The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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lol....yeah, and it was on the of course I had to clean it up a little, but hey...he's worth it
I don't remember from last thread, but did we vote on a thread title?? Cause I think we could come up with some good names.
well, I don't know where you are located to, but I know here where I am in Canada, the boxset ran about 60 dollars tax in. As for in the states or anywhere else, I would not be able to tell you......

Wally was a mighty fine actor in the larry sanders show aswell as now in CSI.
Last time the title issue came up you all wanted to keep the title as it is, but we can take Idea's if folks want to see about changing it, as long as it doesn't disrupt the discussion, and I will pick someone to create the new one when the time comes.
Call me a little slow here, but what is wrong with the title?
Did I vere off by talkin about wally outside of csi? LOL, I am not fully understanding this title change. *scratches head confused...which isn't* :lol:
I don't know it is kind of an old reference (season 5), and this has been a breakout season for him. I'm just looking for a little variety but if everyone likes it we don't have to change it. I just thought a Spanky, Lucky Day, Picking up hookers, robot dance, etc. reference would be funny. For a funny character like Hodges, the thread title doesn't really reflect it. Ok that is all from me.
lol.....*thinks of all the possiblities that mrb105 mentioned* they are amusing ideas.....making me laugh again thinking about him in all the different scenes.
lol...spanky! *shakes head*...of all names he could of come up with...spanky! now, is there a story behind THAT...heheh
Something of the lines of Spanky743 or Mr. Lucky Day would be cool. But like I said before, we don't have to change the title, I'm just throwing it out there.

Anywho, have Brass and Hodges ever interacted with each other, other then in A Bullet Runs Through It? I think those two would be pretty funny together, since they are both into sarcasum.
I only remember it then, in A Bullet Runs Through it. I was actually talking about it with friends last week. We came to the conclusion that David and Brass would not get along because they are both too snarky in different ways.
Well, I think it would be interesting to see, but I too, think that they would not get along. It would be like butting heads. I had two friends that were like them, very sarcastic and opinionated, and they did NOT get along one bit. I think Brass and Hodges would be like that.

Although, it would be funny to see...
Hmm Brass and Hodges, I can see them butting heads if they worked together too much, but it would be funny.
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