The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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So what do you guys think, how did the there coworkers find out or do you think there are some in the lab that don't see it?

I think that Warrick must have some idea, either Nick told him (unlikely to me) or he figured it out himself (come on, Nick's obvious when flirting). I think that Greg told Sara straight up, and I think that Catherine also figured it out for herself. Brass ... I think he's known for a loongg time. Just 'cause Brass is awesome, but I digress. ;)

Those who don't see it at the lab ... hmm ... I'm on the fence about Grissom. Sometimes I think it's obvious (like in this scene) and sometimes I don't think Grissom has a clue that Nick and Greg are having heated makeout sessions in the custodial's closet (a fangirl can dream, can't she?). Grissom ... meh. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and hope that he can see the loving way our boys touch, flirt, and look at each other.

My next person to talk about is Mandy ... but it isn't that she doesn't see the love between our boys--it's that she doesn't want to see it. I kind of think that Mandy has a slight crush on Nick, and that maybe she's tried asking him out before, but he's always come up with some random excuse ("Sorry, another stalker broke my ceiling and the guy's coming to fix it, so I can't leave GOTTA GO BYE!") to not see her. I happen to really like Mandy, so I hope she gets together with Henry soon. (Handy--whatta name, eh?) Anyways--or she may just have liked Nick singing to her, and it was all strictly platonic. *cough*

Other people who may not see the love ... hmm ... hmm ... I think I heard someone in the background yell out "BALDY!" Ah, good old Conrad. I don't think he notices much going on around the lab, least not relationships. Definitely not The Love, seeing as our boys are extremely discreet about it. Sort of. At least when they aren't touching ... eyesex-ing ... flirting. Well, they are somewhat discreet when the mood strikes them, like in the later seasons. But anyways! I do not think Conrad Ecklie knows about The Love, although I did read a delightful fanfic that talked about his view on it.

Enough of my rambling. I think it's past my bedtime.
I hate my new browser, it has all those shortcuts I don't know about and I loose my posts! :scream:

Anyway, I was just reading another thread and it hit me. Well, it wasn't such a big revelation but nevertheless made me wonder how other people (non-shippers) view Nick and Greg? We only see the couple and everything has a hidden meaning. I wouldn't even be able to watch them without that in mind. Just something random my mind brought up ...

Anyway, I agree with you my_last_chance. Mandy's crush on Nick enables her to see what's right there.
I really don't know about Grissom?
Ecklie, well I could see both. I bet he knew about GSR but didn't act until he had to. Ah, that paints a rather positive picture of him, doesn't it? I don't even like that guy (much).
The rest of the team and Brass know, have to know! And so do some of the cops. Come on, the boys are sometimes more than obvious!

On another note, I won't be able to watch S8 premiere tonight. So any Love moments I should be aware of before I watch A La Cart next week? I'm so excited about A La Cart!!!!
So what do you guys think, how did the there coworkers find out or do you think there are some in the lab that don't see it?

Answer about other CSIs are very simple. Warrick knew about Nick being gay and his realationship with Greg 'cause he was his best friend and after some time he noticed that Nick is not ladies man'. He was around few moments when Nick showed him that he's gay (I'm sure he noticed that Nick checked Greg's ass in Hunger Artist). Sara - Greg said her or like Warrick spotted by herself too. Catherine knows 'cause she knows everything.

About Grissom. I think I'm on the fence like MLC. Scene which you showed (BTW, I'll watch this epi this weekend) I can't be sure that Grissom knows about them. He just said it and that's all. About the chemistry of our boys said Nick's smile after Grissom's words. Grissom is very intelligent but I think he's not good at spotting emotional connections between his co-workers.

Hodges - it's obvious for me that he knew about Nick and Greg. He got a small crush on Nick and very often he was showing that he didn't like Greg (jealousy).

Wendy - I have no idea how she could notice Love, but probably she didn't know about them before Bull. Yeah, this funny scene with her. I'm sure she noticed in their eyes that they're more than friends and co-workers.

Mandy - I'm agree with MLC's point. Definitely she didn't want to see Love. And maybe she still doesn't want.

And good old Conrad. He has no idea. Sorry, but he's not that smart. Ecklie needs to see it or someone tells him. But he never will spot it by himself. And yeah, there's a fanfic about Ecklie and Love:lol:;)

Brass (how could I forgot?) - of course he knows as a detective. The same is with Sofia.

Great love_fan that you'll see 8th season! You'll love A La Cart!;)
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Hmm as to who knows, I think it's as much a matter of timing as anything else.
I can't believe any of them knew pre-Grave Danger. If they had, they would have been far more aware of Greg throughout the ep. Theres no way Warrick and Catherine would've left him while they took the ambulance.

As for Warrick I'm totally confused. He has to be aware of Nicky's flirting, the guys not blind, but then considering how they always talk about women...idk. I think maybe, Warrick suspects, if not outright knows, but Nick hasn't been open about it and Warrick doesn't want to upset him by calling him on it. Maybe Warrick is pretty sure Nick and Greg are involved but it unaware of how serious it is. I'm pretty certain he knew in Fannysmackin', the way he was with Nick when Nick punched Pig, although nothing was said openly, even the gentle way he said 'you're in the wrong town'. He absolutely knew, even if Nick didn't know he knew...
Then again we have the whole waitress thing For Gedda (which i havent seen yet) so who the hell knows whats going on. Weirdly that has to be the first time Warrick has mentioned women to Nick in years, maybe he decided he'd had enough of all the hiding and was trying to force Nick into telling him, idk.

I don't know about Grissom. He seems to obtuse when it comes to noticing emotion and relationships between people. If he does know, i think Sara told him.(then again, i'd totally missed that moment in Evaluation Day...and seen as i don't believe Nick and Greg had got together by then, i'm totally confused!)
As to how Sara found out, i can't help thinking that Greg actually had to tell her, maybe they had gone out for a few drinks together and the alcohol had loosened Gregs tongue a bit. I think she was probably shocked, especially when she watches them after and cannot believe how she missed it.

I'm actually completely on the fence about Catherine. The way she speaks to Greg,remember the episode about the fantasy and what Greg would want for his birthday?, sometimes i think she still thinks of him as S1 Greg, all flirtatious and immature. I think it's qquite possible she doesn't know.

Sofia knows, as does probably Brass. Jacqui, Hodges and Henry do and Bobby definitely knows (that dodgy penetration joke with Nick that time?). I think someone probably told for Mandy, her flirting with Nick always seems that kind of unattainable flirting, as they both know there's no real intention behind it. And anyway, how gay is making Nicky sing Mandy for his results, really? She knows, and she likes to wind him up.
I love that 12 inch penetration line from Coming of Rage! It's so funny the way Bobby and Nick are grinning at each other and Cath realizes why! Makes me laugh out loud every time!

I've only watched Fannysmackin' twice, can't bring myself to watch it again, too sad for me, but I think Warrick knew at the time. He had to. And yes, I think the waitress comment in For Gedda was meant to shake Nicky and "force" him to come out.

Maybe you're right and the whole singing to Mandy was her way of showing that she knew.
As for Warrick I'm totally confused. He has to be aware of Nicky's flirting, the guys not blind, but then considering how they always talk about women...idk. I think maybe, Warrick suspects, if not outright knows, but Nick hasn't been open about it and Warrick doesn't want to upset him by calling him on it. Maybe Warrick is pretty sure Nick and Greg are involved but it unaware of how serious it is. I'm pretty certain he knew in Fannysmackin', the way he was with Nick when Nick punched Pig, although nothing was said openly, even the gentle way he said 'you're in the wrong town'. He absolutely knew, even if Nick didn't know he knew...
Then again we have the whole waitress thing For Gedda (which i havent seen yet) so who the hell knows whats going on. Weirdly that has to be the first time Warrick has mentioned women to Nick in years, maybe he decided he'd had enough of all the hiding and was trying to force Nick into telling him, idk.

^^ I totally agree with this. Warrick's actions seem to say that he knows, and I'd love to think that he's 100% in the know with N/G, but I dunno. As of now, I'll just say the guy knows.

In response to the 12 Inch Penetration, I think I have that as one of my bookmarks. I've only ever seen it out of context, and the youtube video doesn't even show Nicky. Ah well--Bobby's big grin is good enough for me.

Re Mandy: That's a really good idea, Eurydike. Maybe she just likes to mess with Nick's head. I'm fairly sure that most of the labrats know about The Love, even if some of them don't like it.

*cough*Hodges-and-his-hetero-mancrush*hack; wheeze*
OMG! people I've sooo not posted for a few days (started college! yay go me!)

Right regarding that love moment~ once again it came from George and Eric. They enjoy playing subtexual moments for us love fans.

Re knowing- for sure Catherine, Brass, Hodges, Archie, Sara, Bobby and Warrick.

The ones who dont care either way- Doc, Superdave.

Grissom yeah he knows but he dont wanna let on cause he believes some things are kept private... u all know what im talking about.

LOL at MLC-*cough* maybe not so *straight cough*

Aww i saw that clip (thanks hmm whoever added it, sorry forgot who!) but the way Grissom looks at Nick about taking Greg out for a meal. Yep he knows, but he's being sly about it.

Check out Nick's smile, that man is sooo proud of Greg and it shows.
That smile of Nicks could light up an olympic sized swimming pool stadium, he loves Greg and it shows but to only those that are bothered to care!!

RE daiting. Yeah kinda said before that Greg's daited a few people, more men than women... that was untill he met Nick Stokes. Since falling in love with Nick, he's purely a one man kinda gay guy... even though Greg is bisexual but u all know what im saying.
Check out Nick's smile, that man is sooo proud of Greg and it shows.
That smile of Nicks could light up an olympic sized swimming pool stadium, he loves Greg and it shows but to only those that are bothered to care!!

^^ I love the way you stated that so perfect. Nicky's grin is so cute and you know its all for Greggo. Like my_last_chance said this moment confuses me about Griss. You can never tell with that man. 12 inch penetration, you guys make me howl. :lol: I giggle everytime I see that scene, Bobby's smile tells me he knows what we know. Also like Eurydike idea of Mandy messing with Nicky cause she knows about him and Greggo. Its so something she would do. I also hope she ends up with Henry they play off each other so well. Hodges total hetero-mancrush on Nicky, I agree.
Hope this makes people happy!

Ep 9x9 19 Down

Nick and Greg work a case of a serial killer.

I think Greg has experience with both sexes not as much as he brags about though. That was a cute scene about the peanuts and taking Greg to lunch. Nick could have told Grissom the truth, that it was him who discovered the peanuts (Greg told him what they were) but he chose not to. INstead letting Greg have the credit.
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Check out Nick's smile, that man is sooo proud of Greg and it shows.
That smile of Nicks could light up an olympic sized swimming pool stadium, he loves Greg and it shows but to only those that are bothered to care!!

^^ I love the way you stated that so perfect. Nicky's grin is so cute and you know its all for Greggo.

Awwwww :D And it's true!

I have also been AWOL but it looks like I'm not the only one. I've been feeling sorry for myself due to nasty colds and writers block :wtf: But I'm back now.

I can't believe I missed all the discussion about first kisses. I love first kisses so very much. (hence why I write so many pre-slash stories about the guys) I love all your suggestions so much. I love that it could be really casual or really dramatic. I think if it was Greg that initiated it, it would be impulsive and random and casual - like the leaning across when they're watching a film or something and just surprising Nick - who stares at him with his mouth open for some time and then pushes him into the couch and kisses him back :D

If it was Nick, it would be more sudden and dramatic. Like the locker room idea...all that tension building, and Greg being Greg and flirting his ass off, until he finds himself pinned to the lockers and being kissed somewhat desperately. :devil:

I could talk about first kisses all day. But I won't. lol.

MsCB - your new icon is so beautiful *sigh*

I love the idea that Abra Cadaver in essence made them canon from s3 onwards, I had never thought about it like that before. I tend to think that they both have some kind of experience with other men before each other, much as I love the thought that it's Greg that makes Nick figure things out. I don't think Greg has anywhere near as much experience as he likes to tell people he has. He's just a little show-off, bless him. In fact...once everyone at the lab knows, I think Greg would be the one embarrassing Nick by casually dropping information about their sex life into the conversation :D heh.

Right, anyway, enough rambling from me, I need to go finish my story.

Nat x
Thanks for the spoiler Wojo. It indeed does make me very happy!

Wow, that's got to be a huge case then and needs a lot of work, at the scene, the lab, ... And if we get lucky we get some great N/G time. At least they will have to talk at some point to each other or they'll be at least together at the scene?

You're so right, Sara's Girl, with Nick it would be all sudden and dramatic because he's so used to holding back his emotion that at some point he just snaps and grabs the object of his affection. I also like the idea of Greg initiating the kiss and then Nick takes over ... :devil:
*in shock* Can ... can it be? There's an episode where Nick and Greg are working together?



I've been waiting for that since Bull. I am soo excited, and like love_fan said, it's got to be a huge case. Lots of overtime, maybe?
Anyways--Nick and Greg have got to say something to each other at one point, and I'll just be happy with whatever they give us. Maybe the conversation goes to Warrick ...? Hmmm. If it's 9.09, then Nick probably won't the that focused on Warrick anymore. I mean, in 9.04 (I think) he's already goin' out for coffee and such.

Still holdin' out hope for a comfort scene, and it seems as if TPTB have maybe ... I dunno ... realized that Nick and Greg (as co-workers) might have to ... hmmm ... work together?
:D Can't wait now. xD

I loovveee all the dramatic ideas for Nick and Greg's first kisses. The tension, the realization ... the passion. Ah, a fangirl's favorite topic.

So I have a question, and this one is kind of ... out there. Anyways--since I think that Nick and Greg were destined to be together, even if they weren't working at the Lab then they still would've met and formed a relationship. So, if Nick and Greg were not both working at the lab (but fate had the idea that they were soul mates) where would they have met, and how different would their relationship be?
I think if the guys are meant to be together they would have met somehow someway. Either because of a vacation one or both of them took, a convention, or even over the internet (like a dating service or forum/message board). There relationship may differ in the fact they would not see each other as often because they don't work together. But eventually they would make it work and be together.
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There are quite a few stories out there that deal with this story. I like the idea that Nick met Greg before he started working in the lab. Maybe he met him at a convention (in California?) or maybe he read some article about or from Greg.

He's having coffee with whom? Not a girl, please? But I think I remember a similar spoiler about that. :shifty:
very excited about this case. it'll be very interesting, hopefully we'll get some good love moments there :)

I don't know how I think they'd have met if they both weren't working in the lab. it's a really interesting question. I like the idea that maybe they were both in the jobs they're in in different places, for example Nicky a CSI in texas, Greggo a CSI or Lab Tech in CA, and maybe they had a case where one had to go to the other place (i.e. CSI and CSI miami season 2) Maybe there'd have been a big case and the one had to stay the other place for a while, and then after work, they'd go for a coffee or something, and just realise slowly how interested they were in each other.
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