The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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I know, I know, I know, she who eats Tokyo is always right.

But what made you come up with it in the first place?
*thinks of the whole GLORY WHORE comment made by Archie* who knows, maybe he is in more ways then one.....maybe not! Porn star?

I think I'll leave the theories up to you pabzi, lol, cause yers tend sound more logical then
Whoa whoa whoa...
Davey Hodges a hooker?
Hmm... *shrugs* I don't think so. It seemed like he was reciting his monologue from memory, like his mom told him all that after picking him up from the police station... "Next time you want sex, go to one of those professional places" kinda thing. That's just the way I saw it though...
Me? Logical? Since when?
Does anyone here know me as logical?
Especially pertaining to David?
Well, I guess I am logical, but my logic differs from most other people.
Everyone is logical in their own way, Pabzi, don't worry. If you come up to a rational conclusion by thinking, I think you can be considered logical. *shrugs* you do have some pretty strange logic though. Or maybe it's me that has the strange logic, everyone here always seems to agree with you, lol.
No, it's me with the strange logic. I do't usually see people agreeing with me. Tobidee came to this conclusion WAAAAY before I did. In general, I just get these weird David flashes. Some, like this, do have a sense of twisted logic to them...but no, I still don't think that I am to be considered logical
I may differ in opinion in some of these thoughts and/or theories of yours pabzi, but at least they make sense... hense, logical! They make you think, consider the, you know, think outside the box...sort of speak! I hate hearing these; "off the wall," that make absolute NO SENSE theories! AND having nothing to base it on.......know what I mean?
Yeah, as long as an idea makes me think and is worth contorting, I think it should be considered logical. I'm going to watch that scene again and see if I can get that "he was a whore" vibe. Who knows, I usually don't catch things until my second or third time seeing them, maybe the idea just didn't jump at me. I still cant see him as being one though. He's just too... just too... hmm... I can't think of it...
He's too Hodgesy. Tell me if you can feel it. It's something I'm not sure of, it was an underlying feeling I got from reading into what he said.

Never know, maybe he had to in order to get through college.
Well, like loki, I didn't get the vibe but, multi-tasking isn't a strong point with me seeing my sense of concentration tends to drift *sad to say that's what I was doin last night*...I too sometimes need to re-watch to catch certain things...especially when yer not lookin for it to begin with!

But, you have sparked enough of my curiosity, to go and view it again...

Some people do, do crazy things for different and odd reasons :lol: And HODGES is crazy enough to do anything, such as pissin' on the handle of a profs Good ole HODGES!
although we didnt see hodges very much in the Happy epi...the part went he was rambling on about the *lady* and his arrest adventure was was the look on Greg's face...i had to watch it a dew times
I'm impressed pabzi, with the quick eye, when you were talkin about the snuff eppy....

the question is...was it just a mistake on the writers part, or is there really more to this, and they're just not showing all the cards yet? So many possiblities!

It does make your theory that much more intriguing. Dave does seem to be fairly knowledgable about the situation from last eppys little monologue and comments made in passing in the past.

Hmmmmmmm.......*thinks about it*

It's not definate, but it definately made me thing. Snuff was 3 eps before he arrived. What if that was a preparation for his entrance and this a preparation for his exit :eek: As I said, I'm not sure the writers are that smart...I really hope they aren't...
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