CSI Level One
Hey all, I also loved this weeks premier because there was so much of Greg anyway. The beginning when they had their spat, Nick butted in on the convewrsation between the other three, saying Greg was whining. I loved how Greg stood up to him and said. "Who asked you!"
I loved the bonding scene with the spider, it was so cool seeing them sharing the office and being friendly and loving toward each other.
Loved the premiere for all the reasons you've mentioned, Wojo.
The final Nick/Greg with the spider was awesome, they were adorkable together and seeing their interaction it was like having again the Nick/Greg moments from season 1-4. The good ol' times.
The smile on his face, the way Nick looked at Greg in this scene say it all:

beelikej has made a great analysis of this episode totally focussed on the Nick/Greg chemistry along with a wonderful-wonderful picspam. Thanks for doing it , beelikej (and thanks for my icon too)
You can find it on the nickngreg livejournal communiy "Subtext is Everything":