The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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I loved that he called him David. He respects him more and more.
Cosmorain, where have you been? 16 days...
Still looking for a job Pabzi, plus I stayed away from the boards for a while, I needed a break.

I like the Grissom/David dynamic. I know they are making it seem like he is a suck up or the MCSK that is obsessed with Grissom, but I look at it as more of a student/teacher thing. I mean all the CSI's don't really need Grissom to teach them things anymore. I feel with Hodges, Grissom has slipped back into that mentor/teacher roll, plus the audience still needs things explained too and they use this relationship for that. Like with the swarm of bugs and other stuff.
I hope you find a job soon!

I like they're relationship too. I'm still really really confused as to what I think regarding if David is or is not the MCSK, but the student/teacher thing is a good way to look at it. Another thing is, I think that David envies Grissom. maybe cause Gris is also antisolcial, but the way he deals with it? Sorta like how I envy David I think :p
What's mince?

Any Dvid is definately better than none at all!
I'm moving in 2 weeks...I'm gonna be in severe withdrawal. I have some pics of him that I printed out on my parents printer ages ago. I'm gonna need them!

Edited: *points to spoiler lab*
Oooooh! Thanks for the caps. I went out and bought Little Miss Sunshine. Not just because of Wallace, it's a really good movie about how screwed up a family could be but yet they all still love and care about each other. I recommend it to all! And it doesn't hurt to have all those Wallace scenes :p
i think there were three scenes with him. the one where he helps olive and her family check in 3 minutes after the deadline (nice guy :)), then he goes to olive to ask her for her music, then when she is performing you see him. all very cute but all quite short.
He was GREAT in the three sceens he had. I so wanted him to get with the gay brother who tried to kill himself. I might write a fanfiction about that. His moustache was almost as scary as Nick's. It made him look like one of my old bosses. *shudders*

"King Baby" is on Spike TV on the East Cost if anyone is interested. I'm watching it now!! This one has a good Nick/David scene.
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