Haha, now that's why they haven't given us more Love banshee_D, they're afraid to have to cough up for new TV's for us all! I finally get it there can be no other reason...
Of course. Just think, that was so close to burn screens. For example my screen when I was watching The Hunger Artist. It was smoking! The same with Bull or Bad Words, Stalker, Chasing The Bus...
That look in DD was very intense, it's like the look tells a hundred stories/words whatever, it's just they wouldn't be so intense if there wasn't that connectoin.
Hmmm... I think it was that what I wanted to say but I couldn't 'cause of the strange reasons which I don't understand:lol:
Love_fan i love the idea that Nick could 'fall' for Riley because of her Greg likeness, and then realise he's in love with Greg. If N/G aren't already together, that would be amazing. I really like that idea, except for possible Nick/Riley dates before he came to realise its Greg he wants.
Hmm... That wouldn't that bad. Sounds a little bit like a romantic drama Anyway, Nick will need a good kick to remind who he really loves. I hope that we gonna see it soon.