The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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I haven't been here for ages! I had a lot to read;)

Thanks everyone for the amazing pics. When I'm looking at them I see pure chemistry between Nick and Greg. And wow, great catches - especially with my favorite pic from the 6th season - Bodies In The Motion, right? That one where you find Greg was holding Nick's hand. Who knows?:devil: Little touch is for me enough.

, thanks fro this one from Crash and Burn. Poor Grissom, he had luck that heard something. Boys were so busy with each other.
I'm so exhausted cuz I haven't sleep in a long time so sorry if this doesn't makes sense but before I go to bed I wanted to ask something...

Do you see Nick like a chess player? lol Odd question I know... but I was seeing Stalker and saw something that catched my eyes... when Mr. Pearson knocks Nicky's door and he gets up from the couch you can see a chess board in the coffe table lol and well... we all know Greggo used to be the president of the Chess Club... and when I saw that I couldn't help but think that maybe it had something to do with Greg ;P no?

Hahhaha, goodnight and have a nice day :p XD
I'm so exhausted cuz I haven't sleep in a long time so sorry if this doesn't makes sense but before I go to bed I wanted to ask something...

Do you see Nick like a chess player? lol Odd question I know... but I was seeing Stalker and saw something that catched my eyes... when Mr. Pearson knocks Nicky's door and he gets up from the couch you can see a chess board in the coffe table lol and well... we all know Greggo used to be the president of the Chess Club... and when I saw that I couldn't help but think that maybe it had something to do with Greg ;P no?

Hahhaha, goodnight and have a nice day :p XD

I am soooo gonna cap that episode tonight and check it out!!

I was capping 'Bite Me' today and noticed something telling about our boys. Although, this shot isn't of Greg and Nick, it shows the difference between how they interact with each other as opposed to other people! Here, Henry is talking to Greg but look how Greg is actually leaning away from him...unlike with Nick...


Also, in the beginning of 'Bite Me', Nick definitely takes a long look at Greg when he's outside with the paramedics and Nick, Warrick and Sara are headed into the house. I couldn't get a clear cap though!
I love all this photographic evidence! Not that we really need it, we know its there but its still nice to see. The scene between Nick/Greg/Sara was cute, the way they just had eyes for each other and ignored Sara (I usually ignored her myself).

I never noticed the chess game in Stalker before, I'll have to check that out.
Absolutely love all the photo evidence!

But I have to admit, and I'm really ashamed to say it, that I can't remember what episodes those two pics are from :confused::



So my New Year's resolutions are watching more Love episodes and watching out for details, like you DFraMacKey! I never noticed the chess board but even if I had I wouldn't have made the connection to Greg.
Maybe it's a present form Greg? So he could teach Nick to play?
But I have to admit, and I'm really ashamed to say it, that I can't remember what episodes those two pics are from :confused::



Those 2 pics are from Lying Down with Dogs and Two and a half Deaths, both season 8. The other 2 pics in the post by GregsSnowAngel are season 7 Burn Out and season 8 Goodbye and Goodluck. :) I know my Nick episodes! :lol:

The chess set is on the coffee table when Nick sits down on the couch. I would't doubt it being George Eads' idea that Nick have it. I remember reading an article somewhere (don't remember where :confused:) where George said when he walked into Nick's house he said he had to point out that Nick was a CSI and had a brain and can they remove some of the sport stuff. :lol:

Thank you all for the awesome pictures!!! As Wojo-Lou-Who said, we all know what's going on even without any photos but it's really great to see in how many pics we can find the evidence of Love :D

The chess set is on the coffee table when Nick sits down on the couch. I would't doubt it being George Eads' idea that Nick have it. I remember reading an article somewhere (don't remember where :confused:) where George said when he walked into Nick's house he said he had to point out that Nick was a CSI and had a brain and can they remove some of the sport stuff. :lol:

:lol: I simply love learning such details :lol: it shows how much the actors are involved in developing their characters :)
it's a pity, though, that we didn't get to see any N/G photos on the fridge in Stalker ;) but I'm sure Nick keeps them somewhere :lol:
Those 2 pics are from Lying Down with Dogs and Two and a half Deaths, both season 8. The other 2 pics in the post by GregsSnowAngel are season 7 Burn Out and season 8 Goodbye and Goodluck. :) I know my Nick episodes! :lol:

The chess set is on the coffee table when Nick sits down on the couch. I would't doubt it being George Eads' idea that Nick have it. I remember reading an article somewhere (don't remember where :confused:) where George said when he walked into Nick's house he said he had to point out that Nick was a CSI and had a brain and can they remove some of the sport stuff. :lol:


Thanks Snow_Miser! I've only seen those two episodes once, still no good excuse ...

I agree, it's great to see how involved actors are with their roles. Makes it much more believable and ultimately enjoyable.

Their body language says a lot. I've recently watched Bull again (what an awesome episode!) and it's all in the way they talk to each other, lean towards each other, how can you not see that they are (very) close?
Ok, so I have been watching $35K 0B0 tonight and firstly an utterly awww moment:


and then secondly, I suspect you all have already spotted this but at the end of the scene above Greg asks Nick what sample he has got which turns out to be cathair but as Greg start processing the sample he says "baby" and Nick does a doubletake at him and smiles because he knows Greg meant him right!? Like a slip of the tounge at work...:drool: Am I off the trolley completely here?


And about Bite Me Miss. Le Toe, I need to watch it again to see the boys interacting in the beginning! :)

Although, love_fan I can't see Bull (again) yet as I have only got season 1-6 on DVD...:( But I recall it being a perfect eppy for The Love :D
I love that scene in 35K O.B.O. The grin on Greg's face is priceless and Nick seems to think so, too because he couldn't stop grinning himself.

I know about the "baby" but I only caught it once so I will have to watch that episode again. Too bad ;)

I couldn't find any screencaps of Bull :( but just the scene where Wendy told the boys about the origin of the semen stain was priceless. Nick was completely panicked and always glanced at Greg for help, who seemed rather composed. But in the end he helped his love. And when he discovered what the machine was about? I had to laugh so hard!!!! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Anyway, I was able to find screencaps of For Gedda:


If that's not Love, I don't know what is. Look at his smile! :adore:

And talking to Cath while watching Greg, that's just rude, Nick! :lol:
Okay so, I'm a newbie here and this is my first post...

I'm so glad I finally found a place full of Love Addict like me :). I've only one friend who also watch CSI (and I totally made her believe in The Love!) but I don't see her much (every time I see her I scream something like "OMG did you see the look Nicky gave to Greg in the last episode" and it's annoying for the people around who don't watch the show) so this forum looks great for me and my Nick/Greg addiction :p + You guys seem all so nice around here and I love when someone point out a detail I missed, It gave me the chance to watch it again and every time I end up saying to myself: "Yeah, she/he was so right!" x). I believe more in The Love each day! I haven't seen all the season 9 episodes yet but the ones I saw were pretty good for our boys (For Warrick, even if there wasn't so much Nick/Greg interaction in it - except for the scene in the motel which was pretty intense I thought - that was a great episode. I also saw Leave Out All The Rest (Nicky was so jealous in that Greg/Riley/Nick scene that was awesome ^^), Young Man with a Horn (Very good Nick/Greg episode but I'm not gonna say again and again what has already been said) and 19 Down, I thought the little teasing about Greg paying for breakfast was too cute!)

Now I feel like I'm talking too much! And I'm Frensh and so not sure about my english so maybe what I said doesn't even make any sense (sorry) ^^.

Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. :thumbsup:

Or just one more thing: Thanks for all the great caps -> They all scream LOVE :)
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NGR91300, welcome to The Fort! If you are a Love Addict, this is the best place to stay :thumbsup: It's great to see that more and more people come here to enjoy the hotness that is Nick/Greg and don't worry, your English is very good :)

Anyway, I was able to find screencaps of For Gedda:


If that's not Love, I don't know what is. Look at his smile! :adore:


Exactly, if that's not love, I don't know what it is :adore:.....Greg's smile while he's looking at Nick is ADORABLE and Nick is totally mesmerized by Greg in the second pic.

Here's the Nick/Greg scene from "$35K O.B.O" that Stokes4Me mentioned before:

( NICK takes the hair sample and puts it on the slide. GREG looks from his scope and notices NICK)

GREG: "Ah, that's boring. What are you doing? What have you got?"
NICK: "Um, pulled some hair off a male stabbing vic."

(GREG takes over. He puts the slide under the scope)

GREG: "Okay, baby. Uh-huh"
NICK: "What?"
GREG: "Nine lives"
NICK: "Cat hair?"
GREG: (nods) "Meow" ( When you watch this scene, you'll notice that Greg is totally flirting with Nick here)

And because some images can speak more than a thousand words, just look at these screen caps from "$35K O.B.O"

You can say that Nick is totally smitten with Greg:


And Greggo is SO flirting with Nicky here..... ;)


Thank you :)

I'm totally crazy about that scene from $35K O.B.O. This one and the pat chest from Who are you are my favourite scenes in the 1st season. I also love the one with Griss & Nicky - in Evaluation Day - (Greg wasn't there but Nick was and it was about Greg so I consider it as a Love scene ^^) when Grissom says something like "Remind me to take Greg to dinner, he did a great job on that case" and Nicky answers "Yes, he did" with a sweet smile on his face (As I saw it - with my Nick/Greg addict eyes - he was all proud of his little Greggo :D)
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Okay so I was just watching Turning of the Screw on Spike and I noticed two more moments between Nick and Greg. The scene when they are all in the tent talking about screws, Greg totally stares at Nick when he says... "Or whoever loosened the nuts screwed up". Admiring his man's humor. :)

But later on when Greg comes into the lab to give them the results about the guy using the roller coaster for his love rides, Nick says "Well, there goes my theory. No one tampers with their sex machine" and he is totally looking at Greg when he says that. Total subtext there.
I am soo watching those two episodes today!

I made a Love banner and icon set, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a ship set in the Fan Art section so I'll post them here if that's ok. These are free to snag if anyone wants them.


Seabird, thanks for the pics!! Inspiration is striking again!! Ahhh The Love, the perfect muse!!
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