The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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I just rewatched Living Doll, and the scene where Grissom says that he took the only person Natalie ever loved and now she was going to do the same to him, I only just noticed that Greg and Nick give each other a look that not only said, 'huh?' but 'Yeah, been there, done that.' They totally knew what Grissom was going through and it was conveyed so simply in those looks.

I was like, CRAP! How do I keep missing and/or forgetting these signs!? But at the same time it's like a wonderful surprise because I'll be watching the show as I get ready for school and catch something like that. Makes my day to see the Love.

I haven't seen any of the promo's for the next episode, though I admittedly don't watch television that much. DVR'd CSI is my fix. But it sounds so good, I'm almost salivating. I can't wait for Thursday.
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I like the feeling when I watch again some Love scene and find something else - like was with Scuba Doobie Doo, I watched it fifth time and finally I found a moment with soap thingy:lol:

Ah, scuba diver in a tree :lol: one of my favourite episodes, and not only because of Love moments. Nicky was just too cute with his 'he must have been scooped out of Lake Mead' :lol: and that soap talk was sooo telling :D

well, watching episodes and finding sth new is the best, obviously but I also love reading some reviews or recaps and coming across a Love remark, like the one I have in my signature :D it really makes my day if a recaper sees the chemistry too, and e.g. she totally noticed the soap scene and I was very happy :D

Hm, that's a good questions. Well, there's a story, I think from geekwriter, and Greg is building a fort out of chairs and Nick's hiding with him in it. It's a great story but I just can't remember the title. But every story by geekwriter is worth reading so just go over to WMTB and read for yourself. :thumbsup:

If someone remembers the title, please tell, I'd love to read that fic :) and thx for pointing out a good fanfic writer :)
Hey everyone... Special hello to all our newbies on the fort Egeria and Fighter!

Well ladies and Gents! Just viewed your spoilers for that episode... Wow, or has it already aired? LOL. Are you in or out? They are most defiently inside the closet... Defo not out.

Well done Deirdre up one more level hmm congratulations!!!

I soo need to rewatch the better episodes with our lads in... Anyone recommend any?

Whilst the flirting and the eye sex of earlier seasons is not soo much in the current series, but its all there depending on if you can see and read the subtexual moments.

I do miss the eye candy, the looks and Nick invading Greg's space- that was soo cute and so passionate... There is so much a person can get from eye contact and flirting.

No one on CSI flirts like Greg and his Nick.;)
Scuba Doobie Doo- "leggo my greggo" tehe.

Love eps, I can't remember my favourite, moments in loads of eps I guess. Felonius Monk, Slaves of Las Vegas I love- mention no more than liquid latex. Chasing the Bus. Random Acts of Violence "I thought we had a relationship:D". Bad words- Nick has to touch Greg :). Erm... A la cart beginning. The wink in redrum. I know these aren't eps, but moments, but still. I think I went ott didn't I?!

There's so many bits of eps I love.
I'll try to add a few :)

Who shot Sherlock? - lots of touching :D, Fannysmackin' but it’s pretty depressing obviously :( and also the episode in which Nick was testifying in Greg's case - Post Mortem?, Abra Cadaver, the moment with love sign and After the show.

I really like Stalker, not only the comment about Nick being hotter :lol: but also the whole scene in which Nick kinda threatens Greg to stop ‘stalking’ him. I mean, Nick’s words that he just wants to do his job and doesn’t need any extra attention – they’re very meaningful, like he was afraid Greg's gonna reveal sth about him he doesn't want others to know.
LoneWolfe001 - in regards to your question regarding discussion of George/Eric - from the shipper central rules

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I soo need to rewatch the better episodes with our lads in... Anyone recommend any?

The Pilot is a good episode with the anal swab comment. Slaves of Las Vegas with the liquid latex, and very close boy interaction. Other good episodes are, Who Are You?, Anonymous, $35K O.B.O., Random Acts Of Violence, One Hit Wonder, Room Service, Chasing the Bus, Who shot Sherlock?, Rashomama, Redrum, Fallen Idols, A La Cart, and Bull. So many good LOVE episodes.

InnocentGuilt- Good pick up on the moment in Living Doll. Have to keep a extra eye out for it next time I watch it. Subtext is the best ever. :)
Oh yeah, especially in 5th season where so often was showed that Nick is gay. Funny, 'cause season is not with Love scenes but still subtext there.

Hm I missed that. What was the evidence?

At this moment I can recall two moments from two eps. Firstly one of my favourites eps - Ch-Ch-Changes where Nick was with Grissom in the bar where a bartender was transexual. And believe me, Nicky was checking him out quite obviously. Again he was checking out in Snakes - this time Mexican cowboy. I remember some smilies from fifth season to Warrick, but I don't remember ep's title. But watch carefully, surely you gonna find a lot of evidences;)

Everyone add eps which I love and now I don't have any to recommend, lol.
Haha ^^ I love loads of eps, i know there's more that I just can't think of at the moment!

I liked the pilot too. Haven't seen it for ages!!

Snakes, with the mexican cowboy- was totally one of the moments I'd think of in regard of Nicky being gay. And a few more, of course, that again, I can't think of! I'm useless today!
Man you guys so totally get it!! I will definitely work at convincing my friend The Love is real! I'm even writing a fic about it, she's open to reading it so I take it as a good sign!

I noticed a Love moment last night that I was going to write down and share here but now I've lost it! Good excuse to go back and watch the episode though eh?! I'll post it later.

And yes..I love that Nick is always touching Greg, it shows how close they are and how much they trust each other! They have that connection!
Welcome to the newbies!

Thanks, Wojo for the screen cap. And Maggs, great findings! I also love all the words being said during the last promo: lots of Nick/Greg... the boys standing SO CLOSE TOGETHER....."risk"...."in or out"..... Totally a SHOUT OUT! :devil:

Oh yeah, especially in 5th season where so often was showed that Nick is gay. Funny, 'cause season is not with Love scenes but still subtext there.
At this moment I can recall two moments from two eps. Firstly one of my favourites eps - Ch-Ch-Changes where Nick was with Grissom in the bar where a bartender was transexual. And believe me, Nicky was checking him out quite obviously. Again he was checking out in Snakes - this time Mexican cowboy. I remember some smilies from fifth season to Warrick, but I don't remember ep's title. But watch carefully, surely you gonna find a lot of evidences;)

True. And we know that "evidences never lie". ;)

There have been many moments that scream that Nick is gay. Some have been mentioned above and here are a few more:

I think this is from "Dog Eat Dog":


The infamous "giddy up" moment:


Nick himself said that he was an "ass man". He looks very happy handling these butt implants ......:guffaw:


From "Fight Night":


From "Eleven Angry Jurors":


And every time Nick is close to Greg, we know that he's gay...Nicky can't help himself, I mean, look at him bitting his lower lip. This pic says it all:


To me, this last pic not only says that Nicky is gay. This pic screams LOVE too!
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Ah, those picture make me giggle like the fangirl I shouldn't be.

But I'm sure that the first one isn't from Dog Eat Dog since he had the pornstache :)scream::brickwall::censored:) in that episode. Love this picture mainly because I love Nicky with longer hair :drool:!

I really have to watch Snakes again because I can't remember him checking out any bartenders.

I really loved Ch-Ch-Changes. But again, didn't catch Nicky checking anyone out. Maybe I'm too focused on catching any hints he's gay and with Greg ;)

And just for your viewing pleasure:

Can those touches and looks lie? I don't think so! :lol:
True. And we know that "evidences never lie". ;)

Of course! Especially when is about Greg's (mine too 'cause I really love this guy, really:D) beloved Nicky;)

Thanks for the pics seabird! I love them and all are screaming that Nicky is gay. First one is on my favourites' list. He looked so cute, don't you think? Greg liked to see his Texan in the giggle moment, lol. And this with butt implants. When I saw first time Nick's face when Doc said about them I just bursted into the laughter. It was so cute when he had a little fun with those implants. Yay, Eleven Angry Jurors. No comments, but definitely Greg was really happy when his guy is standing like that;) Fight Night I've seen ages ago. But in this cape is the cutest moment, lol. Look at his fingers:lol: Nick's tapping Greg - no more doubts what Nick likes.

Yesterday I saw Caged. I just loved their scene where Greg said that Nick not gonna die, lol. And he tapped him. It wasn't like Nick's tap but... I don't know what to think. Second season was more flirt stage and Greg for the first time wasn't exactly ready for this little step like touching Nicky. Probably Nick was a bit surprised when Greg's palm tapped him, lol. Anyway, it was really telling a lot. Especially after the small talk before Greg said that he was not another pretty face and not sleeping with Catherine (Nick's expression was priceless when his boy said it:lol:). How did Nick know about Greg's porn in the cupboards? Hm? Nicky was often guest in the Greg's DNA lab? Did Greg check his DNA?:devil: Ok, ok, I'll shut up, but SoLV gonna be soon here and I just can't wait for this one great Love scene;) Oh, and second one when Nick was with Cath in the basement (was it basement?). That one was very telling about Nick too.
Ooooh thanks for the pics! Very good proof for those in doubt! (Like any of us are?!) Nick invades Greg's personal space a LOT, and Greg laps it up!

I found the Love scene I was talking about. It's in Rashomama, right at the beginning in the diner when Sara quips that a wedding is about a piece of property being passed from father to husband, and Nick says "Nooo, it's a public declaration of love..." and he looks DIRECTLY at Greg when he says it.

Also, when Nick is recounting his experience at the scene, he gets all poetical and romantic about the perfume of the roses 'American Beauty'...and how does he know what the roses are anyway hmmmm? He talks about 'that much love in the air' while picking a rose and smelling it deeply. *sigh*
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