I just can't comprehend this whole outburst...i'm sorry, but I have once apologized once for chatting and having "A LITTLE" fun with a friend, but that was ONE conversation....!! Is that really a crime?
I am not a giggly little school girl, with a jr. high crush...I admire the Wallace for his amazing talent and credits! And I will talk myself blue about him with anyone that shares the same admiration.
But come on people, we all share a common interest here, and one conversation between TWO friends, that took place only once, has stirred up all this..! I'd hate to see if someone came in here and really cause an uproar! I could surely understand if this thread was polluted with it...but it's not.
NOW I am sorry for GOing off topic here, but this has to be settled. I want to discuss wallace, with fellow fans, but its kinda hard when getting critized for it.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd like to put this behind, and get back to the REAL reason people come to this thread...and that is to talk about wallace!!
I am willing to let bi-gons be bi-gons, but that too has to be a compromise!
Anyway, I am not out to hurt feelings here, honestly...just my rebuttle!
I'm usually a peaceful easy goin person who enjoys a friendly little chit-chat, especially about Hodges aka Wallace and some fun, so don't hate me for MY speaking up!