The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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Haha, now that's why they haven't given us more Love banshee_D, they're afraid to have to cough up for new TV's for us all! I finally get it :D;) there can be no other reason... :D

Of course. Just think, that was so close to burn screens. For example my screen when I was watching The Hunger Artist. It was smoking! The same with Bull or Bad Words, Stalker, Chasing The Bus...;)

That look in DD was very intense, it's like the look tells a hundred stories/words whatever, it's just they wouldn't be so intense if there wasn't that connectoin.

Hmmm... I think it was that what I wanted to say but I couldn't 'cause of the strange reasons which I don't understand:lol:

Love_fan i love the idea that Nick could 'fall' for Riley because of her Greg likeness, and then realise he's in love with Greg. If N/G aren't already together, that would be amazing. I really like that idea, except for possible Nick/Riley dates before he came to realise its Greg he wants.

Hmm... That wouldn't that bad. Sounds a little bit like a romantic drama;) Anyway, Nick will need a good kick to remind who he really loves. I hope that we gonna see it soon.
It'd probably be best left to the world of fanfic then? Because they always end up with each other (almost) as opposed to the horrors that TPTB could introduce?

I did wonder why my TV broke last year, it can't be a coincidence ;)

I was watching Who ate Gilbert Grissom just, and i nearly choked on my nice red wine ;) because the scene where Nick and Greg get into the van, my mom mumbled something about them getting close and interesting. I smiled to myself. Quite interesting how even normal CSI fans who don't ship any ship notice little things.
I love that scene in What's Eating Gilbert Grissom!!! I always expect Nick (or was it Greg) to look up to check out the others behind. Every time I'm hoping but it never happens. :(;)

The same with Bull. Every time Nick gets up to check up on some evidence (or something) and he leaves Greg and the minister behind I always have the feeling he wants to touch Greg's leg, like give him a pat or something.
Love_fan i love the idea that Nick could 'fall' for Riley because of her Greg likeness, and then realise he's in love with Greg. If N/G aren't already together, that would be amazing. I really like that idea, except for possible Nick/Riley dates before he came to realise its Greg he wants.

I think that CSI never would go for that route. It'd be a too complicated storyline (yes, better to be left to fanfic world ;)), they'd have to use a lot of screentime to explain it and that's something CSI writers just don't do.

Sorry, but I don't want to see this new character dating any of the boys. If this ever happens, our ship will be as sunk as snickers or sandlers after GSR became canon....:( Carol Meldensohn and Naren Shankar have said in interviews that "Riley isn't going to play a love interest on the show". I hope it's true....

Banshee_D, in this pic I posted from "Dead Doll", Nick wasn't angry or dissapointed at Greg at all. It's the moment when Grissom says about Sara that "she's the only woman he ever loved". It's like the boys were saying: "And you are the one I've ever loved...":adore:

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As far as the new girl Riley and Greg goes, she is a replacement for Sara so naturally TPTB will make the two of them become best friends. Sara and Greg were always working together so therefore Greg and Riley will be working a lot together because TPTB have no imagination. I hope it does not affect Nick and Greg's interaction or screen time together. I just hope we get to see a decent amount of Greg at all.

Spoiler about this very thing:

Greg is getting promotion to LEVEL 3! He is getting much more scenes and has to play a lot with Riley Adams!
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I love that scene in What's Eating Gilbert Grissom!!! I always expect Nick (or was it Greg) to look up to check out the others behind. Every time I'm hoping but it never happens. :(;)

So true! I'm waiting for that everytime and then... ehhh...

The same with Bull. Every time Nick gets up to check up on some evidence (or something) and he leaves Greg and the minister behind I always have the feeling he wants to touch Greg's leg, like give him a pat or something.

Not only you;)

Banshee_D, in this pic I posted from "Dead Doll", Nick wasn't angry or dissapointed at Greg at all. It's the moment when Grissom says about Sara that "she's the only woman he ever loved". It's like the boys were saying: "And you are the one I've ever loved...":adore:


I knew I wrote something without sense. That's cause I said about... For Warrick:lol: Maybe you have caps from this scene which I mentioned? Their looks were so intensive there. Nick's disappointment was so strong. But back to Dead Doll. Now I remember perfectly this scene. Again great moment of our boys:)

And again about Riley. True that probably TPTB will use her as a blank filler or something. Like you said Wojo, that's very... ekhem... creative. So we can hope no making Greg straight but I think I won't shake off this feeling for some time.
I think I might be one of the few who are actually looking forward to Riley ... or maybe everyone's genuinely interested, but worried. I honestly hadn't even considered what she might do to Nick and Greg's screen time, and now ... well ... now I'm wondering.

All I know is that in one episode, Nick and Greg are most likely working a case together. About time, eh?

I think that Nick and Greg sharing clothes is just absolutely SQUEE-able. The green shirt especially ... I mean, what was Greg thinking in wearing that? Totally NOT his style at all. Obviously just wanted to wear it 'cause it smelled like Nick (as someone else said) or maybe he had nothing else clean except that horrid shirt.

I'd love for the boys to go canon, but I don't want the repercussions of what might happen. TPTB seem to have it in their heads that no couple on CSI can be happy. I don't want that for The Love. I'd rather have fanfics that can go extremely indepth and reveal everything about The Love, rather than five minutes of small talk that says nothing about our boys. If that makes any sense ...
I have to agree that TPTB would never go the route of a love triangle between Nick-Riley-Greg but it would be a lovely idea for a fanfic.

I love it that Greg get promoted but I'm wondering when he turned Level 2. Maybe TPTB were to busy with all the other character, who actually got some screentime :scream:, that they forgot to mention that.

Anyway, I'm worried about Riley, too. Although I haven't even seen her yet. I'm way too protective over the Love. ;) But if she's not supposed to be a love interest and her relationship with Greg is a brother-sister one it could be really fun. Maybe she could make some remarks about Nick or the boys?
Hi again all. I'm still disappointed about "The Happy Place", but I'm slightly distracted at the moment and not by the pictures etc from the Torchwood convention over the weekend. My copy of Jerome Preisler's "Nevada Rose" arrived yesterday, and flicking through it I noticed something - Nick and Greg seem to be working together. I haven't read the book yet, but that really caught my eye. Will have to read and update everyone... when I get the time.
I think I might be one of the few who are actually looking forward to Riley ... or maybe everyone's genuinely interested, but worried. I honestly hadn't even considered what she might do to Nick and Greg's screen time, and now ... well ... now I'm wondering.

I would like to see her too (gah, why I need to wait so long?:(). Of course I have worries 'cause it's stronger than me.

I have to agree that TPTB would never go the route of a love triangle between Nick-Riley-Greg but it would be a lovely idea for a fanfic.

So true. And it's not because this triangle would be a little bit complicated thing for them:rolleyes:

I like the idea that Riley can make remarks about boys, love fan. It can be really cute and we gonna see again poor confused Nicky, lol. Would be lovely. But this brother-sister relationship with Riley and Greg. I don't think that TPTB will able to built that. Of course they made great Nick and Warrick friendship, any ships were a good friendships anyway, but I can't stop thinking that they'll destroy something. But I really hope I'm wrong and those worries are only because Riley is newbie.
I am glad there are new characters, as long as they do not interfer with The Love.

I need some good nick/greg fic. Any recommendation?
Lonewolfe, most of the guys in here write some REALLY good fics :) WMTDB is awesome with loads of fics :)

I also really like the idea that she could make some remarks about the guys. Maybe Riley and Greg could be working a scene, and she makes a comment about Nick (good or bad) and Greg decides to go off on one. About how great Nick is etc etc, then realises after and just walks away. I'm interested to see what she can bring into the Love equation, as lnog as she isn't written into any flirty scens with either one
Love_fan i love the idea that Nick could 'fall' for Riley because of her Greg likeness, and then realise he's in love with Greg. If N/G aren't already together, that would be amazing. I really like that idea, except for possible Nick/Riley dates before he came to realise its Greg he wants.

^^ I really really like this idea. But yet I like to think that the boys are already together so yeah. I will dislike them going on date but I feel once he knows its Greggo he wants its all good. Maybe they will use her more as Sara type character. Yeah know someone who is really good friends with the boys, who knows all about their relationship. Frankly Riley bothered me a bit in last nights epiosde. Its like the writers are trying to hard have he funny like Greggo. But why not just use Greggo instead of her dur. Worried they are trying to serous Greggo up to much. And maybe trying to get the boys chemistry between Nicky and Riley. Now that really irritates me. Get a freaking clue writers, oi.
But why not just use Greggo instead of her dur. Worried they are trying to serous Greggo up to much. And maybe trying to get the boys chemistry between Nicky and Riley. Now that really irritates me. Get a freaking clue writers, oi.

You can't *do* chemistry between actors. Chemistry can't be manufactured, it just...happens. Like it has happened between Nick and Greg since the very first scene they had together on this show ("Pilot").

I know that Carol Meldensohn has just said that Riley isn't going to be a "love interest" on the show, but if they ever try to "create" (force) romantic chemistry between two characters who don't have that chemistry, they're going to get themselves in a lot of troubles (GSR, anyone? ;))

Besides, Nick is soooo not straight! :guffaw:

He likes flat chests (Greg's chest):


He's an ass man:


And if someone had still doubts, Nick himself said he was "an ass man" in season seven:


And in season eight, he proved it again:


No words are needed here ;), right?



Yes, MsCandyCorn, you're right. I also hope that TPTB get a freaking clue! They should take a lesson (or two) from shows like Torchwood.
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But why not just use Greggo instead of her dur. Worried they are trying to serous Greggo up to much. And maybe trying to get the boys chemistry between Nicky and Riley. Now that really irritates me. Get a freaking clue writers, oi.

You can't *do* chemistry between actors. Chemistry can't be manufactured, it just...happens. Like it has happened between Nick and Greg since the very firt scene they had together on this show ("Pilot").

And if they ever try to "create" (force) romantic chemistry between two characters who don't have that chemistry, they're going to get themselves in a lot of troubles (GSR, anyone? ;))

Besides, Nick is soooo not straight! :guffaw:

He likes flat chests (Greg's chest):


He's an ass man:


And if someone had still doubt, Nick himself said he was "an ass man" in season seven:


And in season eight, he proved it again:


No words are needed here ;), right?



Yes, MsCandyCorn, I also hope that TPTB get a freaking clue! They should take a lesson (or two) from shows like Torchwood.

^^ I think this post made my day. All those reminders of how un-straight Nicky is ... you can't deny that kind of evidence, and as Grissom's said, "The evidence never lies."

I love Nick and Greg's chemistry. I love how it's simple and yet so complex. There are many people (who I've seen on the S9 Spoilers Thread) saying that Nick and Greg should work cases together. One person said that they should work together and that Nick would probably open up to Greg. To my knowledge, these people aren't Lovers or Lovettes. They just see this relationship that has "friendly" sparks. Of course, we go a little beyond that, but it's all the same.

Nick and Greg have chemistry, either you can see it in a buddy way or you can see it in a romantic way, and who says you can't see it both ways?
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