The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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Of course Nick's "girlfriend" would be nothing more than the desperate efforts of TPTB to convince us that he's straight. But we'd see right through it! BEARD!!

I really don't know what I'd do if he'd actually married her! I don't know if I could watch on. As much as I love CSI for the stories, N/G is also a huge part why I watch it still.

Anyway, again with the negative! As long as they're still single and talk to each other every other episode I'm "happy". If they can't have each other, no one else should have them! ;) :thumbsup:
And there is still fanfiction, right?! :devil:

So much negativity, guys! Wow. I came back to read this today and we've gone from decorating-fluff to Nick getting married and some star actor ensuring Greg never gets any screen time :( Jeez.

Tell you what, Love Fan, I'm with you. *comes to stand next to you in happy-denial corner, where drinks are free and Nick and Greg are very happy together thank you very much :D *

I'm not making any decisions about season nine until I see it, anything could happen. And, I totally respect everyone's right to be pessimistic/realistic and proclaim the end of the Love, but I'm not buying into it. We've lasted eight years on subtext and I'm not giving up now, for whatever TPTB do, we have eight seasons of pure chemistry. I know I'm always saying this but hey someone needs to have hope (misguided or not, I just don't care :) )

And I for one shan't stop writing fanfiction. *hums 'we shall not be moved' under her breath*

Nat x

PS thanks for the inspiring picture! :D
So much negativity, guys! Wow. I came back to read this today and we've gone from decorating-fluff to Nick getting married and some star actor ensuring Greg never gets any screen time :( Jeez.

Yeah, last days we're not too happy... ehhh...

I'm not making any decisions about season nine until I see it, anything could happen. And, I totally respect everyone's right to be pessimistic/realistic and proclaim the end of the Love, but I'm not buying into it. We've lasted eight years on subtext and I'm not giving up now, for whatever TPTB do, we have eight seasons of pure chemistry. I know I'm always saying this but hey someone needs to have hope (misguided or not, I just don't care :) )

Agree that anything could happen. I'm pessimistic/realistic but I would never ever say that Love end. Never. We know that Love will never end. It's so obvious. Just like love fan wrote:

As long as they're still single and talk to each other every other episode I'm "happy". If they can't have each other, no one else should have them! ;) :thumbsup:

Ok, they can give us only few seconds but these few seconds will be full of chemistry. Sara's Girl, remember my words - maybe TPTB won battle, but not war:devil: Ok, I'll stop using all these battle language:lol:

And my favourite today's words by MLC:

The Love shall never die! As long as we believe in it, it's still alive.

I believe that everyone here will love Love no matter of TPTB and their ideas.
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Sorry for some of the negativity, its just that over on the Greg/Eric threads we are expecting the worst... but its true we don't know whats gonna happen until the season airs, so until then I will try and be more optimistic. Sometimes I just panic over things and it gets the best of me.

Nick and Greg belong together whether TPTB see it or not, we have the past episodes, we have our fanfic, we have our own imaginations, and hopfully some more Love scenes to come.
It is quite negative in here. But I can see where it's coming from. I'm trying not to think about TPTB giving Nick a girlfriend and Greg no scenes. But, it's hard not to be pessimistic really.

But, as perfectly quoted by MsCB, as long as we believe in the love it will be alive. And we certainly won't stop believing in it. I agree, 8 seasons of subtext have gotten us by, another season of subtext would be nice. I think that we'll have some Love scenes to come, some good ones too :D Trying to be optimistic.
Agreed, lovefan! Fanfiction will have to do for now, or we might have to turn to it in the future when the episodes aren't meeting with our needs, errr, wants, I suppose.

Okay, I'm almost done with the negativity, but I must mention something else: As long as Nick doesn't get a girlfriend who's a main character, I'll still watch. If Nicky hooked up with, say, Catherine or Riley, then I might stop watching. A friend of mine asked if I watch CSI for the show, or just for N/G, and I quickly said for the show, but I might not have been one hundred percent truthful.

So, I'm done with the negativity. The kind of love that Nick and Greg share doesn't fizzle out. They have this deep, unyielding bond and that kind of relationship can't be stamped out. All the eyesex, the touching, the playful flirting, the communicating, the friendship ... that's The Love right there, and you can't just imagine that kind of thing. TPTB can even force Nick to admit that he's "straight", but we'd all know that he's lying. The more they try to make him appear straight, the more I'm convinced he's gay. TPTB are fighting a losing battle, and who knows what the next season could hold.
Alright so, I've been keeping up with the posting, just not posting myself. I didn't have much to say before but now...

There is way too much negativity going around here. I know we don't mean to be but it's awfully saddening to think about a girlfriend or less/possibly no screen time. Anything is possible right now and I don't want to judge what'll happen until it does.

A few things I want for season 9 are SUBTEXT, more Greg screen time, no girlfriends for our boys, lots of angst, and Greg becoming a level 2. There was more I just can't remember...
I think the main source of negativity comes from TPTB's clear demonstration in the past that they are completely out of touch with the wants and needs of the fanbase. It has been clear for a long time that Greg is an extremely popular character, and yet they cut back on his screentime. It was also made clear that all fans, be they fans of The Love or not, enjoy the interaction between Nick and Greg. Again, their screentime was cut down.

I think TPTB seriously needs to get back in touch with the fanbase if they want to redeem themselves from the damage they've done over recent seasons. I seriously doubt they'd do that, though.
Ah, Greggo_Obsessed, I just love your avatar! :thumbsup: And I'm with you, too much negativity and way too less Nick/Greg!!

I also share your wishes for the next season. More Greg and more interaction between our boys!

OK, I know, completely lame of me, but I'm packing and yesterday I found a note I took after watching Fannysmackin'.
You all know that Nick was there when the police arrested those kids, right? If I remember correctly he was the only CSI there? Why?? I mean why was he there? He had punched a guy earlier that episode so I'd think Warrick'd told him to stay put. But know, it was Nick who "caught" the guy that was responsible for Greg's beating!
Just something to think about! Nick being in a bad mood since the beating, punching a guy, being there when that guy's arrested ... Am I the only one to see a pattern here?


Today I'll try to switch off my negative thoughts...

Love fan, you're so right about Fannysmackin'. Honestly I didn't think about it but now when you said it I see there's a lot of sense. Of course Nick was there to arrest this guy. He was really angry and I'm sure all was for his Greg. And it's really amazing. In Fannysmackin' they didn't even see (I hope I remember well) but we have there good Love moments. Yay, their chemistry is so strong:)
I think I may be completely out of it, but I thought I remembered Catherine being there, too. I'm also posting nine minutes after waking up, and it's too dang early so who knows. I might be spouting gibberish.

I love your wishes for next season, Greggo_Obssessed! I also just want more Nick/Greg time in general. It doesn't have to be Love moments; they can just show their friendship. Which they have, TPTB! Nick and Greg are friends, not just lovers. Geez. And, as someone else mentioned, people like their interactions, even if they aren't Love fans.

I am so excited for October ninth, it isn't even funny. There are so many good things that could happen for The Love, like comforting, hugging, touching ... so many different ways TPTB could have CSI go.

And, again, friends comfort friends. Nick and Greg are friends. Warrick, Nick's bestfriend, just got shot. Nick's going to need comforting. Catherine and Gris will be there, but Greg should, too. Nick's going to need a shoulder to cry on, and I think Cath might be already crying on Gris' shoulder sooooo ...

If only TPTB had the same train of thought. >_> :rolleyes:
We'd all love more Nick/Greg screentime, but yeh, the negativity is around for a reason.

And I totally agree with Clarrisani, TPTB seem to be out of it concerning what a lot of fans want, in terms of Greg screen time, Nick/Greg interaction.

I agree also with my_last_chance, if Nick were to hook up with a main character, I don't know how I'd feel, but if it's just a random character then she'd be a beard and it wouldn't be AS bad... But still bad.
More Nicky and Greggo time in next season is a must. We know with Warrick's death there will be alot Nicky screen time. Hopefully there will be lots of Greggo as well. But I understand where you guys are coming from with the new CSI coming in and Greggo getting pushed out of more screen time. It better not happen. If it does the writers are gonna get a nasty letter from about it and a few other things.

BEARD BEARD BEARD is all I'm gonna say about Nicky getting a girlfriend.

As bubbles has quoted me as long as we believe in the LOVE it will be alive.(Which I am tickled pink by the by the way :)) Never give up.
Of course MsCB more Greg just must be next season. And about letters, you all can write. Wojo posted Carol M.'s address in Eric/Greg's thread. Would be nice to have many people to write. Many scenes with Greg means Love moments which we want so much.

And again, no girlfriends for Nick in next season.
Given what I've heard about the first ep of Season Nine (yes, CSI may not be my #1 fandom anymore, but I stay in the loop, lol), I think Nick is definitely going to need comforting, and given that I believe Grissom and Catherine will be off doing their things, that leaves... well... I'm sure you can work it out.

Hopefully this will mean that we will finally see a hug. Or even better, the episode ends with Nick rocking up to Greg's place (letting us see Greg's home finally!) with some beer and the last shot we see is the door closing...
Hmmm ... I've read that LF might not be stealing everyone's screen time, so that's good news, right? More time for Greg, Nick, and Catherine to shine!

I seriously want a hug for Nick and Greg. I find it kind of weird that if, say, Catherine and Nick hugged (in a friendly way) then all the CatNip people would get excited, and if Nick and Greg hugged, we'd all get excited. Subtext and how the characters interact is so subjective. You see what you want to see, and you block out everything you don't want to see. If Cath/Nick hugged, we'd see a friend comforting a friend, but other people might see it a different way. And if Nick/Greg hugged, we'd see two people, both deeply in love, comforting each other.

And, again, if we believe in something it's totally alive! I'll never stop thinking that The Love is real. I can feel the instantaneous attraction Nick and Greg have whenever they are in the same room. I can see the visible eyesex, and the touching does not lie. That's all the "proof" we have, but there's also this feeling I get from seeing them together. There's this underlying emotion whenever they see each other, there's this look in their eyes, this kind of body language that makes me wonder ... and the answer would be love.
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