The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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me too...i hope that there will be some good david stuff in the new ep.
for quite a while before redrum there was murmuring about david (the spoiler was actually for a scene that they cut) but david's name was around. i havent heard anything partaining to other eps though.
Well there wasn't much David in this episode just a scene with Warrick as he gave trace. Next weeks episode looks Awesome though!! Grissom's back!!

Later :)
i heard about that scene. sucks that there was just one, but i guess that last week makes up for it. maybe more next week?
He's not in toe tags. :( It's the only ep so far this season that he's not in :( Sorry. Next week you get a nice David scene though :)
Totally should be. I havent seen the ep yet, but if someone wants to answer these questions before i see it it would really help, cause I don't know if I will see it today.
1)WHY did David take the emtemology course online? Was it a suckup to Gris? In LLV when Gris told David what he will be teaching, David looked unimpressed.
2) How did Gris figure out that it was him?
3) WHY SPANKY?????
1) Not to get off topic but it wasn't really entomology it had something to do with butterflies. Anyways, yes it seemed like it was to suck up to Grissom, and Hodges said online courses are free to Alumni
2) I think Grissom knew it was Hidges because he was probably the only one who took it online.
3) Spanky was the username Hodges used for the class, it was Spanky7437 I believe.
Err :lol: Some how I don't think it would work

Wallace/Hodges The Spanky Experience

just doesn't sound right, and I think the title is good as it is. :D
Wallace/Hodges: Spanky7437

I like the ring to it, lol

It would also be great if the cast start calling him Spanky, that would be hilarious
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