The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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I love that little scene in All for Our Country, too, InnocentGuilt. It's very telling, the two boys talking to each other. Always nice to see them sharing time and (more importantly) space! :thumbsup:

Thanks to youtube I was able to watch the promo and wow, not only does the episode look really interesting,no, the boys look so couple, standing so close together! I totally agree with you, Deirdre, especially the scene at the end, it almost looked like they were holding hands and they were really very close!
Greg will be thrilled to work a case involving old Vegas. Maybe they will even mention his book. And you know what would be really great if Nicky mentioned his book like "Hey, you could have used that in this or that chapter" Like he read the book before. Would totally show that they have a close(r) relationship!

I can't bring myself to watch the last few episodes of S8 because I know how it will end and I'd rather not watch it. But then I always think about those smiles the boys exchange in For Gedda ... Maybe I'll be brave enough tomorrow night!
I love it when Nick and Greg work a scene together! I'm a big believer in The Love. I lost track of how many YouTube videos and fan fics I've bookmarked! I'm writing a fic too so watch this space!

I'm new to this board too so hello everyone!!
I see it’s a season for introductions :) I’m not exactly new to the CSI board but didn’t have much time to write so I was mainly lurking and finally decided to come out of hiding :)

I really took to CSI only like half a year ago but now I can’t live without it and I so see what’s going on between Nick and Greg :D

And now it’s time to express my thanks to Deirdre who practically forced me to give CSI a try and pointed out which two guys I should observe particularly closely :D ( or maybe I should say it’s your fault? :lol: really, my thesis suffers when I’m busy reading fanfics :lol:)
Anyway, I’ve been very happy with 9 season so far (Nick in the closet and Greg with a spur and that smirk on his face – priceless :devil:) and it’s also great that I still come across some Love scenes while re-watching earlier episodes (I’ve seen them all already but maybe wasn’t paying attention). Yesterday was a real treat to me – I watched ‘All for Our Country’ :) and ‘One Hit Wonder’ and it was so obvious that Greg was looking directly at Nick while telling ‘no jokes about me being fast in this department’ and then Nick’s smile – don’t know how I didn’t notice it before but at least I was pleasantly surprised :D

can't wait for the next episode, I don't mind Riley (esp it's thanks to her that we got such a telling Love scene) but obviously I want to see Greg paired with Nick more often :D
Thanks to youtube I was able to watch the promo and wow, not only does the episode look really interesting,no, the boys look so couple, standing so close together! I totally agree with you, Deirdre, especially the scene at the end, it almost looked like they were holding hands and they were really very close!
Greg will be thrilled to work a case involving old Vegas. Maybe they will even mention his book. And you know what would be really great if Nicky mentioned his book like "Hey, you could have used that in this or that chapter" Like he read the book before. Would totally show that they have a close(r) relationship!

I love this last idea where Nick is asking Greg about his book. Definitely that would be a sign that their relationship is far from the "normal" friendship and it's much much deeper.

And thanks Wojo for this pic. They really looked there like a couple! They even turned their heads in the same time, lol.

Welcome, egeria! It's great to have new fans of The Love here!:)

And Fighter! Special welcome and of course Witaj;) It's so great that you found some extra time to post here. I hope your work is not that hard and you gonna find even more time to write here more often:) And well, I can't say that was my fault, actually. Nick and Greg's chemistry is so strong and just unbearable. Surely you would found it out by yourself, but thankfully I made this process a bit quicker;) So have fun here with us and enjoy your stay:)
Welcome Fighter & egeria!

I had forgotten to mention that this episode coming up was written by David Rambo. Which is a good sign for us Love fans and Greg fans in general.

Here is a shot of the guys with their back to the camera (lightened up):

love_fan - You can always skip the last scene in For Gedda, if you don't want to see him get shot. It's the very last scene, after the diner. The diner scene is worth watching at least.
I wish my computer were working. I can't watch anything on YouTube and I so desperately want to see this Promo for the next episode. I'm practically going through withdrawals here, lol.

, For Gedda is so worth watching, but as Wojo said, you can always skip the last scene. But there is so much in the epi that is so telling about the boys, even beyond the look, I think.

And Welcome egeria and Fighter! It's always fun to get new people here and to here what they have to say.
Where are my manners? Welcome egeria and Fighter!

Thanks, Wojo and InnocentGuilt, but I should at least watch the whole episode for once. After that I'm sure I'll stop the DVD after the diner scene.

Ah, the wonder of One Hit Wonder! That episode and especially that scene was ... WOW! So telling, the way Nicky smiled and Greg grinned. And Fighter, you'll realize that you can find subtext everywhere, even in episodes with no direct N/G interaction. I sometimes watch an episode for the fourth time and realize that there was subtext in it. That's so great about the Love!
HA! Did you guys listen to the words being said DURING the promo? You hear Grissom say "to most people risk is a bad thing..." and then it's a shot of him standing with the boys. The last clip is Grissom turning toward the boys and the voiceover says "Are you in or out?" And then the boys turn around together. That's really just too funny.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the next episode. More fuel for my story. I already worked in 'mailbox baseball' in the latest chapter :p as a symptom of Nick's repressed feelings back in the day.
Thanks for your welcome :) I really hope I'll find time to write here often :)

you'll realize that you can find subtext everywhere, even in episodes with no direct N/G interaction. I sometimes watch an episode for the fourth time and realize that there was subtext in it. That's so great about the Love!

Yes, right now I’m seeing subtext everywhere and can’t say I’m not enjoying it :lol:

Just had a great time watching After the Show. I didn’t like the case particularly but Nick looked so hurt when he learnt Greg was helping Catherine … and when I first saw it, I remember thinking he was hurt just because a rookie got to help in a high-profile investigation. Now I see he must have felt betrayed – but to Greg’s credit he did suggest that Cath should ask Nick to work with her on this case. Well, I’m sure Nick forgave Greg soon :D

About For Gedda… it’s definitely worth seeing and the diner scene is beautiful but yeah, you may want to stop watching after it :(

Speaking of which, I never hoped for much but I wish we had seen Nick and Greg consoling each other after Warrick’s death, showing how they care etc. Now it’s obviously too late for it :/ (though I still think they can have that kind of an honest talk when Grissom leaves – it’s surely a big change and IMO it will leave the team shaken too)
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Welcome :)

I agree with love_fan you can see subtext everywhere, it is everywhere. Even when Nick and Greg aren't working together, there's often something.

One Hit Wonder, now that's an ep I haven't seen for a while- I'm going to put it next on my list :D

After the show. I love that ep. I think Nick is torn between feeling slighty annoyed by cath's actions (but not as much as Sara was!!!) yet happy that Greg is getting some really good experience and working on a top case. I think he was actually really happy for Greg, that he got to work on such a case.

The diner scene in For Gedda was so sweet.
Thanks for the welcomes!!

I have a fellow friend who is a CSI fan who absolutely does not see the subtext between Nick and Greg and I keep pointing things out to her, she's beta reading my story even and still doesn't want to come around to acknowledging it. Well, it's ok because now I've found a place where there are other fans of The Love!

I haven't seen Season 9 yet but I did see the funeral and I really wished that Greg and Nick had been sitting beside each other! It seemed a bit odd to me that they weren't! Anyone else think that?
Welcome Fighter & egeria!

Here is a shot of the guys with their back to the camera (lightened up):

Had totally freak out when I saw this. Do you think I could use it in a icon or siggy now? or should I wait till the epiosde airs. So excited about this epiosde. Gonna make my freakin week.

egeria and Fighter welcome to the FORT. egeria as for them not sitting next to each other at the funeral we were kinda wondering about that when we first saw it. I really thought they would sit Griss, Sara, Cath, Nicky and Greggo in that order. But yet it is understandable that they would flank Cath in order to support here. We also came up with a theory of Cath grabbing both their hands and holding them in her lap touching. I like that idea alot. That way they could all comfort each other together. Just give your friend some time and she will see there is no denying the LOVE.
HA! Did you guys listen to the words being said DURING the promo? You hear Grissom say "to most people risk is a bad thing..." and then it's a shot of him standing with the boys. The last clip is Grissom turning toward the boys and the voiceover says "Are you in or out?" And then the boys turn around together. That's really just too funny.

Hahaha, good catch. Need to see it again 'cause not always I caring about what is said in promos (maybe except when someone is sreaming, lol).

I agree with love_fan you can see subtext everywhere, it is everywhere. Even when Nick and Greg aren't working together, there's often something.

Oh yeah, especially in 5th season where so often was showed that Nick is gay. Funny, 'cause season is not with Love scenes but still subtext there. I like the feeling when I watch again some Love scene and find something else - like was with Scuba Doobie Doo, I watched it fifth time and finally I found a moment with soap thingy:lol:

I have a fellow friend who is a CSI fan who absolutely does not see the subtext between Nick and Greg and I keep pointing things out to her, she's beta reading my story even and still doesn't want to come around to acknowledging it. Well, it's ok because now I've found a place where there are other fans of The Love!

Like MsCB said, you can give your friend try to find it out that boys have a deeper relationship than friendship. But personally I know many people who don't see Love and nothing gonna change their minds.
Why is it called The FORT? :confused:

Even if they weren't next to each other in church they are forever next to each other in the group pic:)

Welcome Misscrankypants!

Hm, that's a good questions. Well, there's a story, I think from geekwriter, and Greg is building a fort out of chairs and Nick's hiding with him in it. It's a great story but I just can't remember the title. But every story by geekwriter is worth reading so just go over to WMTB and read for yourself. :thumbsup:

Have to watch it again, too. Although I got the last part. Too funny! :lol: I was probably too amazed by the boys being so close that I couldn't pay attention to what was said ...

You're so right Deirdre. S5 is full of evidence that Nick's so not straight.

egeria, you're friend will come around eventually. I mean how can you not see this:

or this:
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