strange to begin with. :lol:
britfan said::

The Prom! Yes, we had it. It was fantastic! Strangely, Billy didn't turn up to escort me, he may have been washing his hair at the time (or poppylvsgriss had him locked up in her house at the other side of town... I wouldn't put it past her, expecially if he was in his tux :p)

mwhah hah hah! (to quote ams). now why would i do a thing like that brit??? :devil: ah, thou knows me so well!! :D

and people, never mention the finale storyline to britfan - she goes mental at the mere thought of it. funny though! :D :D
He's going to sing on the 30th of May? :eek:

Talk about bad timing. I'm on vacation that whole week and won't get to see him sing. :( Dangit! :mad:

I'm sure it will be posted somewhere online. :)

and people, never mention the finale storyline to britfan - she goes mental at the mere thought of it. funny though!

That's the effect bleach has on me! :lol: Don't ask to use my toilet! ;)

'Something is wrong with my little insides...'

Did WP have any say over this bleach business, as an exec. producer? There were more holes in the plot than in a sieve for the finale! It was gripping and squeeeesome, but bleach?? Come on!!

WPRMW - it sucks not been able to see him, doesn't it? That's the power of the hotness for ya, right there!
Such lovely Billy-Dreams! I've found that if I drop off to sleep right after watching several episodes of CSI I'm sure to have dreams, both good and bad, after soaking in the Hottness of Billy!
One thing slightly off topic, I've found that Valerian root* capsules, which I sometimes take to help me sleep, can definately increase the number of dreams one has and even seem to make them more intense and colorful. It takes a little while for this to take effect, but it is very interesting all the same.
*This isn't something to 'get high' with, it is just an herbal supplement availible in any health food or large grocery store's vitamin aisle.
eggbe4thechicken said:
At one point he was topless but I can't remember why. Like he needs a reason.
He never does. He's mostly naked in my dreams too. It's terrible. :rolleyes:
More like AWESOME, yeah! :lol:

And no he certainly doesn't need a reason to get naked. He's got my blessing.

I miss wet Grissom :( I want RAIN!

19ams87 said:
So, S8, who'd like to see another Grissom centric episode (stupid question?!)
I SOOOO do. Been waiting for it since, like ... season 4 :lol: :lol:
NEVER mention the bleach.
Ams - being in the pub all night and having to get up for school the next morning is part of the teaching standards laid down by the Government in the Post Graduate teaching course.

BLEACH BLEACH BLEACH! Mwhahah sorry BF I just couldn't help myself. And you're blessed with sweet Billy dreams too eh?! I'm having them LOADS at the moment. Serious obbsession. Suddenly I wanna be a teacher :p

Bad things always happen in Stratford
He could investigate the mystery of the phenominon that is chavs. We have an abundance of them in Blackburn. *begs Billy* come to Blackburn! You know it makes sense...

And c'mon, is it seriously just me?! I PISSED myself at the Sawdust song. LOL, seriously, it's funny. What? Don't look at me like that people.

This is slightly OT, anyways, at college yesterday we had to paint our studio ready for our exhibition (ooh how posh!) and my mate had some overalls going spare. Needless to say I LEEPED at the chance to wear them, they were JUST LIKE the CSI ones, I had my hair up too, I was lil Marg! I was loving it. :D
I'm sure it will be posted somewhere online.
One can only hope. :rolleyes:

'Something is wrong with my little insides...'
Oh no. It's her again. :eek:

I think cheese has the same effect on making you dream more, plus it's cheaper, lol. It's because cheese has a certain amino acid in it that induces sleep, plus it reduces stress, so I guess the two things combined makes you dream naked Billy dreams. ;)

I miss wet Grissom I want RAIN!
Don't talk to Windy about the rain in Nevada. :p

So, S8, who'd like to see another Grissom centric episode (stupid question?!)
Burn out was quite G centric wasn't it? So was the finale really. Not quite a centric as Jackpot, but still more than usual. :)

Suddenly I wanna be a teacher
Uh oh. :eek: She's gonna be one of those crazy art teachers! Hide your children! :lol:

He could investigate the mystery of the phenominon that is chavs.
Definitely. He could work out why they tuck their trousers into their socks, and have an affinity for burberry and adidas combined. Odd species.

I PISSED myself at the Sawdust song
It was funny the first time, but...then it got scary what with the whole dazed, being shaken by G, although I think I would be dazed if I was being manhandled by him, singing of the song.
The worst part was the You're special girl? and I promise. Arghh! Terrifying. :eek:
it that induces sleep, plus it reduces stress
So does beer LOL.
Burn out was quite G centric wasn't it? So was the finale really. Not quite a centric as Jackpot, but still more than usual.

I want like Grissom on his own, with only phone contact with other CSIs, get him in the forrest again, or the mountains, or in the bath...omg sorry LOL.

It was funny the first time,
I've only seen it the first time, haven't seen the whole ep yet kiddo.

And yes, i'd be a mental teacher, a cool one though. Obviously mwahaha. :cool:
I'm sure you can see the video of him talking about "LD" on this site, it even offers ACROBAT, and I downloaded it, in like two minutes, ;) and they're all talking about the reveal scene, and he says how "he doesn't really like "cliffhangers" but it was neccssary, due to the circumstances of this finale! [if you haven't already seen this]
I want like Grissom on his own, with only phone contact with other CSIs, get him in the forrest again, or the mountains, or in the bath...omg sorry LOL.
Wait. A. Minute. Have we ever seen a soapy Billy, with bubbles and such? We've seen fully naked Billy, a just got out of the shower Billy, a washing self with a towel precariously balanced Billy and an in the sauna Billy, but with bubbles? I don't recall... (N.B. I know it isn't Billy, but it was Billy, therefore I'm saying Billy, if you catch me? Probably not.)

Obviously mwahaha. :cool:
Wow, she used the :cool: smily.
Did you all see him in "HAPPENSTANCE" last night.. the twins? different twist :eek:and the last scene when he was reading and Sara came in and looked at his crossword puzzle, and goes "you missed one "Misthantrope" so do you all know what that means? I looked it up.. ;)
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