The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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Actually that thread ("If you could interview an LV Star") was created a long time ago and then it dropped down and brought back and then dropped down until someone was looking for it and I gave them the link to bring it back up. Its just been hanging around.
We are still in spoler-zone for the next 40 minutes. I'm going to bed now, but what i will say is: :eek: :lol: :lol: :eek:
Pabzi, that made me giggle.

I'll have to concur with that, we found out something interesting about our sweet little Hodges tonight. Ok, sweet may be a bit of a stretch...
I just found it amusing.....once he started, he didn't stop. heheh...a rambling hodges! Cute, I don't think greg saw it that was though...but it wouldn't be a greg and hodges scene if it weren't for something like that! Made me laugh anyway. You can always count on hodges! :lol:
I love when he rambles. Greg looked so confused. He had a 'WTF' look and also a 'shut up Hodges' look hehe
LOL...yeah, I think that was one of the funnier scenes with him and greg from this season. Well, besides what Greg said to Hodges in Labrats, I am tryin to think more...the only other scene is the one from earlier on in the season, can't remember the eppy, where the two are talkin about shiffling the gas...
Last night's was by far the funniest IMO.

I transcribed it. Question is, legally, am I allowed to post it here? I don't really see why not, cause there are sites like , in which transcripts are posted (usually at the end of each season) BUT, I'm not sure if they are reqired to get permission from CBS to do so. (Funny thing, about an hour ago I applied for a transcription job). So, Destiny, can you tell me if I can post it?

In the meantime, I'll write a sentence here, cause a thought came to my mind. The thought is rather out there btw.

When he is doing his monolougue, about the hookers and their healthcare and everything, he said "Women get regular checkups." The exact context is: "Health benefits, good pay, women get regular checkups."
Now, wouldn't it be natural to say THEY get regular checkups? Think about it and come to your own conclusions. I have a friend who had the same thought, actually, she's been talking about it for months, cause it's her opinion on David, but, uh...I'm starting to I said. out there.
Okay. Will do. It's what I did transcribe allready.

I'm working on a new David thoery. There's an ep I need to see again for it, but the theory has a bit to do with this ep...
You have me curious on the new theory about Daivd, PABZI. I'd be interested in hearing it if yer willing to share. :)
Hodges is just so awesome! I love it when he has screen time, and I am a diehard Nick fan! His moves, his expressions and the comments are too funny. And he gets such great reactions out of the other actors.
It's a bit too freaky...
Do you remember in the episode 'Snuff', that David's name came up on the computer? 'Snuff' was 3x08. David's first ep was 3x11.
Theres more. I'm still thinking about it. I had thought that the thing on Snuff was just a stupid mistake, but now im not so sure...ALLTHOUGH, the writers may not be that smart...on the other hand, they may be smarter than we think...
his name came up on the computer it that eppy?? gonna have to rewatch that eppy.....I never noticed *digs out season 3 dvds*

GO on.....! *waits for more thoughts*
I'm gonna wait with more, I've been mulling over it since I finished my morning jobhunt 5 hours ago. Enough is enough.
Does anyone else here believe that he may have been a prostitute from the fact that he said 'Women get checkups?' Or is that just my sick mind? *goes looking for Tobidee*
I always knew our dear Davey was a whore. *shakes head* how else would he know this much? *points to Pabzi* See, my theory is the best theory in the WORLD and you know it.
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