I dunno if anyone's ever thought of it like this or said something about it here, but, regarding the foot/toes thing, maybe it was a way that Greg thought he could impress Nick. And Nick may have been already struggling with anything he may have felt, and was thinking "hey, he's got this girl he's interested in, I should back off." I don't know. And maybe the girl was just a friend, or maybe it was kind of like early-season Ross & Rachel from Friends, you know? Where Ross kept talking about children and they'd only been dating like, six weeks or something like that? Kind of like
Nicky Sanders said. (welcome!

) I don't know.
And there's nothing from the episode that gives me that impression, so I guess it's just another take on it.
There are some things that some people do agree with because it's so unnatural. Who calls their friend, Doll?

No, I was going to say, I don't think I've
ever heard of a
straight guy calling his friend doll, unless he's drunk or already convinced the guy is gay. And I agree,
bsessed, we really are biased. :S Which I think makes it a lot harder to make others believe in it, because they might think, 'Oh, those shippers saw one little thing and now everything those two do is full of subtext.'
When the machine beeped- what Nick should've said was the my room mate came back to the dorm, and told me all about it as I practiced for my science exam!
Nick may have been a jock, but he was a geek too.

I think that if this had happened, Nick wouldn't have said that to Sara, unless she already knew his 'secret'. He's trying to keep up appearances, remember? *although, if he did know anything, I imagine it would have been from roommates or from very small doses of personal experience. Unless he was trying to prove his heterosexuality to himself or others in college. *which, if he was, he should really just give it up. :S It's been quite a long time*
Grissom: . . .You know, for a ladies' man you don't know much about bone structure.
Nick: I know enough.
And, seriously, if they really wanted Nick to appear straight, maybe they should, I don't know, make him just stand there. Like a mannequin. Because I honestly don't think that there is ever going to be a day where one of us "comes to their senses" and thinks "Oh, what in the world was I thinking? Nicky is straight!" and honestly believe it. I dunno. And I suppose that if someone
were to do that, tis their decision! I'd just be really confused.
And to add in Warrick as an example, I never thought Warrick was gay. *shrugs* I don't know if that's because they didn't
try to make him straight and he just was, or what. It's not just because I
want to see it, it's because I
do see it. If that makes any sense.